Chapter 168 No One Can Do It

Gu Chen was looking through the files in the court.

Xue Qingqing found a lot of files related to the lawsuit against Ruimao Bank.

Xue Qingqing said, "Boss, why are we looking for the files of Ruimao Bank's previous lawsuits? Is it related to this case?"

Gu Chen said, "Yes, it is related. Write down the contact information of those who are suing Ruimao Bank. We will contact them one by one and use them in the lawsuit."

Xue Qingqing couldn't figure out what the effect was, but she did it anyway.

Gu Chen and Xue Qingqing are still preparing for the lawsuit.

The case has been appealed!
It won’t be long before the second trial begins.

At the same time, Ruimao Bank also received a notice from the court.

The court is about to reconvene!
Inside the bank.

Wang Rui is the president of Ruimao Bank.

When Wang Rui heard the news, he was very angry.

"What's going on? Zhao Yishan actually wants a second trial? Does he think that fifteen years is too light a sentence for him?" Wang Rui said.

"People like Zhao Yishan are accomplices of the robbers. The robbers robbed the bank and he used the money to pay for his father's medical treatment. No matter what his reason was, as long as he took the bank's money, he is an accomplice of the bank. I think fifteen years is too light a sentence for him. He should be sentenced to life imprisonment to let others know that they cannot take money from the bank casually." Wang Rui said.

Wang Rui found the Minister of Justice, Zhang Hongxiang.

"Zhang Hongxiang, Zhao Yishan is going to appeal. He feels that the sentence given to him in the first instance was too light. Can you sentence him a heavier sentence?" Wang Rui asked.

"President, I think it's possible. Even if Zhao Yishan wanted to treat his father's illness, he shouldn't have taken the bank's money. He could have borrowed money, he could have come to our bank for a loan, or he could have sought help from all walks of life. He absolutely shouldn't have taken our bank's money. Wouldn't that be an accomplice of the robber? This is robbery, and he knowingly committed the crime, which is aggravated."

"Zhao Yishan knew that this was the bank's money and that it was stolen property, but he still chose to spend the money. This is definitely against the law. Our lawyers in the legal department will have no problem with this. We will try to increase Zhao Yishan's sentence this time."

"I didn't expect Zhao Yishan would dare to file a second trial. This time we will ask them to compensate us! They will compensate us for the loss of our image and damage to our company's image. We will also ask them to compensate for other expenses." said Zhang Hongxiang from the bank's legal department.

"We will definitely win, right?" Wang Rui asked.

Wang Rui didn't understand the ins and outs of the laws, he only knew that he wanted Zhao Yishan to be sentenced.

Do you dare to take money from the bank?
It's three hundred thousand at a time. If Zhao Yishan doesn't go to jail, then who will?

"No problem, we will definitely win the case. No matter what lawyer the other side hires, it won't work." Zhang Hongxiang said.

"That's fine. In addition, we must maintain the image of our bank and not let the outside world think that our bank is so powerful and bullying. We are the victims. Zhao Yishan and the robbers robbed our bank's money. We are just trying to protect our own rights. We are the biggest victims, so we must maintain the image of our bank." Wang Rui said.

"Okay, President, no problem," said Zhang Hongxiang.

Just at this moment, Zhang Hongxiang answered the phone.

After answering the phone, Zhang Hongxiang's eyes became serious.

"President, this time Zhao Yishan has found a new lawyer and is appealing again," said Zhang Hongxiang.

"Which lawyer did Zhao Yishan find? Which big shot in the industry?" Wang Rui said.

"Gu Chen." Zhang Hongxiang said.

Zhang Hongxiang is from the legal department. Others may not know who Gu Chen is, but he knows.

"Gu Chen? Who is Gu Chen? Is he very powerful? I have never heard of this name in the legal circle." Wang Rui shook his head. He was not familiar with him at all.

"Gu Chen is a very good lawyer. Although he is not a gold medal lawyer or an elite lawyer, he has fought several cases and won every case. His winning rate is very high." Zhang Hongxiang said. Zhang Hongxiang also wanted to explain that Gu Chen had sent the opposing lawyer to jail, and even the presiding judge.

It is precisely because Gu Chen is so good at litigation that he became famous overnight, and almost everyone in the legal circle knows Gu Chen.

But outside of the circle, not many people know Gu Chen.

"Not a gold medal lawyer or an elite lawyer? Then what are you worried about? How great can he be? He has only fought a few lawsuits. It's nothing. Isn't it normal for any lawyer to win a few lawsuits?" Wang Rui said.

Wang Rui continued, "That's it. I'll leave this case to you. You should take good care of it and ignore the lawyer on the other side. This lawyer is not very capable. I haven't even heard of this lawyer's name. I thought he was some big shot."

Zhang Hongxiang: “.”

Zhang Hongxiang said: "Gu Chen is quite amazing."

Wang Rui was too lazy to listen to this. "How powerful can it be? Are you sure? Can you win this case?"

Zhang Hongxiang knew how powerful Gu Chen was.

But in this case, the evidence is solid!
There is no way their bank is breaking the law, right?
They are the victims!

Robbers come to the bank to steal money, what can they do?
Ultimately, it was Zhao Yishan himself who broke the law.

Besides, Gu Chen is not a top lawyer, he just won a few cases.

As for Gu Chen opening a law firm, Zhang Hongxiang didn't know either.

Not to mention Gu Chen, even if a top lawyer from a red circle law firm came, there would be nothing they could do.

The person who broke the law was Zhao Yishan.
What's wrong with the bank?

It's impossible to send the bank president in jail, right?

This is simply impossible.

Zhang Hongxiang was not worried at all about losing the case.

Zhao Yishan was sentenced to fifteen years in prison in the first instance, so the sentence in the second instance will not be any lighter.

No matter what the sentence is, Zhao Yishan should be sentenced to at least ten years.

Besides, their bank is the victim this time. They can ask for more compensation and have a chance to sentence Zhao Yishan to a longer term.

Zhang Hongxiang said: "No problem. No one can win this case, not even Gu Chen. No matter which lawyer the other side hires to fight the case, no one can win this case."

Wang Rui nodded, "That's fine, don't let this case fail."

Zhang Hongxiang nodded, "President, don't worry, our legal department is very familiar with this. I don't know how many people have had disputes with our bank, but it's useless. Our legal department is very powerful. Even a top lawyer can't help, let alone Gu Chen?"

Wang Rui hummed, "Okay, I'll leave it to you then."

Zhang Hongxiang is also very confident.

Gu Chen?

But I just won a few lawsuits.

What does this prove?
So what if a person is very powerful?
Can it compare with the bank’s legal department?

(End of this chapter)

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