You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 285: It's very hard for us girls to be pregnant. What's wrong with not working for

Chapter 285: It's very hard for us girls to be pregnant. What's wrong with not working for a year?

"Our HR department found out and fired the female employee."

"As a result, the female employee went to labor arbitration, saying that we fired a pregnant woman unjustly and demanded compensation."

"In the end, the labor arbitration ruled that we lost."

"Then a lawyer in the company sued the female employee, and now the company lost the case."

"Moreover, this female employee posted on Xiaohongshu and Douyin, attracting a lot of attention. This female employee is also slandering our company. Now the momentum is getting bigger and bigger, and many people have cyberbullied the company." Xue Qingqing said.

After listening to this, Gu Chen said nothing.

He understood
The company’s current benefits are very good and the salary is very high.

As a result, a female employee got pregnant just three days after joining the company, and worked five days a week for two months.
The country has a set number of days for pregnant women to take maternity leave.

How can you take leave just after getting pregnant?
Only working five days a week in two months, this is purely a complaint about taking salary.

The company cannot fire pregnant women without reason, so some female employees took advantage of this loophole and got pregnant when they joined the company, and then took leave when they were pregnant. After the baby was born and the maternity leave was over, the female employees resigned.
The female employee only worked a few days from beginning to end, and then received a year's salary, and the company lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in vain.
Many companies have suffered this kind of loss and there is nothing they can do about it.

Therefore, many employers now ask whether a person is married or has the intention to have children when recruiting.
More and more companies simply stop hiring female employees because they are afraid that female employees will get pregnant right after joining the company.

Gu Chen opened his phone and took a look.

Indeed, this female employee has been criticizing the law firm in various ways.

There are many girls liking and commenting below.

A random video posted by this female employee has received hundreds of thousands of likes.

[Support sisters in the lawsuit! ]

[Why did the company fire a pregnant woman? This is stipulated by national law! When we girls are pregnant, we need to rest and take leave. They should pay us wages. Why did they fire us? If they fire us, we must pay compensation! Only when the compensation is paid can we fire us! ]

[At least they should pay three times the salary, how can this company fire people so easily? ]

[No, is this law firm sick? Is this discriminating against pregnant women? What else does it mean?]

[Sisters, you must file a lawsuit! Protect women’s rights! ]

[The sisters won the lawsuit! I know who the legal representative of this law firm is! This law firm is Gu Chen’s law firm!! Isn’t Gu Chen the lawless lunatic who has been very popular on the Internet recently? ]

[Boycott Gu Chen Law Firm! Don’t go to Gu Chen Law Firm for lawsuits. There are many law firms out there. Who would go to a law firm that discriminates against pregnant women? ]

[The sisters really won the lawsuit, it's so gratifying! What kind of lawless lunatic is this? Didn't they lose the lawsuit? Why are they pretending! ]

[I don’t know what employers mean now. It’s hard enough for women to find jobs. Many companies don’t hire women. But employers fire pregnant women. Why do they fire pregnant women? It’s written in the law that pregnant women cannot be fired.]

[Gu Chen's law firm is a mess!! Must be reported! ]

[Yes, it is very hard for us girls to be pregnant. What's wrong with not going to work for a year? Isn't it normal to rest? In the early stage of pregnancy, I vomited a little every three days and a lot every five days.] It is said that fairies can't play against the wind.

In the beginning of this case involving Wang Zhihao and Zhou Wenjing, the little fairy was also very happy.

As a result, when the fight got to the end, all the fairies disappeared without a trace.

This kind of little fairy only plays when the wind is in her favor and never plays when the wind is against her.

For example, now, this group of little fairies jumped out again.

Gu Chen said: "Now employers have harsh conditions for recruiting female employees because many women take advantage of this legal loophole and get pregnant right after they start working. They have to protect the fetus and then take leave. After the leave is over, they leave. Companies usually only recruit a small number of people. If a female employee gets pregnant, the work will be assigned to other people, and the company will also bear the losses in this regard."

"In the past, I could only see this kind of thing on the Internet. I didn't expect to encounter it in my own company today. What is the name of this female employee?" Gu Chen asked.

Xue Qingqing replied: "My name is Zhou Xiaoyan."

Gu Chen nodded, "Okay, I see. It's okay. Don't blame the HR department. If a girl in our company gets pregnant, she still needs to be given the vacation and benefits she deserves, and she still needs to take the maternity leave she deserves. We can't fire her just because she's pregnant."

"Normal pregnant women can come to work in the early stages of pregnancy. If they ask for leave occasionally, the company will approve it. Our company does not discriminate against pregnant women. It is okay to take leave in the late stages of pregnancy."

"But people like Zhou Xiaoyan, who joined the company just to take advantage of this loophole to make money, don't want to go to work for a day, and leave after taking maternity leave, must be fired. The HR department did nothing wrong."

Xue Qingqing nodded to indicate that she remembered it.

The boss is just like what she thought.

It is precisely because of this that Xue Qingqing admires her boss so much.

She is also willing to stay with her boss all the time.

"Boss, let me let the lawyers from Fangda Law Firm handle this lawsuit. I know a very good lawyer, Gao Yong. If he handles this case, I don't think he will lose, and we can save on lawyer fees. What do you think?" Xue Qingqing asked.

Gu Chen said: "Why, am I not good at litigation?"

Xue Qingqing pulled Gu Chen's clothes, "But the boss has been very hard-working. I want you to rest. You can have a good rest for a few days and play with me. You can leave the lawsuit to Gao Yong. He is Fangda Lawyers' top lawyer. There will be no problem for him to come to the second instance! Some of our company's lawyers are still new, so it's normal for them to lose the lawsuit."

"I think Gao Yong would definitely agree. No matter how busy he is, I can ask him to come and fight this lawsuit." Xue Qingqing smiled sweetly.

Gu Chen said, "It's okay. This lawsuit is easy to win. I can settle it with just a few words. Notify the company and go to the second instance. I'll be the defense lawyer. Let's go back to Yuncheng and wait until the lawsuit is over. Then we'll come back to see how Zhou Wenjing and Tian Xinyu are judged in the end."

Xue Qingqing was a little worried, "Boss, but I want you to rest. I feel bad for you working so hard. You haven't rested for a long time. You have to go to check evidence every day and get up very early. You are still the boss. For matters like lawsuits, we can find someone else."

Gu Chen touched Xue Qingqing's head and said, "Okay, okay, it's okay. I'm the boss of a law firm and a lawyer. It's normal to have a lawsuit. That's it. Come back to Yuncheng with me and see when the second trial can be held."

Xue Qingqing nodded obediently and went to make arrangements immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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