You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 179: The court is full of complaints! What is a true counterattack?

Chapter 179: The court is full of complaints! What is a true counterattack?

Gu Chen continued, “Since the plaintiff’s lawyer believes that Zhao Yishan took the bank’s money to help his father with his medical treatment, this is considered bank robbery.”

"Then please ask Ruimao Bank to prove that this money belongs to Ruimao Bank."

After Gu Chen said something, everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.

Gu Chen actually asked Ruimao Bank to prove that the money belonged to the bank?

Generally, only banks will write something like [We are not responsible for any loss after leaving the counter], and banks have the final right of interpretation on money.

As a result, Gu Chen now actually asked the bank to prove itself! !

Zhang Yifan was stunned by the question and stood there in a daze.

No, this was the first time in all his years that he had asked the bank to prove that the money belonged to him!

When does the bank need to prove that the money belongs to you?
Zhang Yifan: “???”

No, wasn’t this money stolen from the bank by robbers?

Then shouldn't this money belong to the bank?

Why do we need the bank to prove that this is the bank’s money?
What kind of logic is this?

Zhang Yifan was stunned on the spot and didn't react at all.

The presiding judge, the judges, and everyone in the audience were all stunned for a few seconds.

what's the situation?
Isn't Gu Chen's angle of asking the bank to prove itself too tricky?
Netizens in the live broadcast room were also frantically posting comments.

At this time, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room has exceeded 200,000!

【666666666666! 】

[Oh shit, Lawyer Gu, 666666666666! ]

[Great, hahaha, this is the first time I see a bank being asked to prove that the money is the bank's money.]

[Lawyer Gu is awesome! This case can be handled this way. Who could have thought of this? Asking the bank to prove that the money is his own, is this something that an average person can come up with? ]

[My brain is about to explode. How can the bank prove that the money is mine? Hahaha. ]

[Anyway, I feel great. Ruimao Bank likes to bully people. Don’t they like to ask others to prove that my father is my father? Now I ask you to prove that your money is your money, hahahaha. ]

Gu Chen said: "Your Honor, I have a video recording here."

“When the robbers robbed the bank, they not only took the money in the bank, but also the money of the customers inside the bank.”

"Some of the money comes from customers who come to the bank with a big bag of money to deposit."

"Some of the money was just withdrawn from the bank by the customer."

"For convenience, the robbers mixed the money they robbed from the bank and the customers' own money into bags. They had several bags. After one robber saw Zhao Yishan crying, he gave him two bags of money."

"There are exactly 300,000 yuan in these two bags. Since the plaintiff's lawyer said that Zhao Yishan stole the bank's money to help his father's medical treatment, now please ask the plaintiff's lawyer to prove that the money in these two bags belongs to the bank, not the client."

Gu Chen took out the video and everyone watched it.

Everyone suddenly realized.

What Gu Chen said makes sense!

This money does have a customer!!
If they are mixed together, who can tell whether the money belongs to the bank or the customer?
The bank kept saying that Zhao Yishan took the bank's money to help with his medical treatment.

But the most important issue now is to prove that the money belongs to the bank! !
If there is no way to prove that the money belongs to the bank, how can the bank say that Zhao Yishan took the bank's money? The bank can't even say it!
Why does this money belong to the bank?
Zhao Yishan: “????”

Can it still be like this?
Even the assistant Xue Qingqing beside him widened her eyes.

The boss is so awesome!
It can still be like this! !
Xue Qingqing usually only learns how to use the law to sue and protect her rights.

But now she finds that winning a lawsuit is not something that can be accomplished by relying solely on the law!

The boss's defense angle is amazing! !

If you defend yourself like this, it's a sure kill! !

Because the bank has no way to prove that the money belongs to the bank! !

Don't say you were just an observer.
Even the presiding judge Wang Zhong and the three judges looked at each other.

They have been fighting lawsuits for so many years, but have never seen anything like this!

Ruimao Bank.

President Wang Rui stood up and slammed the table angrily!

"After so many years, damn it, when does our bank need to prove that the bank's money belongs to the bank!!" Wang Rui said angrily.

"Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it!!" Wang Rui yelled.

"It's okay, it's okay. You can still win. The money originally belongs to the bank. Do you need proof? Trust our legal department." Zhang Hongxiang advised.

Zhang Yifan, the defense lawyer for Ruimao Bank, was also so angry that he gritted his teeth.

When does the bank need to prove that the money belongs to the bank?
Do I need to prove this?
When has a bank ever suffered such injustice?

But he couldn't start spraying.

If he starts to rant in court, he's done for.

Zhang Yifan raised his hand.

Presiding Judge Wang Zhong said: "Plaintiff's lawyer, please make your statement."

Zhang Yifan said: "Your Honor, I totally disagree with the defendant's lawyer's point of view! I think the defendant's lawyer is just making specious arguments! There is no such absurd thing as proving that [the bank's money belongs to the bank]!"

Gu Chen also raised his hand.

Gu Chen said, "So when Zhao Yishan went to Ruimao Bank to withdraw money, you asked Zhao Yishan to prove that his father was his father? Let me ask you, Zhao Yishan took out his household registration book and ID card, but the household registration book and ID card couldn't prove that his father was his father? You insisted that he come to Ruimao Bank in person, but Zhao Yishan's father was in the ICU, dying! He needed money urgently, but Ruimao Bank obstructed him in every way! He just didn't let Zhao Yishan withdraw money. At that time, why did you insist on proving such an outrageous thing as "My father is my father"? "

Zhang Yifan went on to say: "I want to explain this to the majority of netizens. The case that happened that day was caused by a new employee of our bank who did not understand the business process. This was the new employee's own fault. We have already fired and fined the new employee, and our bank will also apologize. However, to prove that the bank's money is the bank's, I think this is a very outrageous thing!"

Gu Chen: "?"

Dian, this is another personal issue of the employee, and has nothing to do with the bank, right?
Gu Chen said: "However, in this case, the bank must prove that the money belongs to the bank!"

"Because, we can see from the surveillance video that the robber took away the customers' money! A lot of it was the customers' money. You keep saying that Zhao Yishan took the bank's money. Who will bear the customers' losses? The money that was robbed from the customers is not their money? The money that the customers just withdrew from your bank is not the customers' money? Is everything the bank's money?"

"Legally, whoever makes the claim must provide evidence. Since you believe Zhao Yishan robbed the bank's money, you must prove that the money Zhao Yishan took that day was the bank's money! Otherwise, Zhao Yishan's crime of robbery will not be established! He was just trying to avoid danger! He took the client's money to pay for his father's medical treatment, which is the same as him picking up 300,000 yuan on the ground. At most, it can only prove that it was unjust enrichment! Zhao Yishan is not guilty of robbery! The most he is charged with is unjust enrichment!"

Zhang Yifan: “???”

Okay, okay, you still want him to prove that the money is from the bank, right?
In this case, he can only use his ultimate move!
Zhang Yifan stood up!
Look at the presiding judge!

(End of this chapter)

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