You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 181 Double standards, eh? Come on! Present the witness!

Chapter 181 Double standards, eh? Come on! Present the witness!

Gu Chen looked at Zhang Yifan, the lawyer of Ruimao Bank.

Gu Chen said: "Is this Ruimao Bank's [Customer First]? Is this Ruimao Bank's protection of customers' assets? Is this Ruimao Bank's management and protection of customers' money? Will Ruimao Bank be responsible for customers' losses? Where is the responsibility?"

Zhang Yifan was speechless.

Gu Chen continued, "Has Ruimao Bank ever been responsible for the losses of its customers? Just in the past two days, two cases occurred! Both people came to me."

"Then let me show everyone what kind of bank Ruimao Bank is!"

"First, my client Zhao Yishan went to the bank to withdraw money, and the bank asked him to prove that "my father is my father", which was such an unreasonable request. Then, in the end, the bank dismissed the employee with the decision of "temporary worker" to shirk responsibility. Whether it was a temporary worker or not, Ruimao Bank didn't know? Your so-called "temporary worker" has been working in Ruimao Bank for more than three years. Is this also a temporary worker? Doesn't this mean that he doesn't understand the rules of bank deposits and withdrawals?"

"If he has been working for three years, you can check the surveillance video of Ruimao Bank to see if the employee in the surveillance video was there three years ago."

Gu Chen continued: "Secondly, it's these two cases I have in hand!"

"Your Honor, I request the testimony of a witness!"

Presiding Judge Wang Zhong nodded.

Two witnesses came to the court.

Zhang Yifan had a bad feeling.

This. This is the end.

Gu Chen said: "This man is called Luo Hao. Luo Hao has withdrawn money from the bank twice. Let my witness make the statement."

Luo Hao stood up and looked in the direction of Ruimao Bank's lawyer Zhang Yifan.

Luo Hao said: "Rui Mao Bank, I'm CNM!"

"I withdrew money from Ruimao Bank before, a total of 10,000 yuan, and I didn't check it. Ruimao Bank said they gave me an extra 100 yuan and asked me to return it. I don't know whether they actually gave me an extra 100 yuan. It's been several days, and I really didn't count how much money the bank gave me."

"The bank said they checked the surveillance and found that they gave me an extra 100 yuan. They asked me to return it immediately, otherwise they would call the police and sue me!"

"I'm dozens of kilometers away from the bank, and the bank asked me to send it back because of their own work mistakes? Why should I bear the fuel costs and lost wages for dozens of kilometers?"

"Doesn't the bank always say that they are not responsible for any loss after the bank closes? Why are you asking me for 100 yuan when it's missing? Do you want me to bear the consequences of your mistake?"

Luo Hao went on to say, "During this time, I went to the bank to withdraw money again. I withdrew 10000 yuan, and I didn't check it either. As soon as I got to the bank door, I said I must not withdraw 100 yuan more like last time, and I had to send it back from a long distance."

"I counted and found that there were only 9800! 200 less!"

"From beginning to end, the bank was under surveillance. I was at the bank entrance, and there were surveillance cameras at the bank entrance. The money was never touched while I was in it!"

"I trusted Ruimao Bank and I didn't check how much money was there at the beginning. It was my mistake."

"But when I go back, do you know what Ruimao Bank said?"

"They said they are not responsible once the money is out of the bank! They asked me to prove that the bank gave me 200 less!"

"Where can I prove it? I said check the surveillance! Check the surveillance, because the surveillance can see that I held the 10,000 yuan and my hands did not move at all! From the time I received the money to the door, I was holding the money in my hand the whole time and did not put it in my bag."

"What happened? The bank said I was not qualified to check the bank's surveillance."

"I said I didn't have any surveillance. How can I prove that the bank gave me 200 less?"

"The bank said they don't care. They said they are not responsible once the money leaves the bank. If you are not satisfied, you can sue me. Anyway, I am not qualified to check the surveillance."

“I’m so upset!”

"Rui Mao Bank gave me an extra 100 yuan, and they repeatedly checked the surveillance and made me drive dozens of kilometers in the heavy rain to deliver it back to them! They didn't even care about my lost wages or gas!"

"In the end, they gave me two hundred dollars less, and they are not responsible even if I leave the counter!"

"I'll fuck your Ruimao Bank!" Presiding Judge Wang Zhong struck the gavel.


"To maintain court discipline, personal attacks and uncivilized language are strictly prohibited in court."

Luo Hao said: "I'm sorry, but I want to say this, Ruimao Bank, what a double standard dog! A few hundred dollars doesn't matter! I'll just treat it as feeding the dog! But you are so disgusting, I just want everyone to know what Ruimao Bank is like!"

Presiding Judge Wang Zhong struck the gavel again.

"This is my second warning. Personal attacks and uncivilized language are strictly prohibited in court."

Luo Hao said: "I apologize to everyone. I failed to control my emotions. It was my fault. Dear presiding judge, I have concluded my statement."

Gu Chen said: "I would like to request that my second witness speak."

Presiding Judge Wang Zhong nodded.

The second witness is a woman named Zhou Jingjing.

Zhou Jingjing said: "Your Honor, the bank bullied me! Ruimao Bank bullied me!"

At this time, Zhang Yifan could no longer sit still.

If this continues, not to mention the lawsuit, Ruimao Bank’s reputation will be completely ruined!
Zhang Yifan said: "Think it over carefully, don't speak carelessly, and don't slander Ruimao Bank without evidence. This is defamation and slander, and has seriously affected the reputation of Ruimao Bank. Otherwise, the legal department of Ruimao Bank will take necessary legal actions and hold you accountable for the corresponding legal responsibilities."

Gu Chen raised his hand and spoke, "Judge, I protest! The plaintiff's lawyer threatened our witness!"

Presiding Judge Wang Zhong said: "The objection is upheld. The plaintiff's lawyer is given a second formal warning. The plaintiff's lawyer should be aware that if such threatening behavior against witnesses occurs again, he will face the punishment of being expelled from the court."

Zhang Yifan gritted his teeth.

He is not satisfied.

But there is no way.

Zhou Jingjing chuckled.

threaten me?
is that useful?
Zhou Jingjing said: "Everything I said is backed by evidence! I have all the evidence in my hands!"

"Here's the thing."

“I was withdrawing money from the ATM of Ruimao Bank, but the machine of Ruimao Bank was out of order.”

"I originally wanted to withdraw only 10,000 yuan, but the ATM machine spit out 20,000 yuan."

"What does the problem with the machine have to do with me? I called the bank and explained the situation. Then I had to go to work. I took out my 10,000 yuan and left 10,000 yuan in front of the ATM camera."

"A day later, the bank called me and asked me to return the 10,000 yuan. I asked why?"

"Rui Mao Bank said that the 10,000 yuan I had in my hand was the bank's 10,000 yuan, and also said that my 10,000 yuan was left by me next to the ATM machine."

"The 10,000 yuan has been taken away by the masked man, so I should go to the police to get my 10,000 yuan back."

"How ridiculous!"

"The 10,000 yuan I have in my hand is my 10,000 yuan. The bank didn't keep it safe and asked me to return the money? Why?"

“The bank staff responded to me like this.”

"They said the bank has the right to interpret everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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