Chapter 197 Formal prosecution!

[Zhang Tao also wants to promote products? ]

[These days, traffic is money. Disgusting.]

[Didn’t Zhang Tao use an iPhone himself? What’s going on? Is there any gossip?]


Netizens are talking about everything.

Gu Chen looked at the comments in the live broadcast room and spoke.

Gu Chen said: "I will talk to you about this case here."

"I don't want netizens in my live broadcast room to stir up trouble. If you stir up trouble in other places and I see it, I won't care. But you can't do that in my live broadcast room. If you keep stirring up trouble in my live broadcast room, you can try to see if our law firm will sue you and hold you accountable for your legal responsibilities."

After Gu Chen said this, all the trolls in the live broadcast room disappeared immediately.

They are really scared!

Many trolls only brag, but are actually cowards in real life.

If they really let them come out and go against Gu Chen, they would be seeking death.

Moreover, all the netizens in Gu Chen’s live broadcast room knew how perverted Gu Chen’s lawsuit was.

Gu Chen really sent someone in without any reason!

Outlaw is not a name randomly given by netizens, nor is it a meme.

But Gu Chen really is like an outlaw!
He is really suing!
Gu Chen didn’t know how many people had been sent in, including the presiding judge, lawyers, reporters, plaintiffs, and defendants.

During all the lawsuits up to now, is there any case in which Gu Chen did not send someone to jail?

Gu Chen can really send someone to jail for a lawsuit.
Even those who were attending the class as observers were sent in.

Who has ever seen a client suing a bank and Gu Chen sending all the bank’s top executives to jail?

Now that these netizens in the live broadcast room are acting as trolls, Gu Chen really doesn’t mind picking a few of them to send in.

Gu Chen himself has no time, but he is a law firm
It shouldn't be a problem to just find some evidence and send a few people in.

【Hahahaha, now that the Outlaw said this, there are no more trolls. 】

[Nonsense, how dare there be trolls in this live broadcast room? Be careful not to get sent to jail if you speak normally. ]

【I just watched the live broadcast and I felt like I was about to go in. 】

[I am scared, but I still watch the live broadcast. Even if I am sent to jail, it will not stop me from taking care of my lawyer to fight the lawsuit.]

After watching the barrage in the live broadcast room subside, Gu Chen spoke.

"Zhang Tao felt that this case was unfair."

“Rich people receive state scholarships.”

“Poor students have nothing.”

"What is poverty grant? It is a grant that the state provides specifically for poor students! How many poor students is the state helping across the country? It is the state's fiscal expenditure! Education expenditure!"

"In China, rich people can afford to go to college, and poor people can also afford to go to college."

"Let me ask you, how much does university tuition cost per year?"

"University tuition includes credit fees, accommodation fees, and various other fees. It starts at a few thousand yuan a year, and it is normal for many universities to charge tens of thousands of yuan a year."

“But for poor students, where do they get so much money?”

“Shouldn’t poor people go to college?”


“Poor people also have the opportunity to change their destiny!”

“So the state stepped in.”

"The government provides student loans, and they are interest-free. After graduation, you can earn money and pay it back slowly."

“The state also provides poverty grants!”

"This way, even if you don't have money, you can still afford to go to college!"

“The state even provides employment subsidies to poor students!”

"In China, most people are ordinary people, and most people come from ordinary families. The number of poor students is far higher than that of rich people." "And at this time, a group of powerful people appeared."

"They took up the scholarship quota for poor students!"

“This is a grant that only poor students can get!”

“But these rich people got the money that belonged to poor students.”

"Is this fair?"

"Some people say this is normal and that this happens all the time. It's not uncommon in universities, but it's just not exposed, no one cares, and no one defends their rights."

"But this is the right of poor students!"

"No one stood up, but Zhang Tao did!"

"Zhang Tao has stepped forward, so I will take over the case. So what if I don't make a dime from it?"

"The law is to maintain fairness and justice!"

“Otherwise, what is the use of law?”

"This case represents more than just Zhang Tao!"

"Because Zhang Tao represents the poor students in the country! He represents the millions of college students in the country!"

"If we win this lawsuit, there won't be many people taking away the scholarships of poor students anymore."

"Every time I find such a thing, I will file a lawsuit!"

"I can't handle the lawsuit by myself. I have a law firm behind me! The lawyers in our law firm can all come to handle the lawsuit!"

"Even if the law firm doesn't make any money, we still have to fight this kind of lawsuit!"

"Because I can't tolerate the state-funded scholarships going to the rich second generation!"

"Why do the second-generation rich people who drive Ferraris and Porsches enjoy the scholarships of poor students?"

"Tell me, why?"

“Poor students are human beings!”

"If no one stands up for them, I will stand up for them."

“That’s why I took over this case.”

Gu Chen finished speaking.

The entire live broadcast room was completely shocked.

Netizens were all somewhat shocked.

[Fuck, my scalp is tingling, what Lawyer Gu said is really cool. ]

[This is really cool, awesome. 】

[To be honest, no student dares to sue the school because of the scholarship issue, so many poor students who didn’t get the scholarship dare not speak out, because they are afraid of offending others and the school.]

[Damn, my scalp was tingling, I slapped my dad in the face! ]

[Zhang Tao represents the poor students in the country, the millions of college students in the country, and it gives me goose bumps! ]

[So this is why Gu Chen accepted this case. To protect the interests of so many poor college students across the country! ]

[Awesome! I support it! ! ]

[No matter what the case is, I support it! ]

Netizens voiced their support.

There are even many netizens giving gifts to Gu Chen.

Because they know Zhang Tao has no money
So many netizens spontaneously gave gifts
They didn't want Gu Chen to fight the lawsuit in vain, and they also wanted Gu Chen to earn some litigation fees.

After all, litigation is exhausting, and Gu Chen said he would do it for free.
For a time, this case exploded across the entire Internet!

Immediately afterwards, the court’s review was passed!
The lawsuit application was approved!!
The trial will start in five days!!
The lawsuit will start in five days!!

At Zhang Tao's school, the school leaders received Zhang Tao's lawsuit application.

Zhang Tao sued their school! !

And Zhang Tao’s litigation lawyer is Gu Chen!!
(End of this chapter)

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