You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 13 The real outlaw! Gu Chen shows off his power!

Chapter 13 The real outlaw! Gu Chen shows off his power!
The court is reopened!
Presiding Judge Li Kang said: "After investigation, it was found that lawyer Wang Haixiang knowingly broke the law, bribed others, forged evidence, and forged evidence many times during his career. The trial will be held later."

These words excited the netizens.

【Fuck! 】

[This is so awesome! Lawyer Gu Chen is really going to send the opposing lawyer to jail! ]

[Wasn't this sending the opposing lawyer to jail immediately? ]

[Hahaha, Lawyer Gu is so awesome! ! ]

[Sending the opposing lawyer to jail, it feels so good! So Gu Chen wasn't lying? His second request is to send the opposing lawyer to jail. Will he also send the previous presiding judge Li Yongxia to jail? ]

[No matter what the presiding judge is, that's unrealistic. Lawyer Gu just needs to send Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian to jail for me!!]

[I feel good! Can you please send these two women to jail? Make them apologize and pay compensation!!]

Presiding Judge Li Kang looked at Gu Chen and said, "Does the plaintiff's lawyer have anything else to say? Or do you have any new evidence?"

Gu Chen glanced at Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian and said, "My client, Chen Yang, thinks that Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian are both college students. As long as the two of them pay 10,000 yuan in mental damages and sincerely apologize, he will not pursue Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian's responsibility and is willing to issue a letter of understanding."

Gu Chen had no choice, he really wanted to send Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian in.

But he is just a lawyer. Chen Yang just took the initiative to find him and said that he didn't want the two women to go to jail. After all, they are both college students. Chen Yang is still quite kind.

This was Chen Yang's idea, not Gu Chen's own idea.

After hearing this, Zhou Lingling immediately said, "I can't possibly apologize to such a greasy guy. I can't apologize no matter what. I didn't do anything wrong. I just found out that he secretly took photos of others on his phone. Is taking photos of others not secretly taking photos? Why should I apologize? Why should I apologize to a man who secretly takes photos?"

In fact, it was just a normal landscape photo taken by Chen Yang, but he happened to include other people in it.

Wang Tiantian also said: "I won't apologize either. I won't apologize to anyone anyway. If you have the guts, just shoot me. Am I afraid of you, the presiding judge?"

Wang Tiantian always felt that she had just written a small essay and it was no big deal. Even if she went to court, what could the court do to her?
You can't put her in jail just because she wrote a few short essays, right?
She had written many short essays before, so it was nothing. It wasn’t her first time anyway, so Wang Tiantian felt that it didn’t matter at all.

Is it illegal to write a short essay these days? She was not afraid at all and did not worry about what would happen if she wrote a short essay.

I heard that the two people were so arrogant.

Chen Yang shook his head, looked at Gu Chen, and whispered: "Lawyer Gu, please help me deal with them. I won't give them a chance. I don't want their apology now. I want them to go to jail. I can pay more for the lawyer's fee. They must go to jail!"

The crowd in the live broadcast room was also excited.

[Are these two fairies too arrogant? ]

[Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian are really too arrogant. I have never seen such arrogant people.]

[Writing a short essay to spread rumors about others is still a good idea, right? Severe sentences! Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian must be sentenced severely! ! ]

Gu Chen took out another USB drive and said, "The evidence I have now is the evidence that Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian have been spreading rumors, defaming and slandering others for the past three years!"

"These two women often make inappropriate comments online, causing conflicts between men and women. I think this should not happen! But if they were just making comments, I would not have produced this evidence."

"Three years ago, Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian spread rumors that two freshmen boys had cheated on their husbands. They wrote dozens of essays about it, which caused severe psychological pressure on the two boys and caused them to drop out of school. Later, they found out that they were all fabricated rumors." "A year ago, Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian spread rumors that freshman boy Ou Qingxiong secretly photographed them, and they also posted various essays in school to discredit freshman boy Ou Qingxiong, causing Ou Qingxiong to be criticized by others for a long time."

"After the incident, some people came to accuse Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian. The two claimed to be depressed and wanted to jump off the building to commit suicide, but they were stopped. The school even guaranteed them admission to graduate school!"

Gu Chen handed over the evidence.

This is what Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian have done in the past three years.

Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian took a step back. They didn't expect that Gu Chen could find such evidence!

How did Gu Chen find this out?
Zhou Lingling looked at Wang Tiantian with a flustered expression.

Wang Tiantian signaled Zhou Lingling not to worry, because they were admitted to graduate school that year and could go directly to postgraduate studies in the future.

They were just writing a small essay, it was nothing serious, and Ou Qingxiong had nothing to do with them.

At this time, Gu Chen said: "Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian have not shown any intention or attitude to apologize so far. If Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian are not sentenced severely, they will continue to spread rumors and defame others, continue to make all kinds of inappropriate remarks online, and continue to provoke confrontation between men and women. I request a severe sentence!"

"My client Chen Yang has suffered serious cyberbullying because of the essays written by Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian. He is now in a trance."

"There can't be another victim!!"

"Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian have seriously violated others' privacy and reputation rights, and spread rumors and slandered others, causing serious consequences!"

"Therefore, according to Article 245 of the Criminal Law, I request that Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian be sentenced to seven years in prison!"

Gu Chen's words were applauded by netizens in the live broadcast room.

[Damn, this is so disgusting! It turns out Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian are this kind of people.]

[They must be severely punished! Let these two people know the consequences! ! ]

[Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian were admitted to graduate school just because they spread rumors and slandered others? What the hell? ]

[Then I have to check this school! Can they still give this kind of girl a guaranteed place in graduate school? ]

【You gave Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian admission to graduate school? 】

[Don't let these two people out, otherwise I'm afraid they will spread rumors about me.]

[If these two people are not sentenced, where is the credibility of the court!!!]

But Gu Chen hadn't finished speaking yet.

Gu Chen continued, "Now, I want to formally accuse the previous presiding judge of this case! Li Yongxia!"

"Li Yongxia is the presiding judge! But she accepted bribes and bent the law for personal gain! She sentenced our client Chen Yang in the previous case and even asked Chen Yang to pay for other people's medical expenses. She is guilty of gross negligence!"

(End of this chapter)

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