You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 150: Lawyer Gu is going to send all the plaintiffs in?

Chapter 150: Lawyer Gu is going to send all the plaintiffs in?

The recorder stood up.

All the netizens who watched the live broadcast were in awe.

The court is about to begin!

Scorer: "Everyone stand up!"

The entire court stood up in unison!

Recorder: "Please invite the presiding judge and judges to take their seats."

Under everyone's eyes.

Presiding Judge Rong Liwei, Judge Ding Xiangling, and Judge Qian Xuejun entered the courtroom.

Presiding Judge Rong Liwei looked around the room at everyone.

"Please sit down!"

The presiding judge struck the gavel!

The recorder said, "Now the court discipline is announced!"

"Participants in the proceedings shall abide by the court rules and shall not make noise or quarrel. Speech, statement and debate shall be subject to the permission of the presiding judge."

"The audience must abide by the following rules:
1. Court proceedings may not be recorded, videotaped, photographed, or disseminated using mobile communication tools.

2. You are not allowed to walk around or enter the trial area at will.

3. No speaking or asking questions.

4. Applauding, making noise, making a commotion or engaging in other acts that may disrupt the trial process are prohibited.


The recorder looked at the presiding judge and said, "Reporting to the presiding judge, the plaintiffs are Zhang Zhiqiang and Zhu Guizhen, and the defendant is Xie Siyu. The court is ready and the trial can begin now."

Presiding Judge Rong Liwei: "I now declare that this court is officially open!"

Rong Liwei: "The original defendant Xie Siyu, dissatisfied with the No. 319 judgment made by the Jincheng Third Intermediate People's Court, appealed to this court. According to the "Huaxia Civil Procedure Law" and relevant legal provisions, this case will be heard in public."

"Please let the plaintiff make a statement." Rong Liwei looked at the plaintiff.

The plaintiff's two lawyers spoke one after another.

"Your Honorable Judge, our client, Zhang Guobin, is 76 years old. He was walking home from Changfeng Street when he was hit by Xie Siyu in a Mercedes-Benz C. He suffered fractures and multiple injuries. After the incident, Xie Siyu confessed to the crime but refused to admit that she had hit our client, Zhang Guobin. Zhang Guobin is in the hospital. Because he has no money to pay for his medical expenses, Xie Siyu refused to pay for it and refused to take responsibility, which aggravated Zhang Guobin's condition and induced a heart attack, which directly led to his death."

"So we believe that Xie Siyu and Zhang Guobin's death are directly related, and Xie Siyu refused to pay any fees. The person who hit him wanted to evade any responsibility, which is aggravated. We request that Xie Siyu be sentenced to life imprisonment and compensate our client 1.3 million yuan."

Another lawyer spoke up: "Our client, Zhu Guizhen, was also on Changfeng Street at the time of the accident. After Xie Siyu hit Zhang Guobin with her car, she hit Zhu Guizhen with her car. It was a chain accident. Xie Siyu had only been driving for a month and his driving skills were average. He should bear the main responsibility for this accident. I request that our client, Zhu Guizhen, be compensated for medical expenses, lost work time, mental damages, and other expenses of RMB 100,000."

Zhu Guizhen and Zhang Zhiqiang were sitting in the plaintiff's seat waiting for money.

Although they didn't know each other, their purpose of asking for money was the same.

As long as you have money.

Anyway, Xie Siyu drives a Mercedes, so her family shouldn't be short of money, right? Isn't it normal to give them some money?
Just give them 1.4 million.

As for how many years Xie Siyu spent in jail, what does it have to do with them?

The lawyer also submitted all the fees and proof of the two people's hospital tests, just to get money. Plaintiff Zhang Zhiqiang said: "My father is gone, and you want us to write a letter of apology? Why? Where did you go before? Now you want two million, and we are willing to write a letter of apology if it's two million in compensation, otherwise no deal!!"

Zhang Zhiqiang asked for two million!

But for Xie Siyu's family, two million is a huge sum of money. It is impossible for them to take out two million in cash.

Even if I had 1.4 million in cash, I couldn't take it out now!

Gu Chen raised his hand.

The presiding judge Rong Liwei looked at Gu Chen and said, "Please let the defendant's lawyer speak."

Gu Chen said, "We believe that the result of the first trial by Chief Judge Li Yuan is problematic! Let us explain our demands!"

"First, our client Xie Siyu is innocent! Please release her immediately!"

"Second, the first-instance presiding judge Li Yuan misjudged the case and sentenced Xie Siyu to ten years in prison and ordered her to pay 1.4 million yuan in compensation. This is a major misjudgment! I request the court to conduct an internal investigation and rectification of the first-instance presiding judge Li Yuan, who directly caused our client Xie Siyu to stay in the detention center for half a month. I demand compensation for Xie Siyu's 15 days of lost work, mental damages, and various other expenses totaling 30,000 yuan."

"Third, the plaintiff Zhang Guobin and his son Zhang Zhiqiang are suspected of extortion and blackmail. The amount of extortion has reached 200 million yuan. I request that Zhang Zhiqiang be sentenced to 5 years in prison and compensate Xie Siyu yuan."

"Fourth, the plaintiff Zhu Guizhen extorted more than 100,000 yuan from our client, and Zhu Guizhen extorted more than 200,000 yuan in total. I request that Zhu Guizhen be sentenced to 10 years in prison and return the extorted property."

Gu Chen finished stating his four demands.

After he finished speaking, the entire courtroom and the entire live broadcast room went wild.

The presiding judge Rong Liwei and the two judges looked at each other.

Among these four demands, one is directed at the presiding judge!
The other two are against the plaintiff!!
Are you the plaintiff or the defendant?

Netizens in the live broadcast room were once again full of admiration!

[WTF! Lawyer Gu!! Awesome!! He made four demands right away, so cool!!]

[Lawyer Gu really shocked me. Turtle. He sentenced both plaintiffs! ! ]

[Old people like to scam people now, right? Then they have to go to jail! They must go to jail!! If there is no cost for scamming people, anyone can do it. Anyway, there is no cost. Scam people everywhere, and if they succeed, they will get money. ]

[A good person who helps an old man can go to jail? How wrongly is that good person? Why is that wrongly accused? Doesn't the law protect every citizen? Now that a good person has been wrongly accused, he still has to go to jail???]

Netizens don’t think that Xie Siyu really hit someone.

It’s because Xie Siyu has insurance!
As long as Xie Siyu admits to hitting someone, she won't even have to go to jail or pay any money, she can just let the insurance company pay for it.

But she refused to admit that she hit anyone and refused to pay the insurance!
This means there was no collision!
Don’t you know whether you will collide or not?

The presiding judge of the first trial said only one sentence: "Since you didn't hit anyone, why did you help them?"

Could a presiding judge say such a thing?

Many students at Peking University were also shocked.

Is this their future teacher?
Is it that exaggerated?

He immediately demanded that the presiding judge of the first instance be rectified and that compensation be paid!!

The plaintiffs were sent to jail right away!!
"No, is Attorney Gu the plaintiff's lawyer or the defendant's lawyer? Isn't he the defendant's lawyer? Shouldn't he send all the plaintiffs to jail for a minimum of ten years?"

(End of this chapter)

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