You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 171 Zhao Yishan is innocent? How is that possible?

Chapter 171 Zhao Yishan is innocent? How is that possible?
The court will open soon!
In court, the plaintiff has arrived.

The agent of Ruimao Bank and the lawyer of Ruimao Bank.

The president of Ruimao Bank and the Minister of Legal Affairs were watching the live broadcast.

President Wang Rui said: "We must win this case today, and we must also pay attention to the impact of public opinion. Public opinion has not been very good recently. You should find a way to change the public opinion of our bank."

Zhang Hongxiang, the head of the Legal Department, nodded and said, "President, don't worry. I will take care of it. We will definitely win this case today. It doesn't matter who the lawyer on the other side is, even if he is a top-ranked lawyer. Besides, Gu Chen is not a top-ranked lawyer, so there is nothing to worry about. Our bank's Legal Department is professional. How many people can win a lawsuit against our bank?"

Wang Rui nodded and felt relieved.

The defendant Zhao Yishan also arrived at the scene, and Zhao Yishan’s mother Niu Xiaojuan also came.

Gu Chen, as the defendant's lawyer, brought Xue Qingqing with him.

There are still ten minutes until the court starts, and the live broadcast room is already full of viewers.

This time it's Gu Chen who's suing again!!
[I’m here, I saw the boss lady! I saw my sister-in-law!!]

[Fuck, I envy the outlaws, the assistants around them are all so pretty. ]

[This is the campus beauty of Peking University, how can she not be beautiful? ]

[Alas, Xue Qingqing is always busy with work and doesn’t open a Douyin account or do live broadcasts. Otherwise, I would watch live broadcasts every day.]

[Do you think Attorney Gu can win this case today? ]

[It's hard to say. Zhao Yishan has committed a crime anyway. If he has committed a crime, he can't be acquitted. He was sentenced to fifteen years in the first trial. There is no way he can be acquitted in the second trial. Attorney Gu can only reduce Zhao Yishan's sentence. Even if he reduces his sentence by a few years, he will still be sentenced to ten years.]

[The evidence is solid. This case is really hard to handle. Zhao Yishan did break the law. He took the bank's money and went to the hospital. This is indeed problematic. He will probably be sentenced.]

[To be honest, no one can acquit Zhao Yishan in this case. It is impossible. Zhao Yishan really broke the law. Lawyer Gu can't win this case. And the other party is Ruimao Bank. The bank's legal department is so powerful. I heard that Ruimao Bank has never lost a lawsuit.]

[Another Nanshan Pizza Hut? I know the legal department of a bank. How can we fight this lawsuit? Even if Lawyer Gu comes, he can’t win. Besides, Zhao Yishan has really broken the law.]

[Let's see how Attorney Gu defends. It would be great if he can reduce Zhao Yishan's sentence.]

Reporters also came to the court.

The reporter found the plaintiff, the lawyer of Ruimao Bank.

The lawyer of Ruimao Bank is called Zhang Yifan, who is also a gold medal lawyer in the industry.

Moreover, Zhang Yifan has the entire legal department of Ruimao Bank behind him.

It is still difficult for ordinary people to win a lawsuit against Ruimao Bank. The reporter asked: "Lawyer Zhang, what do you think of this lawsuit? The other side is Lawyer Gu, who has never lost a lawsuit so far. Do you think Ruimao Bank can win this case?"

Lawyer Zhang said, "There is nothing to see in this case. The first instance has already sentenced him to fifteen years. I have always felt that the sentence was too light. After all, Zhao Yishan committed robbery, and the amount of money he robbed was huge. He did not turn himself in afterwards. He knew it was a robbery, but he still chose to spend the money. This is knowingly committing a crime, which is aggravated by the crime. Zhao Yishan should be sentenced to life imprisonment, and robbers should be severely punished."

"Bank robbery is a serious crime. If robbers are not severely punished, who knows how many people will come to rob banks tomorrow. It is not conducive to social stability."

"We, Ruimao Bank, have a 100% chance of winning this case. It doesn't matter who the opposing lawyer is. It doesn't matter who the opposing lawyer is. As for Lawyer Gu's 100% chance of winning, it's impossible for him to have a 100% chance of winning this case. We, Ruimao Bank, have never lost a lawsuit."

The reporter asked: "Why do you think Ruimao Bank has never lost a lawsuit? Is it because Ruimao Bank's legal department is more professional?"

Lawyer Zhang shook his head and said, "That's not right. We win every lawsuit because we are the victim every time. Our bank will never conflict with customers for no reason. It is normal for customers to come to the bank to deposit money, withdraw money, and take out loans. It can be said that customers are the most important to our bank. How could Ruimao Bank offend customers?"

"But we always win lawsuits because we always stand on the side of justice, so the court will support us. Take this case for example, our Ruimao Bank was operating normally, and suddenly robbers appeared and robbed a lot of money from the bank. We came to the court, so of course we will win the case."

Lawyer Zhang kept talking to himself, saying how difficult it was for Ruimao Bank and how dedicated the bank was to serving its customers.

After the reporter finished interviewing Ruimao Bank, he found Gu Chen.

The reporter asked, "Hello, Lawyer Gu. Zhao Yishan was sentenced to fifteen years in prison for robbery in the first trial. This is already a very serious sentence. Are you confident in winning this lawsuit? Ruimao Bank has a 100% winning rate in lawsuits. They have never lost a lawsuit. Do you feel a lot of pressure?"

Gu Chen said: "We file lawsuits based on facts. I have read this case. I think Zhao Yishan did not commit robbery. At most, he was convicted of unjust enrichment and should be given a lighter punishment. Although the first instance verdict was made, it does not prove anything. I have never felt any pressure in filing lawsuits. People from all walks of life who need help are welcome to come to our law firm to find lawyers to file lawsuits. Every lawyer in our law firm is very professional."

Gu Chen praised his law firm.

The reporters were all confused.

Lawyer Gu actually said that Zhao Yishan did not commit any crime?
But hasn’t the first trial already been decided?
Zhao Yishan was sentenced for robbery in the first trial.

Everyone knows that Zhao Yishan is guilty of robbery, the same crime as the robber.

Can Gu Chen say he is innocent now?
How can this be innocent?
Especially when the plaintiff's lawyer is still there with full confidence.
But now Gu Chen said that Zhao Yishan was not guilty of robbery?

The reporter was somewhat shocked and said, "Lawyer Gu, do you think Zhao Yishan is innocent? But the plaintiff's lawyer seems very confident. Zhao Yishan took the bank's money anyway, which is illegal."

Gu Chen said: "You will understand when the time comes. The outcome will be clear in court, so we will definitely win this lawsuit. Don't worry at all."

The reporter nodded and walked away doubtfully.

This scene will be played later.
What if Gu Chen loses the lawsuit?

Isn't this a slap in the face?
It instantly became popular on the news!
Lawyer Gu boasted before the trial, but was slapped in the face after the lawsuit!

(End of this chapter)

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