You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 29: An outlaw takes action. I believe Wang Yongqiang is innocent and request his immediate r

Chapter 29: An outlaw takes action. I believe Wang Yongqiang is innocent and request his immediate release!
Xishan Village.

Liu Yajun held Han Ziming's hand and said, "Lawyer Han, I completely leave my son's case to you. No matter what, Wang Yongqiang must be sentenced to death! Wang Yongqiang has gone too far! He killed my son and stabbed him more than ten times. Is that something a human can do? He must be sentenced to death! No matter what conditions they put forward, they must be sentenced to death!"

Liu Yajun doesn't care about anything else, he just wants the death penalty for Wang Yongqiang!

Han Ziming said: "Don't worry, I will definitely do my best. This is my duty."

Liu Yajun said, "Lawyer Han, here are 100,000 yuan. It's just a small token of my appreciation for your help. If you can sentence him to death, I can add another 100,000 yuan!"

Han Ziming accepted the money and said with a smile, "Don't worry, this case is definitely punishable by death. No one can help. The evidence is irrefutable and there is absolutely no problem. The first trial will result in death penalty, and the second trial will also result in death penalty."

If we want to change the death penalty to life imprisonment, one thing to look at is Wang Yongqiang's attitude towards admitting his guilt and whether he surrenders himself. The key is also to see what the situation was when Wang Yongqiang killed people. Now it seems that there is no need to worry at all.

Wang Yongqiang committed intentional homicide, and it is impossible for Liu Yajun's family to issue a letter of forgiveness, so Wang Yongqiang must be sentenced to death.

Han Ziming felt that he earned the two hundred thousand yuan too easily.

As for his opponent, he was just a trainee lawyer.
Just a trainee lawyer, what use can that be?

It’s nothing more than that I was lucky enough to win a hot lawsuit before, what does that count for?
He is an elite lawyer in a red circle law firm. He has fought countless lawsuits and experienced many more ups and downs than Gu Chen.

the next day.

The attention of all!!
The second trial of the case of Wang Yongqiang murdering Liu Biao has officially opened!
This court session will still be broadcast live on the entire network!!

Moreover, this court session is more serious. This is the Supreme People's Court in the country, and the second instance is the final instance!
If Wang Yongqiang is sentenced to death again this time, there will be nothing that can be done and no one can save Wang Yongqiang.

There are already hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room, all paying attention to this case.

【Come on! ! Come on, Lawyer Gu! ! 】

[I hope Lawyer Gu can help Wang Yongqiang change his death sentence to life imprisonment. ]

[As long as the death penalty can be changed to life imprisonment, I think it will be great! ! ]

[I want to know the truth! What did Liu Biao do to Sun Yunmeng's family? Why did Wang Yongqiang kill Liu Biao? I want to know everything that happened! ]

[I support Wang Yongqiang in this case! Wang Yongqiang is such a man! Although he will be sentenced to death in the end, I will take it if I am given the chance! His wife has been bullied like that, how can a man bear it? ]

The courtroom is solemn and sacred.

The courtroom was already full of people.

And even the parties involved came.

The prosecution and the public prosecutor have all arrived.

Plaintiff’s lawyer Han Ziming.

Although the plaintiff in this kind of case should not have a lawyer because the prosecution is directly brought by the procuratorate, in this world, Liu Yajun can still hire a lawyer to defend himself.

Defendant: Wang Yongqiang.

Family member of the accused: Sun Yunmeng, everyone is here. Three minutes later.

"The court session has begun," the recorder stood up and said.

"The court discipline is announced. The parties involved in the litigation shall abide by the law and rules, maintain the order of the court, and shall not make noise or quarrel. Speech, statement and debate shall be subject to the permission of the presiding judge or the sole judge."

