You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 272 Gu Chen produced new evidence and the truth was revealed!

Chapter 272 Gu Chen produced new evidence and the truth was revealed!

Zhou Wenjing said: "Your Honorable Judge, Gu Chen has repeatedly made rumors and slandered me in court, personally attacked me, and even spread rumors that I had killed someone, which has caused me tremendous psychological pressure and mental damage."

"I demand that the law hold Gu Chen criminally responsible! Gu Chen also violated my right to reputation, so I demand that Gu Chen compensate me! Five million for mental damages!"

"If Gu Chen is unwilling to compensate for the mental damages, I will hold him accountable to the end!"

Zhou Wenjing had no intention of letting Gu Chen go.

Now that we have seized the opportunity, we must make Gu Chen pay for it!
Don't pay? Then go to jail!
What kind of outlaw is this?

Just when Zhou Wenjing was thinking about it.
Gu Chen raised his hand.

Gu Chen said: "Your Honor, I have evidence!"

Everyone looked at Gu Chen.

Gu Chen has been preparing this ultimate move for such a long time, just for this moment!
The prosecutor was just going through the process. I didn't expect Zhou Wenjing to be so good at making up stories.

Now Gu Chen couldn't bear it any longer.
He has been investigating for such a long time, and all the evidence provided by the system has come out.

If no one else can do anything to Zhou Wenjing.
Then Gu Chen must send Zhou Wenjing in! !
Gu Chen said, "Judge, there is irrefutable evidence that Zhou Wenjing killed Wang Feng!"

"Zhou Wenjing and Tian Xinyu's confessions are consistent because they had already colluded with each other before."

After Gu Chen spoke, Zhou Wenjing immediately spoke: "You are talking nonsense! Do you have any evidence? How could we collude on the confession? I am in the court and he is still in the police station. How can I collude on the confession?"

"And Wang Feng's death was caused by a battery explosion. A low-quality battery exploded. What can I do? Did I want the battery to explode?"

"I've already said it, I'm also a victim, what else do you want from us? If you continue to slander me like this, no matter how much compensation you give me for mental damage, I will not sign the letter of apology, and you will go to jail!"

Zhou Wenjing was still being stubborn at this time.

She didn't expect that she was innocent, but Gu Chen dared to say so?
It has been five years since the incident, how could Gu Chen have evidence?

There is absolutely no way that Gu Chen could have any evidence!

Except for her and Tian Xinyu, no one else knew what happened five years ago.

Han Jingjing couldn't help but speak at this time.

Han Jingjing: "Since you have evidence, you should show it. If you slander others without evidence, you will be held criminally liable."

The prosecutor also looked at Gu Chen, "What evidence do you have, Lawyer Gu?"

Gu Chen said, "Before I present the evidence, let me first explain how Zhou Wenjing and Tian Xinyu killed people, and what Zhou Wenjing's motive was."

"Many people may think that Zhou Wenjing has no motive to kill."

"After all, a battery explosion would burn down his house, and why would Zhou Wenjing want to kill Wang Feng?"

"It's very simple, all of this was directed and acted by Zhou Wenjing herself!"

Netizens in the live broadcast room were somewhat shocked.

Many netizens took a deep breath and listened carefully to Gu Chen's reconstruction of the facts.

Wang Zhihao was also listening to Gu Chen.

Gu Chen continued, "According to common sense, Zhou Wenjing did not have any motive to kill Wang Feng."

“But that’s where it all happened!”

"Since Wang Feng became paraplegic, he needs someone to take care of him at home every day."

"In the beginning, Zhou Wenjing would take care of Wang Feng. Zhou Wenjing would often chat with Wang Feng and ask him to transfer the 800,000 yuan in his card to Zhou Wenjing."

"Although Wang Feng is old, he saved a lot of money when he was young. He still has 800,000 yuan in his bank card." "Zhou Wenjing took care of Wang Feng with good intentions in the beginning just to get this money."

"In the end, Wang Feng rejected it."

"After Wang Feng refused, Zhou Wenjing found Wang Zhihao again, and the two had a big fight."

"Wang Zhihao said that the money was his father's retirement money, and that his father didn't know how to spend it, so he kept it in the bank card, saying that it was for him to save and take out when he needed money in the future."

"In the end, Zhou Wenjing was unwilling to do so. She insisted that Wang Zhihao's father, Wang Feng, 'hand over the savings', saying that she was in charge of the family's savings and that the one million yuan should be hers to manage."

"After being rejected, Zhou Wenjing's attitude towards Wang Feng became bad and she stopped taking care of Wang Feng."

When Gu Chen said this, the whole audience fell silent.

Only Zhou Wenjing was staring at Gu Chen.

It's the other way around!

How did Gu Chen know these things?
Yes, it must be Wang Zhihao who said that!
Wang Zhihao actually told her privacy to others?

Wang Zhihao, wait for the legal responsibility to be taken!
Isn't this an invasion of her privacy?
By telling her past, Gu Chen was violating her privacy!
Gu Chen said, "Zhou Wenjing's meaning is very simple. What she meant is that she has to take care of the children at home every day, and she is also asked to take care of Wang Feng, who is paralyzed from the waist down. She can't do it unless Wang Feng hands over a million in savings."

"Wang Feng didn't want to, so Zhou Wenjing said she didn't want to take care of Wang Feng either."

"In the end, Wang Zhihao had no choice but to spend money to find a nanny to take care of Wang Feng."

"As a result, this request was rejected by Zhou Wenjing."

"Zhou Wenjing said that if she gave her the money for the nanny, she could come and take care of Wang Feng."

"So, Wang Zhihao asked his father for 50,000 yuan and gave it to Zhou Wenjing."

"From then on, Zhou Wenjing would cook for Wang Feng and take care of him, but most of the time it was Wang Zhihao who took care of Wang Feng's daily life."

"Of course, after I've said this, many people may not know how this has anything to do with Zhou Wenjing's plan to kill Wang Feng, but this is the premise for what happened."

"Zhou Wenjing wants this one million, but she can't get it in a short time."

"Although Wang Feng is old, he is still in good health."

"So Zhou Wenjing started to think about how to get the one million."

"Do you think Zhou Wenjing would kill Wang Feng just for this one million? You're wrong!"

"Zhou Wenjing just wants the one million, but that doesn't mean he dares to kill someone directly."

"During that time, Wang Zhihao had to go on a business trip for a while due to work reasons."

"During the time when Wang Zhihao was on a business trip"

"Zhou Wenjing often goes out to play and doesn't come home at night. This is a common occurrence."

"Sometimes, Zhou Wenjing would go to the bar to play, and then go to the hotel."

"Sometimes, Zhou Wenjing would go look for her ex, Tian Xinyu."

"At first, the two of them went to a hotel."

"Later, the two of them didn't even go to the hotel because Tian Xinyu thought the hotel room fee was too expensive."

"So, Tian Xinyu came to Zhou Wenjing's home."

(End of this chapter)

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