You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 315: The first instance of the court's judgment! The old debtor paid back the money and

Chapter 315: The court's first-instance judgment! The old debtor paid back the money and went to jail again

Wang Yaya: “???”

She wants to talk!
Why not give her a chance to speak?
Is this the verdict?


hold on!
Wang Yaya stood up!
Wang Yaya quickly said: "Judge, I want to speak, I haven't spoken yet!!"

Presiding Judge Gong Hao struck the gavel.


"Without permission, you are not allowed to disrupt the order of the court. This is a second warning to the defendant."

"If there is a third time, the court will deal with it seriously!"

Wang Yaya was confused.

She didn't get a single word out, not only was she backstabbed by her own lawyer, but the judge also stopped her from speaking.

Presiding Judge Gong Hao struck the gavel once again.

"I now declare that the court will adjourn for ten minutes. The verdict will be announced in ten minutes."

The court was adjourned.

After the court adjourned, Wang Yaya was very panicked.

She immediately called Wang Wenxuan.

"Husband, the court is going to make a ruling. I don't know how many years he will be sentenced to. I guess you will be sentenced too."

"I don't know what crime he committed. They said he was suspected of illegally transferring assets. Now he's going to be sentenced. It's over. Husband, what should I do?"

"Yes, even if we pay the money back now, we will still be sentenced. I don't know what the final sentence will be, but it's really disgusting!"

"It's just a debt of one million, but Wang Guosheng, that idiot, wanted to make a scene, causing us to go to jail now. I don't know how many years we will be in jail. This is ruined, husband, I don't want to go to jail, you deal with it quickly, we can appeal, maybe there is a chance to reduce the sentence."

After finishing the call, Wang Yaya looked at Wang Guosheng with some resentment.

Why is Wang Guosheng such a person?

I’ve never seen Wang Guosheng like this before!

Are you going to send them in as soon as you come up?
It’s just a debt of one million, is it that serious?

Can't Wang Guosheng just not care about such a small amount of money as one million?
For this small amount of money, Wang Guosheng has to keep asking them for money?
Who are these people?

But Wang Yaya doesn't dare to speak now.
After the presiding judge and the judges discussed for ten minutes.

The court is back in session!

Presiding Judge Gong Hao struck the gavel.

Gong Hao said: "The verdict will be announced now!"

"First, Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yaya are ordered to return the one million yuan owed by Wang Guosheng, and to return a total of 1362455 yuan to Wang Wenxuan within seven days after the verdict is announced, based on the ten-year deposit interest rate."

"Second, Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yaya, after the court's judgment, failed to perform the obligations determined by the effective legal documents, and transferred assets through various means such as cash withdrawals, WeChat transfers, real estate auctions, and gold purchases. They have committed the crime of refusing to execute judgments and rulings. According to Article 313 of the Criminal Law, they are sentenced to three years in prison."

"Third, Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yaya should be responsible for all litigation expenses of Wang Guosheng, totaling 302341 yuan, and compensate him for lost wages and mental damages for debt collection, totaling 12321 yuan."

"The verdict of this case has been announced. If you have any objections, you can appeal to the Intermediate People's Court."

The verdict is over!
Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yaya must pay back the money!!
The court also sentenced two people to three years in prison!

Because the two people did not commit many crimes, the sentence was not heavy. Although Gu Chen wanted to sentence them to seven years in prison, what the two people did was not enough to sentence them to seven years.

Wang Guosheng said: "They were sentenced to three years. That was too easy for them. I asked for money so many times in the past ten years, but I never got it back. They have been deadbeats for such a long time, and in the end they were only sentenced to three years. Alas."

Gu Chen patted Wang Guosheng on the shoulder and said, "Three years is a long time. They have been living a life of luxury outside for such a long time, and now they are going to go to jail soon."

Wang Guosheng nodded. "Anyway, thank you Lawyer Gu. If it weren't for you, I probably wouldn't have gotten a single cent back. Well, now at least I can get the money back, I'm already satisfied. Thank you Lawyer Gu! After the lawsuit, I will definitely go to your law firm to present you with a banner!"

Gu Chen smiled and waved his hand.

After finishing this case, I can finally have a few days of rest.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were quite excited.

Because Gu Chen really sent the deadbeat to jail!

[Awesome, awesome, Lawyer Gu is awesome, justice is enforced, the deadbeat is sent to jail, haha. ]

[This is Lawyer Gu! You think you came here for nothing, you lawless lunatic? ]

[Lawyer Gu has fought so many lawsuits, but he has never lost a single one. ]

[Is this the value of Outlaws? ]

[Now the old Lai will go to jail for three years together, hahahahaha, I feel good! ]

[I feel relieved, but it’s a pity that three years is too short. It would be better if he could be sentenced to a few more years. ]

[There is nothing we can do. These two people just refused to pay back the money and became deadbeats. That is what the law stipulates. They will not be sentenced to a long time. The last time I saw a similar case, they were only sentenced to one and a half years.]

Soon, the trial results of the case became a hot topic.

Gu Chen won the lawsuit again! !

The court was already closed.

Wang Yaya was unconvinced and said, "Why are we sentenced? I want to find a lawyer, I want to appeal! I want a second trial!! I must have a second trial!! The sentence is too long!! I can't accept it, I just didn't pay back the money, and you want me to go to jail? And you want me to stay in jail for such a long time."

As a result, no one paid any attention to Wang Yaya.

Wang Yaya has been arrested.

Of course, Wang Yaya has the right to appeal.

Wang Yaya was involved in a lawsuit, so she was arrested on the spot.

As a criminal, Wang Wenxuan must be arrested now, but he is still outside the province, so it will take some time to arrest him.

Wang family.

Wang Wenxuan and Wang Yunxia sat together, and the elderly people in the family were also there.

Wang Wenxuan said: "Fuck it, my wife was imprisoned, and I was sentenced to three years. Fuck it, why?"

Wang Yunxia said, "Won't the police come to arrest you later?"

Wang Wenxuan said, "It's okay. The police don't know I'm back yet. Let me tell you this first. Since the court has ruled this way, we won't pay back the money! Not a single cent! Why should we go to jail and pay back the money? Wouldn't that be a waste for them?"

"I'm going to jail anyway. I'll still have to go to jail even if I pay back the money. So if that's the case, I won't pay back a single cent. What can they do?"

"Sister, transfer my house, car, and Yunshan Resort estate to our dad. Our parents are already over 70 years old. I want to see what the court can do. Let's transfer the ownership first!"

"Then he will go to jail. It's only three years anyway. We can't give Wang Guosheng a penny! He caused us to go to jail, should we give him face? The house in Xinghewan has also been transferred. The door is usually locked. No one knocks on the door."

(End of this chapter)

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