The recorder looked at the audience and said, "The court is about to open. In accordance with the provisions of Article 137, Paragraph 1 of the Civil Procedure Law, the following court rules are announced:
1. When a party to a lawsuit asks a question, it must be approved by the judge. The party should also use civilized language and not make personal attacks.
Please ask the presiding judge and judges to enter the court and take their seats. Report to the presiding judge, the court preparations are ready. "

Everybody stand up!

Presiding Judge, judges, everyone, please take your seats!
The presiding judge of the Supreme People's Court is Shen Jiarui.

Shen Jiarui banged the gavel, "Silence! Everyone, please take a seat!"

Everyone sat down.

The presiding judge looked at the prosecutor and said, "Please ask the prosecutor to describe the case again."

The prosecutor said, "The first instance judgment has been made in this case. Wang Yongqiang killed Liu Biao in a rage because his wife Sun Yunmeng cheated on him. He stabbed Liu Biao more than ten times with a pair of scissors. Liu Biao died. Wang Yongqiang was charged with intentional homicide and sentenced to death in the first instance. The case has been concluded."

The presiding judge nodded, looked at the plaintiff's lawyer Han Ziming, and said, "Plaintiff's lawyer, please state your claim."

Han Ziming said: "Our lawsuit request is very simple, life for life, requesting that Wang Yongqiang be sentenced to death! Wang Yongqiang's wife Sun Yunmeng hooked up with Liu Biao many times, and the two had an improper relationship. When Wang Yongqiang found out, he was furious and killed Liu Biao directly. It was intentional homicide. Liu Biao's affair with Wang Yongqiang's wife was just morally wrong, and he didn't actually break the law. Wang Yongqiang's murder is an established fact, so requesting that Wang Yongqiang be sentenced to death! The death penalty must be executed immediately!"

At this time, the prosecutor also spoke up: "According to the police investigation, at 9:30 on the afternoon of September 15.35, Wang Yongqiang killed Liu Biao with a pair of scissors. The motive for the crime was clear and the method was simple. After killing Liu Biao, Wang Yongqiang voluntarily surrendered himself. Liu Biao died on the spot. Although Wang Yongqiang surrendered himself, it was not seen that Wang Yongqiang felt remorse for the murder, so I request the court to sentence Wang Yongqiang to death."

Both the prosecutor and the plaintiff's attorney expressed their opinions.

Netizens were all stunned when they saw this scene.

The public prosecutor, the plaintiff's lawyer, and the plaintiff's family all demanded that Wang Yongqiang be sentenced to death.

Now Wang Yongqiang is completely finished!
Forget life imprisonment, this is definitely a death sentence!
Especially since Wang Yongqiang didn't feel any remorse at all for killing someone, doesn't that further prove that Wang Yongqiang committed intentional murder?
Once it is intentional homicide, the sentence must be death penalty, there is no possibility of life imprisonment!
Many netizens looked at Gu Chen.

As Wang Yongqiang's defense lawyer, Gu Chen hasn't said a word.

In this situation, even if it was Lawyer Gu, even if Lawyer Gu was an outlaw, it would be impossible for him to successfully defend Wang Yongqiang, right?
[Alas, it’s over. The evidence is irrefutable, and Wang Yongqiang himself is not up to the task. Who will defend him now? ]

【Wang Yongqiang should have expressed his deep regret, and maybe he could have been sentenced to life imprisonment.】

[I don’t know what Wang Yongqiang is thinking. Anyway, the lawless criminals can’t save Wang Yongqiang now. Who else can save Wang Yongqiang? ]

The presiding judge Shen Jiarui looked at Gu Chen and said, "The defendant's lawyer may make his statement."

Gu Chen said: "Your Honor, I think it is very simple!"

"I have only a few words to state."

"I believe that the defendant Wang Yongqiang is not guilty! I request the court to release Wang Yongqiang immediately! I also request Liu Yajun to compensate Wang Yongqiang 600,000 yuan for mental damages, medical expenses, lost wages, and other expenses."

(End of this chapter)

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