You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 225: The second trial begins, Zhang Wei kills four people, and the defendant panics

Chapter 225: The second trial begins. Zhang Wei kills everyone and the defendant panics.

In the court of second instance.

Zhang Wei is very confident.

Luo Hansheng and Zhao Quanzhong were no longer worried at all.

After all, I spent 1.5 million in legal fees and hired a top lawyer in the industry!

Moreover, Lawyer Zhang has fought countless lawsuits, and the cases he fought were quite exciting.

Even if the defendant was sentenced to life imprisonment, he could ask the judge to change the sentence!
Can any ordinary lawyer match this record?
Hao Jian and Guo Liangping were not panicked at all.

There is only one minute left before the court session begins.

Hao Jian said: "I am really relieved this time. We have found such a great lawyer. We will probably be sentenced to probation. As long as we don't break the law, it means we won't go to jail. We can enjoy life comfortably outside. At most, we will have to pay a fine. Nothing will happen to us."

Guo Liangping also smiled and said, "Yes, wait until I get out, and see how I deal with Zhang Tao. If it's just a suspended sentence, I might still be able to stay in school. My position is still there, and I will directly persuade Zhang Tao to drop out. See how he can continue to study at university and go back to take the college entrance examination again."

Hao Jian: “Hahahahahaha”

Zhao Quanzhong on the side said: "Well, I still have to go to jail, but at least it's not life imprisonment, I feel comfortable now. If Lawyer Zhang can be more helpful, it will be even better, I can get out earlier. It's useless to confiscate all my property. I still have a wife and children, they all have money, why should I panic? As long as I am not sentenced to life imprisonment, I can retire comfortably when I get out, it doesn't matter."

Luo Hansheng smiled and said, "Who isn't? I am the same. You can confiscate as much of my property as you want. It doesn't matter. After all these years, my family has some money. I can live the rest of my life comfortably."

Zhao Quanzhong: "We can play chess then! We can also travel together, sunbathe together, and go to Sanya together. Just thinking about it makes me happy."

Several people are imagining their future life.

The judge has announced the opening of the court!
Second trial!!
Sitting in the plaintiff's lawyer's seat, Gu Chen did not say another word.

It was Xue Qingqing who spoke first.

The defendant's defense attorney, Zhang Wei, only said three sentences from beginning to end.

"Your Honor, I think what the plaintiff's lawyer said makes sense."

"Although my four clients colluded with power and money to seek personal gain, took money from poor students, and took money in various ways at school, their behavior was quite excessive, and the amount of money they took exceeded 3000 million yuan. They also divided the property among their wives and daughters, but they are not satisfied with the verdict of the first instance. Presiding Judge, I request a new verdict! The verdict of the first instance must be changed!"

"I respect all the decisions of the presiding judge!"

I just said three sentences.

Every word is murderous and heart-breaking.

These few sentences of defense stunned everyone in the audience.

In fact, the evidence in this case is very clear, and the state has already investigated all of it.

No matter which lawyer comes to help with the defense, they can only say one thing, that is, the four defendants have a good attitude towards admitting their guilt, are very regretful of the crimes they have committed, voluntarily paid the fines, voluntarily compensated for the losses, and are willing to bear all responsibilities, so they can be given a lighter punishment.

But Zhang Wei said one thing - the four defendants were dissatisfied with the verdict of the first instance.

If you are not convinced, it means you think you are not wrong!
What does this mean?
He was willing to take all the responsibility because he wanted to protect himself and get a lighter punishment, and he had no intention of repenting at all.

Zhang Wei came up and said something final.

Zhang Wei did little to defend these four people.
Two of the three sentences he spoke were about how to send these people in.

Zhang Wei is full of confidence, but he has tried his best!
As long as the verdict of this case is changed, he will be successful!

How could his promise not be fulfilled?

Luo Hansheng: “Ah?”

Zhao Quanzhong: "No, huh? Are you dissatisfied with the verdict of the first instance? Lawyer Zhang, do you know what you are saying?"

Guo Liangping: “????”

Hao Jian: “What the hell?”

The four people were stunned on the spot.

Even Xue Qingqing was stunned.

No, she hasn't said anything yet, is it going to end like this?

The defendant's lawyer single-handedly killed the game?
If a live broadcast was started at this time, the netizens in the live broadcast room would all laugh their heads off.

But the audience in the gallery has already moved to Bengbu. [Hahahahahaha, shit.]

【This defendant's lawyer is a genius! 】

【I will translate it for you royal family. 】

[Although they have made so many mistakes, they have no intention of repenting and are dissatisfied with the first instance verdict. The presiding judge should sentence them a little heavier.]

[No, the defendant's lawyer is an undercover agent planted by Lawyer Gu? ]

[Enemy lawyer: an outlaw, our lawyer: an undercover agent.]

[No, damn, this case looks too awesome, how can it be played like this. ]

【Hahahahaha, I really live in Bengbu. 】

The presiding judge was also stunned for two seconds.

But he felt that what Zhang Wei said made sense.

What do these four people in the dock mean?
Having made such a serious mistake, it is obvious that they chose to appeal because they were dissatisfied with the first-instance judgment.

Is this dissatisfaction with the first-instance judgment?

You don't realize your mistake, do you?
He has made tens of millions, but how many wrong things has he done in the past ten years?

And now you still don’t admit your mistake?

There is indeed no need to impose a lighter punishment.

Because these four people did not surrender themselves!

If these four people surrender themselves, they can be considered for lighter punishment.

How can we reduce the punishment now?

How many people on the Internet are paying attention to this case?

Especially now, this kind of behavior is strongly prohibited by the country!
These people have been committing crimes in defiance of the law for ten years!
The plot is so terrible!

If you still don’t admit your mistakes, then the judgment will begin!

What Zhang Wei said caused a bit of commotion at the scene.

The presiding judge struck the gavel.


The scene fell silent.

The presiding judge looked at Xue Qingqing and Gu Chen and asked, "Does the plaintiff's lawyer have anything else to say?"

Xue Qingqing said: "We will obey all the decisions of the presiding judge."

The presiding judge nodded.

So, the presiding judge began to prepare to adjourn the court for half an hour and then make the verdict!

At this time, Luo Hansheng in the dock could no longer sit still.

Oh shit!

The lawyer cost one million and five hundred thousand.

He only said three sentences, but they were all stabbing them in the back?

Is this something a human can do?

Luo Hansheng raised his hand directly!
The presiding judge frowned.

As a result, before the presiding judge could say anything, Luo Hansheng spoke directly.

Luo Hansheng: "Judge! I protest! I spent 1.5 million to hire a lawyer, but it turns out that this lawyer is an undercover agent of the other party! I suspect that he is a fake lawyer! His lawyer qualification certificate may have been obtained by fraud! It may be fake! "

"How could it be possible that a top lawyer in the industry who spent 1.5 million dollars would only provide such a low level of defense? This is not a defense at all, it's clearly to send me to jail!!"

(End of this chapter)

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