You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 252 Gu Chen shows off his power and is punished for multiple crimes!

Chapter 252 Gu Chen shows off his power and is punished for multiple crimes!
Gu Chen continued speaking.

"Your Honorable Judge, the defendant Zhou Wenjing produced false evidence, put on makeup, photoshopped her photos, fabricated evidence, and guided public opinion, hoping that others would believe that Wang Zhihao had abused Zhou Wenjing."

"In fact, our client Wang Zhihao has never abused Zhou Wenjing. Even when he slapped Zhou Wenjing in court some time ago, it was because Zhou Wenjing hit her first, and Wang Zhihao was just acting in self-defense."

"The defendant Zhou Wenjing provided false evidence in court and maliciously fabricated rumors and slander, leading public opinion to cyberbully Wang Zhihao."

"According to Articles 307 and 305 of the Criminal Law, providing false evidence in court constitutes perjury, which is punishable by a prison sentence of up to three years."

"Zhou Wenjing also committed defamation and violated Wang Zhihao's right to reputation. According to Article 246 of the Criminal Law, if someone publicly insults another person or fabricates facts to defame another person by violence or other means, and the circumstances are serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, controlled release, or deprivation of political rights."

"Zhou Wenjing should be sentenced to at least six years in prison!"

"And Zhou Wenjing should compensate our client Wang Zhihao for mental damages. Zhou Wenjing's behavior has led to online public opinion. Zhou Wenjing has repeatedly broadcast live and posted Douyin videos to insult Wang Zhihao. She should be compensated for mental damages totaling 80000 yuan."

Gu Chen spoke.

He hasn't brought up the murder case yet.

First it was a divorce case, then a murder case!

Zhou Wenjing must be charged with multiple crimes!

If I don't make it clear, I'm afraid everyone will think that Wang Zhihao is committing domestic violence.

In fact, Wang Zhihao has never abused Zhou Wenjing.

Zhou Wenjing looked at Gu Chen and Wang Zhihao, gritting her teeth in anger.

Is this really outrageous?

Wang Zhihao, this guy, actually dared to let his lawyer accuse her of defamation? What about perjury?

When he was married, Wang Zhihao was always timid at home.

Now that we're divorced, is that outrageous?
Zhou Wenjing didn't say anything. She looked at her hired lawyer Han Jingjing.

Lawyer Han, please give Wang Zhihao a good lesson!

Otherwise, Wang Zhihao would be a little too ignorant of his own limitations!

Han Jingjing spoke up at this time, "Please ask the plaintiff's lawyer to provide evidence of our client Zhou Wenjing's perjury. If not, the plaintiff's lawyer will bear legal responsibility."

"My client has been subjected to domestic violence for a long time, and has been tortured physically and mentally for a long time. However, the plaintiff's lawyer has no evidence and says that my client provided false testimony. How can you prove that these photos and videos are false evidence?"

Presiding Judge Lin Zhong also looked at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen took out the materials in his hand and asked Xue Qingqing to hand them over.

"How to prove that Wang Zhihao has never abused Zhou Wenjing?"

"Why not prove when Wang Zhihao abused Zhou Wenjing? Can you prove that Wang Zhihao abused Zhou Wenjing just by relying on pictures and videos?"

"Photos can be photoshopped, videos can be post-processed, wounds can be made up, how realistic are the wounds in TV dramas? Are they all real wounds? Just relying on these things that can be designed in post-processing, you can prove that Wang Zhihao abused Zhou Wenjing? And then let Wang Zhihao prove it himself? This is ridiculous."

"Is there a doctor's diagnosis? Is there video surveillance? Is there any corroborative evidence from others? What can prove that Wang Zhihao abused Zhou Wenjing?"

Gu Chen continued, "In other words, the existing evidence is not enough to prove that Wang Zhihao abused Zhou Wenjing."

"However, the defendant's lawyer asked us to prove Wang Zhihao's innocence."

“Since when does the plaintiff need to prove himself?”

"It's just like the case of the fairy taking photos of Chen Yang on the subway. The two women slandered Chen Yang for taking photos under their skirts, and then they forcibly checked Chen Yang's phone. The security guard even came over to ask Chen Yang to take off his shoes and check his shoes. These two women spread rumors and slandered others with just one sentence, and then they asked Chen Yang to prove himself?"

"Is this reasonable?"

Gu Chen continued, "I submitted these materials not to prove myself, but to prove that Zhou Wenjing fabricated rumors and slandered my client, and to prove that Zhou Wenjing provided false evidence!"

"The photos and videos Zhou Wenjing submitted show that the date was the evening of August 8, seven years ago."

"Wang Zhihao and Zhou Wenjing have lived in this community for more than ten years."

"I went to visit the residents of this community, and they all said that Wang Zhihao was a good person, never committed domestic violence, and that he often went on business trips."

"The owners upstairs and downstairs said that they usually don't hear Wang Zhihao and Zhou Wenjing quarreling, but they often hear Zhou Wenjing making a lot of noise and smashing things. The owners even complained, and the property management company went to mediate many times but was scolded away by Zhou Wenjing."

