You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 143 Wang Zhu regretted and knelt down to beg for mercy

Chapter 143 Wang Zhu regretted and knelt down to beg for mercy
The police took Wang Zhu's parents away on the spot.

pick a quarrel!

And he even insulted the presiding judge in court!

Presiding Judge Li Kang didn't care either.

If the police take him in, he will be detained for at least half a month!

The police took Wang Zhu's parents away and said, "You two are causing trouble. You will be detained for 15 days. If you are dissatisfied with the court, you can file an administrative review or make a reasonable appeal through other official channels instead of causing trouble in court."

Wang Zhu: “????”

Wang Zhu was also taken away by the police.

Wang Zhu said: "No, I want to appeal! I want to appeal!!!"

The police officer said, "You can appeal, but you will be in the detention center for the time being and will not be able to move freely. You can choose to appeal and hire a new lawyer."

Wang Zhu: "What about my parents?"

Police: "Your parents were detained for half a month."

In this parallel world, the time from the first trial to the second trial is very short, only ten days.

In other words, if sentenced to death, you have a maximum of ten days to live before being executed.

Therefore, the death penalty is imposed with extreme caution in this world and will not be imposed lightly to avoid wrongful convictions.

Wang Zhu: "I must appeal! I can't go to jail. If I go to the detention center, I won't be able to use my phone anymore. I'll be in jail, right?"

Wang Zhu was already a little flustered and anxious.

How could such a beautiful girl like her be sent to the cell with him?
How could she go into jail and suffer?
Although it is not a prison yet, what is the difference between a detention center and a prison?
They all have to serve their sentences!

Wang Zhu still has 100,000 or 200,000 yuan to spend, but she has not yet bought her favorite bag.

But now she can no longer buy the bag she likes.

Wang Zhu: "No, no, I won't go to the detention center. I can't go to the detention center! Who will be responsible for my studies if I'm in the detention center? Who will be responsible for my studies? Who will be responsible for my studies if my studies are delayed? I still have loans outside. If no one repays my loans, will you pay the interest I owe? I won't go in! You can't restrict my freedom! No!!!"

Wang Zhu was still struggling, and the male police officers didn't dare to do anything to him, after all, he was still broadcasting live.

A male police officer said: "You can appeal, but you must go to the detention center now. You have been sentenced to life imprisonment in the first instance. Please do not interfere with public affairs."

Wang Zhu: "I will interfere! Why can't you let me interfere? Why are you locking me up? No, no, no! You can't lock me up!!! I still want to date! I still want to fall in love, and there are many things I want to do. You can't arrest me! I want to find someone, I want to find someone!!!"

Wang Zhu was still resisting and struggling.

At this time, a male policeman pointed at Wang Zhu and said, "I'm warning you once, don't interfere with public affairs, otherwise we will enforce it!"

"Warn twice!"

"Three warnings!!!"

At this time a female police officer came.

The female police officer directly controlled Wang Zhu and pressed him to the ground.

Wang Zhu: “????”

Wang Zhu: "You hit me! You molested me! Why? You can't hit me, you can't molest me! I'm going to sue you!!! What are you doing? Don't touch me! Don't touch my clothes!!"

And not far away.

Gu Chen, Xue Qingqing and Liu Xiaonian just looked at Wang Zhu without any emotion.

The police directly handcuffed Wang Zhu.

Wang Zhu screamed, "It hurts! It hurts so much! You hurt me! I want to go to the hospital! You have to pay me!!!" Wang Zhu: "Don't touch me! My hands are precious! Why do you lowly people touch me? Why?"

Netizens in the live broadcast room were all criticizing.

[No, what is Wang Zhu doing? Is he going crazy? ]

[As expected, like father, like daughter. Wang Zhu's parents have also been locked up. Hahahaha. The parents are such people. No wonder they raised someone like Wang Zhu. I'm so angry. Can Wang Zhu be given a more serious charge? ]

[Let Wang Zhu be sentenced to death. I don't want to see this B Wang Zhu anymore. He is really disgusting. He is going crazy here and is not cooperating with the official duties, right? ]

[He has been sentenced to life imprisonment, but he is still pretending to be so arrogant and even talking about a second trial. He might be sentenced to death in the second trial. Hahaha.]

[That's not the case. He's not even going to be sentenced to death. Haha. But seeing Wang Zhu acting so crazy makes me want to laugh.]

[She doesn't know what she did? She keeps saying that Liu Xiaonian's brother died, and she was sentenced to life imprisonment. She should be happy about this, right? But she's still not satisfied, and she wants to make trouble, right? ]

The female police officer restrained Wang Zhu and said coldly, "Please cooperate in the performance of official duties! If you have any dissatisfaction, please go back and appeal!"

Wang Zhu was panting and no longer had the strength to resist.

Wang Zhu looked at his first-instance verdict.
life imprisonment
Even her parents were arrested, although it was administrative detention.
But she has no money!
She can't even afford a lawyer now!!
I can only call my relatives.
Wang Zhu looked at the verdict and felt scared.

life imprisonment
At least twenty years.

She also had to return more than one million.

Where did she get the money for more than one million?

Her parents don't have much money.
She had swindled over one million yuan, but only a few hundred thousand remained, and the rest was all squandered by her.

How can she afford the compensation?
Wang Zhu suddenly realized that he had made a mistake.

She made a big mistake.

She shouldn't be so arrogant. She should apologize and try to gain Liu Xiaonian's forgiveness.

As long as Liu Xiaonian's family is willing to forgive her, she should be fine, right?
After all, it was Liu Xiaonian who sued her. As long as Liu Xiaonian withdraws the case, will she be fine?
In fact, Wang Zhu didn't know at all that it was useless for Liu Xiaonian to withdraw the case.

Wang Zhu has violated the criminal law!
He will definitely be sentenced!!

Wang Zhu said, "Police, I will cooperate, I really will, but I still want to talk to Liu Xiaonian. Please, can you guys see if this is okay?"

The police acquiesced.

Wang Zhu walked tremblingly in front of Liu Xiaonian.

Wang Zhu knelt down directly.

She was too scared.

She doesn't want to go to jail.

She felt that as long as Liu Xiaonian withdrew the lawsuit, she would be innocent.

As long as Liu Xiaonian forgives her.

Wang Zhu knelt in front of Liu Xiaonian, tears streaming down his face.

"Sister, I was wrong. I really like Liu Jun."

"I was really wrong. I just couldn't think straight for a moment. I wanted Liu Jun to be alive. If he were alive, I would still be willing to marry him."

"I am willing to pay back the money and compensate you. I can pay you back slowly. Can you drop the case? I won't go to jail. My life has just begun. Sister, I really don't want to go to jail. Please, drop the case. Compensation is easy to talk about."

"I can ask my parents to sell their house, and my grandparents to sell their house too, and they can rent a house, so that I can pay you back."

(End of this chapter)

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