You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 18 The court has ruled! She’s in jail! The little fairy is in jail!

Chapter 18 The court has ruled! She’s in jail! The little fairy is in jail!
Wang Tiantian said, "Your Honor, I feel I am innocent! I want to speak for hundreds of millions of women!! I refuse to apologize to Chen Yang! Yes, I did slander Chen Yang for taking secret photos, but I always think that my essay was correct! No matter how the verdict is today, I will not apologize to Chen Yang! Because when I checked Chen Yang's phone that day, although I didn't find any secret photos of me, there were photos of other women in his phone album! Isn't this also secret photography?"

"So am I wrong to say that Chen Yang is a voyeur? Chen Yang took voyeur photos of others and women on his phone. I think this is a very despicable behavior! That's why I wrote a short essay to accuse Chen Yang! Until now, I don't think there is any reason to apologize to the voyeur, so no matter what the court decides today, I will never apologize to Chen Yang! Speak up for countless women!"

Wang Tiantian felt that what she said made sense.

Gu Chen was speechless after hearing what Wang Tiantian said.

The same goes for Chen Yang. He just took a normal landscape photo, but he became what the fairies call a candid photographer.

Up to now, Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian both feel that there is nothing wrong with them. It’s just writing a small essay, so why should they go to jail?
The netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't help watching Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian any longer.

[Why are these two fairies still yelling here? ]

[The court should make a judgment quickly! Judge these two fairies! ! ]

[They always say that he is a candid man, but is taking normal landscape photos also candid? But these two women are crazy about taking candid photos of others on the subway! ]

[It’s really disgusting to take secret photos of women! ! ]

[Lawyer Gu Chen, hurry up! Send these two people to jail! ! ]

Lawyer Wang Haixiang also stood in the dock, as well as presiding judge Li Yongxia.

After Li Yongxia finished speaking, it was Wang Haixiang's turn.

Seeing that Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian still refused to apologize, Wang Haixiang turned pale and shook his head.

Wang Haixiang said, "Chen Yang, you are also a college student. Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian are also college students. They are still the flowers of the motherland and the hope of the future. They should have a better future. I hope you can be more generous and write them a letter of understanding so that they will not go to jail. They are still young. Just treat it as they made a mistake and don't embarrass them anymore. I apologize to you on their behalf."

The short essay that Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian posted before, about online violence, caused countless people to engage in online violence, which is already a crime!
If Chen Yang wants to hold them accountable, these two people should be sentenced!!

If Chen Yang wrote a letter of apology, it is very likely that the two women would not be sentenced. At most, they would just have to apologize and pay some money, but they would not be sentenced.

Wang Haixiang already knew that he would definitely be sentenced and there was no way to escape it, so he still hoped to save Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian.

Gu Chen said, "My client Chen Yang has entrusted me with this case. It is impossible for me to write a letter of apology. Chen Yang does not want an apology from these two girls, let alone a letter of apology for them. He only wants to give these two people a severe sentence according to the law! If we let them go, they will still make up rumors and slander the next man. They will never recognize their mistakes."

"The fairness and justice of the law must be upheld! You can't just say sorry and forget about it because you made a mistake. You should bear the corresponding legal responsibilities for what you did!"

"Your Honor, if Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian are not sentenced today, who will dare to play with their phones on the subway? If these two are not sentenced today, anyone on the street tomorrow may become the man they call a voyeur!"

"If these two people are not sentenced, where is the fairness and justice of the law!"

Gu Chen finished speaking.

Wang Haixiang lowered his head silently, full of regret.

He knew. Everything was over!

He had thought of using this opportunity to make hundreds of thousands of dollars from Chen Yang. But now it has become like this, and even he is going to go to jail.
He can no longer protect Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian.

Wang Haixiang was standing there, looking at Chen Yang, and then he knelt down. "Chen Yang, please help me write a letter of apology. I don't mind going to jail. They are still children. They are just children. Do you want to send them to jail for making such a trivial mistake?"

Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian, who were standing by, looked at Wang Haixiang and felt a little puzzled.

They just wrote a short essay, is it that serious?

Or is it because Wang Haixiang has too much contact with psychiatrists that he has become mentally ill?
Chen Yang said: "They had previously spread rumors about others, causing two freshman boys to drop out of school! They also spread rumors about other people, causing a freshman boy, Ou Qingxiong, to commit suicide! Now, they are spreading rumors about me again. At first, I asked them to apologize, but they were unwilling to do so."

"You said they were just children? Wasn't the freshman who died a child? Wasn't she a flower of the motherland? Because of their random rumors and smear campaign, an innocent life was lost. Until now, Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian have not apologized to me. Do you think I will write a letter of apology?"

"I am very grateful to lawyer Gu Chen. Without him, there would be no one to help me fight this lawsuit, and no one could protect my rights. Thank you, lawyer Gu Chen. I am very grateful to him."

"Therefore, presiding judge, I demand that Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian be given heavy sentences!"

"We must not give them light sentences just because they are girls!"

"Everyone is equal before the law!"

"For the fairness and justice of the law! And to protect my legitimate rights! They must bear the price of violating the law!!"

There was applause at the scene after these words were spoken.

Netizens in the live broadcast room also cheered.

Only Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian looked at each other and felt that everyone was bewildered.

Wang Tiantian was fine, but Zhou Lingling was a little scared.

Zhou Lingling whispered, "We won't be sentenced, right?"

Wang Tiantian shook her head. "How is that possible? They were just trying to scare us. They wanted us to apologize, but we refused to apologize and wrote a short essay. How could we be arrested?"

Zhou Lingling nodded, "Okay, then I'm relieved."

In the end, Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian also felt that they were fine.

Soon, the court entered into the final judgment!!
Chief Judge Li Kang said, "The verdict of this case!"

"It is hereby declared that—"

"First, Yuncheng Subway Company maliciously deleted the surveillance video. After review, Yuncheng Subway Company was sentenced to pay a fine of 723 million yuan, compensate Chen Yang for mental damages of 3 yuan, and apologize. The subway notice board will be posted for five days!"

"Second, Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian maliciously spread rumors, slandered, and incited online public opinion to spread rumors, which has seriously violated Chen Yang's privacy, reputation and other personal rights, and caused serious consequences. The two people have spread rumors many times in the past three years, causing adverse effects. They have been spread online more than 10 million times, causing a very serious impact on Chen Yang. Zhou Lingling is sentenced to seven years in prison, and Wang Tiantian is sentenced to seven years in prison! Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian are also sentenced to publicly apologize to Chen Yang and compensate Chen Yang for mental damages of 100,000 yuan."

(End of this chapter)

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