You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 159 The court ruled to sentence her to 5 years in prison!

Chapter 159 The court ruled that the prison sentence was fifteen years!

The presiding judge Rong Liwei said: "Now, we have received the latest evidence from the defendant. The defendant Xue Qingqing's Mercedes-Benz 4S shop repaired the dashcam. Although the dashcam was damaged and could not display images, the camera was not damaged. The camera captured evidence of the entire process of the incident."

All netizens have seen this video.

All the evidence is shown in the video.

Xue Qingqing took the initiative to stop the car to help the old man, and then Zhu Guizhen came to scam him, and the old man turned around and extorted money
The truth is revealed!

[The truth is out! Damn, these two people are here to extort money! ! ]

[Damn it, luckily the truth has come out! The evidence has been found! Damn it, otherwise Xie Siyu would have been sentenced to ten years in prison! And she would have to pay 1.4 million in compensation! Is this a first-instance verdict that a human could make? ]

[Awesome, the truth is out! Lawyer Gu had fought this case very well, and now the most direct evidence has come out, and the presiding judge of the first instance, Li Yuan, was slapped in the face. ]

[If it wasn't Xie Siyu who hit the person, then Xie Siyu couldn't help him? What kind of bullshit logic is this? Is it wrong for me to be a good person? ]

The presiding judge, Rong Liwei, stood up and said, "Now that the truth is out, I will pronounce the verdict now!"

The recorder said: "Everyone stand up!"

The entire courtroom, everyone stood up.

Presiding Judge Rong Liwei: "After hearing this case, this court now believes that: Xie Siyu drove in a standard and normal manner and did not hit anyone. Xie Siyu helped the old man Zhang Guobin up, but Zhang Guobin turned around and extorted money. According to the investigation of the incident, Zhang Guobin accidentally fell on the road at the time of the accident, broke his leg and suffered multiple injuries. Zhang Guobin called his six children many times, but his six children chose to turn a blind eye because they had to send Zhang Guobin to the hospital, which cost money. The six children did not move after receiving the calls."

"Zhang Guobin saw that he could not rely on his children, so he chose to extort money from Xie Siyu who came to help him out of kindness. Finally, when he heard that there was money to be made, Zhang Guobin's six children arrived at the scene one after another to extort money. According to the investigation, all six children of Zhang Guobin knew that it was not Xie Siyu who hit the person, but they chose to extort money from Xie Siyu, which constituted extortion, the amount was huge, and they verbally attacked Xie Siyu personally."

"Zhu Guizhen has been blackmailing for years. In this case, she even tried to extort 9 yuan from Xie Siyu. She stayed in the hospital for a long time and after the incident, she also blackmailed the owner of the Wenjie M on the road. In the end, she succeeded in blackmailing yuan. Zhu Guizhen has blackmailed many times over the years, and the amount has exceeded yuan."

"The judgment of this case is hereby pronounced:"

"First, Xie Siyu is acquitted and is required to pay compensation for mental damages, lost wages and other expenses totaling 30083 yuan."

"Second, the plaintiff Zhang Guobin is suspected of extortion, but the person involved has died and cannot be traced. Zhang Guobin's six children: Zhang Zhiqiang and others knowingly committed extortion, and the amount of fraud is huge, exceeding one million yuan. Now Zhang Guobin is sentenced to 50483 years in prison, and the others are sentenced to eight years in prison each, and they are required to compensate Xie Siyu a total of yuan."

"Third, Zhu Guizhen is a habitual extortionist, and the amount of fraud exceeded 166 yuan. According to Article of the Criminal Law, Zhu Guizhen is sentenced to ten years in prison and is required to return the extorted property."

"Fourth, the plaintiffs in this case, Zhang Guobin and others, and Zhu Guizhen, shall jointly bear all litigation costs of this case, a total of 205454 yuan."

"The verdict of this case has been pronounced."

The court has made the ruling!
Zhang Zhiqiang was already standing there in a daze.

In addition to Zhang Zhiqiang, the other five people who were listening at the scene were all confused.

They are here to ask for money!

They originally thought they could ask Xie Siyu for more than one million!
And now they are told they are going to be sentenced?
Zhang Zhiqiang was sentenced to fifteen years in prison, and the others were sentenced to eight years. All six of Zhang Guobin’s children were sentenced!
Zhang Zhiqiang and others at the scene were a little panicked.

Zhang Zhiqiang shouted, "What does this have to do with me? I know nothing. My father is dead, so what if I ask for money? Isn't it my duty? It's all Xie Siyu's fault. Why didn't Xie Siyu pay for it? If she had paid for it, wouldn't my father have to die? And I wouldn't have to pay so much money."

"Did Xie Siyu do nothing wrong? She didn't hit anyone, but does that mean she did nothing wrong? Doesn't she have to pay compensation? Fifteen years in jail, my whole life is ruined! Is it wrong for me to ask for money? Is it wrong for me to ask for fairness?"

"My father died because Xie Siyu helped him. Doesn't Xie Siyu have to pay compensation? Doesn't she have to pay compensation if she didn't hit anyone?"

Zhang Zhiqiang was still shouting at the scene, but was directly handcuffed and taken away by the police.

The police won’t care about you so much. The court has already sentenced you, so just arrest you and put you in jail for fifteen years.

The five people who were waiting for money in the gallery were also taken into custody by the police.

"Police, I didn't commit any crime!"

"I'm just here to ask for money! Why are you sentencing me?"

"I didn't ask Xie Siyu for money. I just came here to wait for the money to be divided! Just give me the money. Is it a crime to divide the money? You want me to go to jail for this? It's not fair! This is not fair!!"

"I can't accept this!! I'm innocent!!!"

"I am innocent! How can I be sentenced to eight years in prison? What will happen to my husband and children? Can you bear this responsibility?"

"You are all bullying us poor people! Bullying us poor people! I am innocent!!"

"How do I know if it was Xie Siyu who hit the person? Anyway, she should be the one who is guilty, not me!"

"Hasn't Xie Siyu already been found guilty in the first trial? Why are they arresting us?"

The five people at the scene kept shouting, but it was no use as they were taken away by the police.

Zhu Guizhen was also handcuffed.

Zhu Guizhen was still struggling and resisting.

Zhu Guizhen said, "What does this have to do with me? I didn't do it on purpose. I just wanted to ask for money. I didn't do it. How can I be considered blackmail? I didn't ask Xie Siyu to apologize! As for asking the owner of the Jie M9, the car really hit me! Isn't it reasonable for me to ask for yuan?"

"Why do you want to sentence me? I just want some money to spend, what's wrong with that? Am I wrong? Why do you want to sentence me? I don't want to go to jail for so long, I don't want to go to jail!!"

"I don't want to go to jail, I don't want to go to jail, I know I was wrong! Judge, police, I know I was wrong, don't let me go to jail, just let me go home and reflect for two days, I will never make the same mistake again"

(End of this chapter)

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