"The owner also said that he could hear the sound of things being smashed on weekdays. The property management visited the house several times to check on the situation and found that it was Zhou Wenjing who was smashing things."

"They also said that Wang Zhihao was asking for trouble by marrying such a wife."

"The owner also said that Zhou Wenjing often brought other men home, and even the owners upstairs and downstairs could hear the sounds Zhou Wenjing made when exercising."

"Other owners have warned Wang Zhihao, but Wang Zhihao never believed them."

“It’s all video here.”

Gu Chen also submitted the video of the interview with the community owners.

Zhou Wenjing was shocked. Without thinking, she said, "These are all fake! They are all other owners. How can they know what happened in our house? Did they install surveillance cameras in our house? Obviously not!"

"Wang Zhihao is domestic violence against me!"

"If Wang Zhihao hadn't abused me, I wouldn't have made such a fuss. Neighbors don't know the real situation in our home, so they don't know how Wang Zhihao abused me on a daily basis."

Zhou Wenjing started crying as she spoke.

Zhou Wenjing: "They don't understand at all. Wang Zhihao abuses me on a daily basis, but now no one believes me in court, and the landlord doesn't believe me either. What did I do wrong? Woo woo woo."

"These are all videos and pictures of domestic violence. They are from different dates. I have recorded them all and filmed them all. I originally wanted to install surveillance cameras at home, but I don't have the money."

"But Wang Zhihao is 100% a domestic violence criminal! I swear!"

Presiding Judge Lin Zhong struck the gavel.


"The court will make its own judgment on the evidence submitted. Does the plaintiff's lawyer have any other evidence?"

Gu Chen said, "Yes, but I would like to ask the defendant to stop disrupting the order of the court."

"You cried for a long time just now, which delayed the court for at least 20 minutes."

"Everyone is here to sue you, not to see you cry."

"On the night of August 8 seven years ago, you said that you were abused by Wang Zhihao and suffered serious injuries, right? Then you took photos and videos at 15 pm. Am I right?"

Zhou Wenjing nodded, "That's right, Wang Zhihao was abusing me at home, and I couldn't control my emotions even though I was crying. What can I do? Is it illegal for me to cry?"

Gu Chen said: "I specifically checked the surveillance footage of the community."

"At 7:30 p.m. that day, Wang Zhihao left the community. According to the company's schedule, Wang Zhihao went on a business trip for three days in total and did not return home until August 8."

Zhou Wenjing continued, "Yes, after we had a fight, Wang Zhihao beat me up and then went on a business trip. Does that mean he didn't abuse me when he left the community at 7:30 in the evening?"

Gu Chen said: "According to the surveillance records of the community, you went out at 10 o'clock in the evening. When you went out, you were wearing a miniskirt."

Zhou Wenjing didn't say anything.

She had already started cursing in her mind.

It's the other way around!

What does it have to do with Gu Chen that she's wearing overalls and a miniskirt?

Is this also against the law?

Gu Chen continued, "The surveillance video shows that you don't have any wounds on your body, but in the pictures you submitted, your face, arms, and legs are all covered with wounds."

"Although the surveillance video in the community is a bit blurry, it can still be seen that you are not injured."

"According to the surveillance video, after you left the house, you took a taxi to the Miami bar."

"And then here's the surveillance video from the Miami bar."

"The surveillance video shows that you found two girls, then drank and danced in the bar."

"And the surveillance video also shows you kissing a man."

"That man also posted on WeChat Moments and Weibo that day, which showed a selfie of him hugging you. You had your makeup done very delicately, and there was no sign of injury on you."

"At 2:30 in the morning, the man left the bar and took you to the Xiangyun Hotel."

"There are also surveillance videos in the hotel corridor. Whether it's your front or back, I didn't see any injuries from the domestic violence."

"On the contrary, these prove that you cheated on your wife! You went to the hotel with someone else!"

Zhou Wenjing was a little panicked at this time.

How can it be?

How could Gu Chen come up with so much evidence?

Zhou Wenjing said forcefully, "That's me, that's my colleague! He and I were in the hotel to discuss work! Can't we discuss work in a hotel? Who says that going to a hotel will definitely lead to an affair?"

Gu Chen said, "You haven't worked in the fifteen years since you got married. Is this your colleague? Are you going to discuss work? Don't these three children prove that you cheated on your wife? Why, the paternity test record belongs to someone else?"

Gu Chen said: "Based on all the video surveillance evidence above, it can be proved that you do not have any wounds, and Wang Zhihao did not abuse you at all on August 8! And you submitted videos and pictures, and you posted them on TikTok to attract traffic and guide netizens to cyberbully Wang Zhihao."

"You have provided false evidence in court, which constitutes perjury."

"In addition to these, you have also committed defamation, slander, and slandering others, and you will be punished for multiple crimes!"

(End of this chapter)

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