You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 289 Zhou Xiaoyan’s accusation: Why discriminate against her?

Chapter 289 Zhou Xiaoyan’s accusation: Why discriminate against her?

Soon, presiding judge Shen Jiarui and two judges entered the courtroom one after another.

The recorder said, "Everyone stand up!"

Everyone in the courtroom stood up.

The recorder said: "I will now declare the order of the court. First, no noise is allowed in the courtroom."


"Now I declare that the court is officially open!"

Presiding Judge Shen Jiarui looked around and struck the gavel.

"Everyone please take a seat!"

"This case has been heard by the Yuncheng Court at first instance and a verdict has been rendered."

"This case is about Zhou Xiaoyan working at Gu Chen Law Firm. She became pregnant five days after joining the firm. After two months of work, Gu Chen Law Firm dismissed Zhou Xiaoyan on the grounds that she failed the probation period."

"After Zhou Xiaoyan won the labor arbitration, Gu Chen Law Firm refused to accept the arbitration and filed a lawsuit with the Yuncheng Court."

"After the trial at the Yuncheng Primary People's Court, Gu Chen Law Firm lost the case and is now appealing to our court."

The presiding judge Shen Jiarui said, "Now please ask the defendant to explain the cause, process, and result of the case."

The camera turned to Zhou Xiaoyan.

Zhou Xiaoyan said aggrievedly: "My name is Zhou Xiaoyan, just an ordinary woman."

"I usually love my work. After I joined Gu Chen Law Firm, the company offered me a monthly salary of 15,000 yuan."

"I worked for a while and found out I was pregnant."

"Then, because of the pregnancy, my body felt very uncomfortable. I had morning sickness, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and physical pain."

"So, I asked for leave from the company and explained the situation."

"The company also approved my leave, so I thought everything was fine."

"I'm also very sorry. I got pregnant not long after I started working, but I don't know when I got pregnant. I don't want to get pregnant either. I want to work hard. After all, we women need to be independent."

"After I became pregnant, I had a lot of adverse reactions because I was still in the early stages of pregnancy, so I occasionally asked for leave from the company. But I also came to work regularly. I only asked for leave when I was not feeling well."

"But I never expected that two months later, the company would fire me!"

"The company fired me because I didn't meet their employment standards!"

"If I really don't have the ability, why did you recruit me?"

"Since you hired me, why did you fire me?"

"I came here to file a lawsuit today, not just to speak up for myself!"

"I am here today to fight this lawsuit not only for my own rights. Have I done anything outrageous? I am a pregnant woman! You bully a pregnant woman like this? Why? Why? What right do you have to bully and fire a pregnant woman? Because your company is full of lawyers? So you think no one dares to go to labor arbitration and sue you? I dare!"

"I came here to file a lawsuit today, not just to speak up for myself!"

"It's hard enough for women. They are discriminated against by employers when they are looking for jobs."

"As a pregnant woman fired by the company, I am just a vulnerable group."

"I am here today to fight this lawsuit not only for my own rights!"

“I want to speak up for countless women!”

"We pregnant women should not be discriminated against!"

“Why are we the ones being bullied? Why are we the ones being discriminated against?”

"We pregnant women work very hard, and we should have our own rights! Employers cannot discriminate against me and fire me just because I am pregnant!" "But no one cares about our life or death!"

"You fired a pregnant woman for no reason!"

"I can not accept!!"

"If every employer does the same as you, I don't know how many women will be hurt in the future!"

"Could it be that we girls can't find out we're pregnant while at work? We'll be fired if we find out we're pregnant? What kind of logic is that?"

“When will vulnerable groups like us be taken care of?”

Zhou Xiaoyan directly stood on the moral high ground and spoke out.

The group of fairies in the live broadcast room reached climax.

[Well said! Speak up for billions of women! Speak up for billions of pregnant women! ]

[Gu Chen Law Firm must be severely punished! This company that discriminates against women should be closed down! ]

[If all employers were like this law firm, wouldn't many pregnant women be fired? ]

[How dare you? Isn't this ignoring the laws of the country? Bullying a pregnant woman like this? ]

[Is it easy for us girls? Why? Why did Gu Chen do this? I always thought he was a good person, but now I find that he is disgusting! He looks like a capitalist! ]

[Your law firm is so profitable, what's wrong with letting a pregnant woman earn a year's salary? ]

[Severe punishment is necessary! This company must be punished! Other companies will not dare to imitate this company and fire pregnant women in the future! ! ]

Zhou Xiaoyan said: "Your Honor, I am just a vulnerable person, I am just a pregnant woman."

“I just want my legitimate rights.”

"My statement is complete."

Zhou Xiaoyan finished speaking.

Presiding Judge Shen Jiarui struck the gavel.

"Plaintiff, please make your statement."

The plaintiff who appeared in court on behalf of the company happened to be Yan Yuting.

Yan Yuting said: "Judge, Zhou Xiaoyan's words are all using the Spring and Autumn style of writing to mislead the public. We want to correct Zhou Xiaoyan's words."

"First, Zhou Xiaoyan said that she found out she was pregnant after working for a while. In fact, Zhou Xiaoyan only worked for four days, and then she said she was pregnant and felt unwell, and asked for leave from the company."

"Secondly, Zhou Xiaoyan said that she often worked in the company and occasionally took leave, which is also problematic. In fact, Zhou Xiaoyan only worked five days in the company in two months, and took leave for the rest of the time."

"I have finished my statement. Any subsequent disputes will be answered by my defense attorney." Yan Yuting finished.

After hearing what Yan Yuting said, some male netizens in the live broadcast room also understood.

Working five days a week in two months, isn't this just to get the company's salary?

Although the early stages of pregnancy are uncomfortable, it doesn’t have to be to the point where you have to work five days a week for two months, right?

And the fairies in the live broadcast room all jumped out to comment.

[Isn't it normal to work five days a week for two months? Don't you know how uncomfortable early pregnancy is? ]

[I am a girl, I know how hard it is to be pregnant. Not to mention working five days a week for two months, I can even not work for two months, and there is no problem at all. Have you ever been pregnant? Do you know how difficult it is to be pregnant? ]

[Pregnant mothers are great. It is normal for pregnant women to work five days a week for two months. Even so, the employer cannot fire the employee for this reason, right? Isn't this against the law? ]

[This is not a reason for the company to fire you! Is it abnormal for a pregnant woman to need to rest? ]

(End of this chapter)

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