You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 260 Going to jail! Zhou Wenjing's end!

Chapter 260 Going to jail! Zhou Wenjing's end!

Gu Chen said, "Judge, Zhou Wenjing defamed, slandered, and fabricated rumors about my client in court, saying that Wang Zhihao was abusive, cheated on her, and had a sexual relationship with her, and that he brought his illness to her. She has committed defamation and perjury, and has caused mental damage and trauma to Wang Zhihao. She should pay her mental damages of 200,000 yuan."

"Zhou Wenjing also asked her three children to give false testimony. She had a full-body checkup at the hospital some time ago, and then she came to Wang Zhihao to ask for 23,000 yuan in medical expenses. This is suspected of extortion. According to Article 274 of the Criminal Law, if the amount of extortion is large or the extortion is repeated, the offender shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or public surveillance, and shall be fined or fined alone."

"Zhou Wenjing has committed the crimes of providing perjury, defamation, and blackmail. He is being punished for multiple crimes!"

Zhou Wenjing: “???”

No, she is going to be sentenced?
And it's a combination of multiple crimes.
How long will the sentence be?

Should she be sentenced just for saying a few words in court?
It's the other way around!

Moreover, since Wang Zhihao beat her, he should pay for her medical expenses. Isn't that only natural?

What does Gu Chen mean now?
Not only does he not want Wang Zhihao to give her money, he also wants her to go to jail?

How could such a thing happen?
Netizens in the live broadcast room were posting comments one by one.

[It feels good. This is really good. ]

[Okay, okay, it has to be the lawless criminal Lawyer Gu, who should just send Zhou Wenjing to jail.]

[This is the outlaw, send Zhou Wenjing straight to jail! ]

[This Zhou Wenjing is just trying to perjure evidence every day, so that Wang Zhihao can go to jail, and also wants to make money from Wang Zhihao, right? ]

[I have never seen such a disgusting person, cheating on someone else, having a child with them, and then asking them to leave the house with nothing, what is the logic behind this? ]

Netizens can’t stand Zhou Wenjing anymore.

Besides, this case has been going on for so long, isn’t it time to send Zhou Wenjing to jail?
Why doesn’t Zhou Wenjing just die?

But nowadays, cheating and having children for others is not even against the law.

If Zhou Wenjing hadn't committed suicide, he wouldn't even have to go to jail.

Netizens in the live broadcast room sighed.
Even if this is the case, Zhou Wenjing probably won't be sentenced to many years.

Although what Gu Chen said was very serious.
But in fact, Zhou Wenjing's extortion could only be considered attempted extortion at most, and it was not as serious as extortion by kidnappers.

Therefore, there is a high probability that Zhou Wenjing will not go to jail.

Fangda Partners.

Gao Yong is looking at the case.

He is a top lawyer, but he is actually not that busy during this period.

After finishing the case at hand, Gao Yong would also watch Gu Chen’s live broadcast.

If you do live streaming, you can also make some money.

[Lawyer Gao, what do you think of this case? ]

[Can Zhou Wenjing be sent to jail? ]

[I am a girl, but I really can't stand it. How can there be such a person? ]

Gao Yong still has quite a few fans. He is a gold medal lawyer in a red-circle law firm and has a certain reputation in the industry.

Gao Yong said: "How can I say this case? Gu Chen has fought very well. I guess Zhou Wenjing will still be sentenced, but the nature of this case is not very serious, so in the end, there is a high probability that she will be given a suspended sentence."

"Gu Chen's lawsuit has been transformed from a civil one into a criminal one, but this case is essentially still a divorce case. It's hard to say whether Zhou Wenjing should go to jail, but there's no problem in letting Zhou Wenjing have a criminal record." After hearing this, netizens in the live broadcast room all felt a little regretful.

[Ah, probation is useless. Zhou Wenjing's four children will not be able to take the civil service exam in the future.]

[Probation. That's useless. 】

[That's it? The cost of cheating and spreading rumors is really low now. ]

When the lawsuit got here.

Han Jingjing knew that she was probably going to lose the case.

Presiding Judge Lin Zhong announced a fifteen-minute recess for everyone to take a break.

After the adjournment.

Han Jingjing looked at Zhou Wenjing and said, "We can't help it. Lawyer Gu Chen is really good at litigation. We might lose this case."

Zhou Wenjing: “Ah?”

Zhou Wenjing: "Lawyer Han, didn't you promise before that we can win this case?"

Han Jingjing said: "You don't even look at who is on the other side. You should know what kind of lawyer you are facing. The one on the other side is Lawyer Gu Chen, an outlaw in the industry, a gold medal lawyer in the industry! So far, he has never lost a lawsuit!"

In fact, Han Jingjing had little say in the second half of the lawsuit.

She found that Gu Chen had prepared sufficient evidence for this lawsuit!
If she took the initiative to produce these evidences, if she did something illegal
Han Jingjing felt that she would be sent in as well.

Gu Chen's lawsuit is really abnormal.

The pressure of suing Gu Chen is too great!
Although Gu Chen is good at criminal cases, he is not good at civil cases.
But no matter how complicated a civil case is, it is not as complicated as a criminal case!
If Gu Chen can handle criminal cases, he can handle civil cases
Han Jingjing said, "Now it's not a question of dividing the property. The problem now is that you might have to go to jail. If Gu Chen keeps holding on to this point and you still can't get the plaintiff's forgiveness, I think you'll have to go to jail."

Zhou Wenjing: “???”

Zhou Wenjing: "Is it already so serious?"

When Zhou Wenjing heard the words "going to jail", he suddenly realized what was going on.

So the case has developed to this point?

Zhou Wenjing was not very focused in the court. All she could think about was that after the lawsuit was over, she could go traveling.

It doesn't matter even if she doesn't get a penny of the property. She has more than two million in her account now!

With so much money, she can go traveling and enjoy the sights and sounds!!

More than two million is enough for her to spend for a long time!
Now Lawyer Han told her that she was going to go to jail?

If I really go in, won’t everything be over?
Before, she thought she just couldn't live stream and sell goods.
But then she thought again, she could start a live broadcast herself!
As long as she is not afraid of being scolded, she can do live broadcast and make money!

Won't you still be able to make money however you want at that time?

So now you're going to jail?
Zhou Wenjing held Han Jingjing's hand and said, "Lawyer Han, what should we do now?"

Han Jingjing said, "I can only keep you from going to jail now, because the nature of your crime is not very serious. You have to know that if you go to jail, your four children will not be able to pass the political review in the future, which means they can't take the civil service exam. Do you understand how serious this is?"

Zhou Wenjing thought for a moment and said, "I don't care about this. I only care about myself. Lawyer Han, tell me, how can I avoid going to jail?"

(End of this chapter)

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