You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 155: Good people shouldn’t prove themselves!

Chapter 155: Good people shouldn’t prove themselves!
Gu Chen has finished his analysis and said everything that needs to be said.

Xue Qingqing looked at her boss silently from the side.

This lawsuit was fought really beautifully!

Gu Chen has never used the system since he started this lawsuit.

For a lawsuit of this magnitude, there is no need for Gu Chen to use the system. He is a gold medal lawyer himself and even has more experience in litigation than a gold medal lawyer!

Gu Chen's level and ability in handling lawsuits are so good that even the best lawyers can hardly match him.

Not every lawsuit requires Gu Chen to use the system to resolve it.

Even if there is no on-site surveillance video and no evidence, the lawsuit can still be filed!

The other party is still blackmailing!
Gu Chen continued, "In addition, the case judged by the first instance judge Li Yuan was problematic."

"Zhang Guobin's death has nothing to do with Xie Siyu."

"Is there any law that stipulates that after a car accident, the person who caused the accident must help pay for the hospital? Is there such a law? Moreover, in this case, Xie Siyu was not even the perpetrator. She was a good person who helped Zhang Guobin get up."

"Zhang Guobin died in the hospital because he died of his illness. No one paid for his medical expenses. None of Zhang Guobin's six children, four sons and two daughters, paid for his medical expenses! In the end, no one cared about Zhang Guobin, and he died in the hospital."

"If any of you had taken care of Zhang Guobin, this wouldn't be the case. But the six of you are only thinking about money, and you are using all kinds of methods to ask Xie Siyu for money and to share the money. Have you ever cared about the old man's feelings?"

Gu Chen looked at Zhang Zhiqiang and continued, "Xie Siyu parked the car at 4.38:4 pm. In fact, the old man had already called you at pm! The old man called all six of you, and every one of you answered the phone, but no one came to see the old man. No one cared that the old man had fallen and broken his leg and couldn't move. It was Xie Siyu who went to help the old man up."

"But Xie Siyu didn't expect the old man to extort money and say that it was Xie Siyu who hit him, because the old man knew that none of you six children would take care of him."

"Finally, I met the six of you in the hospital. You six didn't care about the old man's injuries. You all kept asking Xie Siyu for money. Finally, Zhang Guobin passed away, and you pushed all the responsibility onto Xie Siyu."

"The most outrageous thing about this case is that someone pushed all the responsibility onto Xie Siyu, and the presiding judge of the first instance, Li Yuan, actually did that."

"I just want to ask, how can a presiding judge, without any evidence, directly put all the blame on Xie Siyu and sentenced Xie Siyu to ten years in prison? Have you read the investigation report on the old man's death?"

"Just because of your guess! [You didn't hit the person, why did you go to help], so you sentenced Xie Siyu to ten years in prison?"

Gu Chen said: "Legally, whoever advocates must provide evidence! Even without my analysis, Xie Siyu is innocent, because there is no evidence to show that it was Xie Siyu who hit the person. Zhu Guizhen and Zhang Guobin's confessions cannot be used as evidence!"

"After I analyzed the facts, it is impossible for Xie Siyu to hit Zhu Guizhen and Zhang Guobin while driving! Zhu Guizhen had no injuries, but Zhang Guobin suffered a broken bone. Is this reasonable?"

"If Xie Siyu really hit someone, how could a weak woman like her move Zhang Guobin five meters away by herself?"

"Your Honor, I believe my client is not guilty!"

"Our client Xie Siyu is not only innocent, but also a good person!"

"People who do good things should not be held responsible for committing crimes! Why should they be sentenced for doing good things? Why should they be fined?"

"If society really becomes like this, where good people who help the elderly have to pay money or go to jail, then no one in this society will be willing to help the elderly anymore!"

"Good people don't need to prove their innocence! In this society, we need to increase the cost of bad people committing crimes, rather than increase the difficulty for good people to prove themselves!" "Your Honor, my statement is over."

Gu Chen finished speaking.

There was thunderous applause and everyone was clapping.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also posting comments.

【666666666666. 】

[Lawyer Gu is awesome! Well said! ]

[Why should a good person prove himself? There is nothing wrong with what he said! ]

[It is to increase the cost of crime for bad guys. Otherwise, if these people are allowed to extort money and commit fraud every day without being punished, won’t they continue to extort money next time?]

[Lawyer Gu fought this case really well! Xie Siyu is not guilty! I also support Xie Siyu's innocence!!]

[If a good person is sentenced, who would dare to help the elderly? ]

[When did helping the elderly become a mistake? 】

Presiding Judge Rong Liwei looked at the two plaintiffs.

Rong Liwei said, "Zhu Guizhen and Zhang Zhiqiang, do you have anything else to say? You still have one final chance to say it."

This is the legal process.

At this point, the case has been analyzed almost completely.

The verdict can be made!

Zhang Zhiqiang said, "I think the defendant's lawyer Gu Chen is talking nonsense! It was Xie Siyu who hit the person, but she still refuses to admit it, right? Xie Siyu killed my father!! It was her fault! Everything was her fault!! She must take responsibility! There is no evidence that Xie Siyu hit anyone, but she was at the crime scene when it happened! Is she completely innocent? Is she not guilty of anything? My father is old, is he going to blackmail her? Xie Siyu, as a person, you should take this responsibility! Why don't you admit that you hit someone? Your family is so rich, is it too much to pay us some money?"

"Why are you unwilling to pay the compensation? Why are you unwilling to advance some of the medical expenses? Your family is so rich, why not? Will paying the medical expenses cost you your life? Because you didn't pay the medical expenses, my father died."

"Finally! Even if you really didn't hit the person, shouldn't you pay for it? The six of us have no money, and my father wouldn't have died if you had paid for it, so you are the direct cause of my father's death! You must pay the full compensation!!"

"Why aren't rich people willing to pay compensation? They just run after hitting someone. Is there any law for this? A rich man hit my dad to death, but no one is legally responsible! In broad daylight!! Why do you treat our family like this? Why? Why???"

Zhang Zhiqiang was still crying there.

He still doesn't understand why rich people are unwilling to pay compensation!

Why do rich people bully poor people like him?

Even if Xie Siyu didn't hit anyone, since she is so rich, shouldn't she pay some money?
(End of this chapter)

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