Chapter 339 The case has been judged!
Presiding Judge Lin Fan finished speaking.

Everyone at the scene was applauding.

Lin Fan continued, "Now let's announce the verdict."

"Li Guipeng kidnapped Yue Hongling for three years, during which time he made her give birth to two children. He has committed the crimes of kidnapping and rape, and has also committed domestic violence, beatings and violence many times, with serious consequences."

"Moreover, Li Guipeng led villagers to resist law enforcement many times and injured law enforcement officers. The circumstances were serious. Even though Yue Hongling wrote a letter of apology and Li Guipeng showed remorse, the nature of his actions was serious. This court should not give Li Guipeng a lighter or reduced sentence."

"Li Guipeng killed Wang Tingting. The evidence is true. He has committed the crime of intentional homicide. According to Article 232 of the Criminal Law, Li Guipeng is sentenced to death, deprived of political rights for life, and all personal property is confiscated!"

death penalty!

Another death penalty!

Li Guipeng's case is even more serious than Chen Hao and Duan Hailong's cases!
The punishment for multiple crimes must be death penalty!
Moreover, Li Guipeng committed murder intentionally.
Intentional homicide must be punished by death, there is no way to escape it!

[Okay, okay, all of them are death penalty! ]

[These criminals are all sentenced to death! ]

[Lawyer Gu is awesome, the lawless criminals are awesome, no one who deserves the death penalty should be spared! ]

[The nature of these people's crimes is too bad. How many victims are there? They should be sentenced! ]

[There are so many people in this village, and we cannot let any of them who break the law go! ]

This lawsuit is just the beginning.

Only a few people were convicted.
There are still many people who break the law in the village.

However, among those who break the law, there are many whose crimes are relatively minor and they will all be sentenced according to the law.

[Wang Gong, the head of Xiaojing Village, was suspected of kidnapping, rape, human trafficking, taking the lead in resisting law enforcement, and embezzling 3 million yuan. He was sentenced to death, deprived of political rights for life, expelled from the party, and all personal property was confiscated.]

[Li Hao was convicted of rape, illegal detention, violent assault, and buying abducted women and was sentenced to life imprisonment.]

[Zhang Gui, who helped others commit rape, violently assaulted others, obstructed law enforcement, and bought abducted women, was sentenced to 13 years in prison.]


[Zhao Kainiu, who committed rape and buying abducted women, resisted law enforcement, showed a good degree of repentance, and was given a lighter sentence of seven years in prison.]

[Shen Yiming, assisted others in rape, resisted law enforcement, assisted others in assault, violent crimes, fortunately he pleaded guilty with a good attitude, sentenced to three years in prison. ]

The court has finally made all the judgments!

Ten people were sentenced to death!

Five people were sentenced to life imprisonment.

As for the remaining suspects, they were all sentenced according to law, with the shortest sentence being three years!
Presiding Judge Lin Fan said: "If you are dissatisfied with this judgment, you may appeal through this court or directly to a higher people's court within ten days from the second day after receiving the judgment."

"Now, the case has been adjudicated, the court is closed!"

At this point, the case has been completely concluded.

All judgments completed!

In a village, all the villagers who broke the law were sentenced!

No one can escape!
Skynet is restored, careless but not leaking!
Once the law is violated, the punishment should be accepted!
There is even a trend of cracking down on illegal and criminal activities sweeping across the country!

The netizens in the live broadcast room went completely crazy.

[The verdict is over! Awesome! All the criminals are in jail! ]

【This is the outlaw!!】

[I really admire Lawyer Gu. The police hadn’t solved the case for a month, but after Lawyer Gu investigated it, it took less than 20 days for the case to be judged!]

[Lawyer Gu should change his name to Great Detective! This is the lawless lunatic. ]

[It feels good, it really feels good now, it's a pity for these girls, all these kidnappers should be sentenced to death! ]

After the case was decided, Gu Chen took Xue Qingqing to Xia Ling's home.

Xia Ling has been discharged from the hospital and seems to be in good spirits.

Xia Ling has to go back to school.
Gu Chen learned about Xia Ling's situation and found out that Xia Ling was studying finance, and was doing very well.

Gu Chen said: "After graduation, you can consider working in our law firm. Remember to contact me then. Don't worry about anything else. Just be careful when you go out in the future."

Xia Ling nodded, "Thank you, Lawyer Gu. If it weren't for Lawyer Gu, I don't know how long I would have to stay in that village. Lawyer Gu, when I graduate, I will definitely work in your law firm! I don't even need a salary!"

Gu Chen smiled and said, "It's not to the point of not paying the employees. That's it. We have to go back to Kyoto first."

Xia Ling said, "Lawyer Gu, is this case not over yet? I guess those death row inmates will have a second trial. It's impossible for them not to have a second trial."

Gu Chen said, "It's okay. The second trial is the second trial. This case was originally prosecuted by the prosecutor. I went to the first trial to help you fight for civil compensation. Of course, I am better at criminal cases, so the prosecutor also appointed me as a lawyer. I am here to help. Don't worry about the second trial. The verdict will be the same as it should be."

"The law will not change the verdict just because these people submit to a second trial. The nature of their crimes is too serious, so the death penalty will remain the same unless there is new evidence. But now the case has been concluded and nothing can change."

Xia Ling nodded.

After walking out of the room, Xue Qingqing said, "Boss, now that we are back in Kyoto, we can have a good rest for a while. You are so tired. You are so tired just after arriving in Kyoto, and you haven't even gone to the university to give lectures yet."

Gu Chen smiled and said, "You can rest now, but I can't. I have to teach my students and prepare for the lesson."

Soon, Gu Chen and Xue Qingqing flew back to Kyoto.

As soon as he returned to Kyoto, Gu Chen had a new mission.

Give lessons to Peking University students!
He is now a professor at Peking University and has a permanent position.

Gu Chen was quite happy to give lectures to students at Peking University Law School.

rest? nonexistent!
Before I could even sit down, assistant Yan Yuting came over.

Yan Yuting said, "Boss, something has happened. There is a case that needs you to take. Other lawyers in the law firm think this case is very difficult. Lawyers on the Internet have said that there is no way to convict this girl and no way to hold her criminally responsible. But the victim's family is very distressed."

"The victim's family had nowhere else to turn, so they came to our law firm three days ago, and now the whole internet is buzzing about it."

"The victim's family is a woman who has triplets. But her husband is gone. Her husband is a firefighter. When he came home from get off work, he found a 20-year-old girl jumping into the river. Then the accident happened."

 There is a chapter that was blocked earlier, it should be released tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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