Chapter 342 Did I ask him to save me?
Li Zhengyi drowned.

Tang Ya's family fell into great pain.

Tang Ya's parents lost their son before her. Tang Ya's three daughters kept crying and shouting to see their father.

This day is Li Zhengyi's birthday.

For Li Zhengyi's family, this day was like the sky falling and the pillar of the family had fallen.

Li Zhengyi died while saving others. The media reported that Li Zhengyi sacrificed his life heroically saving others.

The media passed the incident over lightly with just one sentence, and Zhao Sisi left a sentence - [Did I ask him to jump into the river to save me? I didn't ask him to save me], and then Zhao Sisi left the scene.

Although many onlookers were angry.

Zhao Sisi is so shameless.

Many people saw how Li Zhengyi saved Zhao Sisi throughout the whole process, and how Zhao Sisi cut off Li Zhengyi's hope of survival.

After the incident, netizens were furious.

[Zhao Sisi clearly intended to kill someone! She kept pushing Li Zhengyi's head into the water, snatching the stick and the rope, and didn't give Li Zhengyi any chance to survive.]

[Isn't this a murderer? Why don't you sentence Zhao Sisi? Arrest Zhao Sisi! Isn't this intentional murder? ]

[This Zhao Sisi can obviously swim, she deliberately killed Li Zhengyi! ]

[Li Zhengyi had his wife and three daughters. They were gone just like that.]

[There are three children on the shore waiting for their father to come home.]

[Did you hear what that woman said? I didn’t ask him to save me.]

[I was so angry when I heard this! When she threw the rope the second time, the woman grabbed it instantly. She was so calm.]

[The rope had clearly reached the firefighter, but the woman pushed him back, and he tried to push her forward so that she could grab the rope.]

[For a woman like this, the death penalty is a light sentence. Is there anyone who can send her to prison? Why is no one holding her criminally responsible? ]

Netizens are very angry and want to hold Zhao Sisi criminally responsible.

But there is no way
The news media have all defined this matter.

[Li Zhengyi rescued a woman who attempted suicide by falling into the water, but unfortunately died due to the turbulent water. Let us wish Li Zhengyi a good journey.]

[A 20-year-old woman committed suicide by jumping into the river, and firefighter Li Zhengyi died while trying to save her]

【From Li Zhengyi's incident, we can reflect that firefighters should strengthen their swimming skills and improve their work ability in an all-round way.】

One after another, the media issued press releases to wish Li Zhengyi a safe journey.

Some media also said that Li Zhengyi drowned because his swimming skills were not good enough.

However, many netizens were still angry after seeing it.

Jumping into a river to save someone does not necessarily mean you can save the person just because you are a good swimmer.

If there is no rescue experience, no matter how good the swimming skills are, there is a high possibility that both of them will drown.

Li Zhengyi can swim and save people in the water, otherwise why would he jump into the river?
The first time Li Zhengyi jumped into the river, he clearly rescued Zhao Sisi!

But when Zhao Sisi was rescued for the first time, she tried her best to push Li Zhengyi's head into the water.

Isn't this intentional homicide?
If Zhao Sisi can't swim at all, and this is an instinct for survival, then it's nothing, and it's understandable that she struggled in a desperate situation. But this video has shown that Zhao Sisi can swim, and can also do backstroke, and knows that backstroke can maintain physical strength!
It can be said that Li Zhengyi’s drowning was due to Zhao Sisi!
If Zhao Sisi hadn't tried desperately to push Li Zhengyi's head into the river, how could Li Zhengyi have run out of strength and ended up drowning?
When others were rescuing Li Zhengyi, Zhao Sisi stopped them from rescuing him three times!
Kind-hearted people threw sticks and ropes next to Li Zhengyi.

As long as Li Zhengyi can grab the stick or the rope, the people on the shore will pull Li Zhengyi up!

This way Li Zhengyi would not have drowned!
But Zhao Sisi chose to kick Li Zhengyi away and grab the stick and the rope by herself.

In the end, Li Zhengyi drowned.

However, Zhao Sisi said lightly that it was not her who asked Li Zhengyi to save her.

Is this because Li Zhengyi’s swimming skills are not good?
Is this the reason why Li Zhengyi himself cannot swim well?

Even if the water is rushing, Li Zhengyi can survive because he can swim!

But he was killed by Zhao Sisi!

However, some media said that Li Zhengyi sacrificed himself to save others, while others said that Li Zhengyi himself was not good at swimming.

If you meet someone like Zhao Sisi, even if you ask a swimming champion to save her, the swimming champion will probably drown!
No matter how angry netizens are, there is nothing they can do.

No one will hold Zhao Sisi accountable.

The media will not say anything about Zhao Sisi, they will only say that Li Zhengyi’s own relevant skills are not up to standard.

The police will not take Zhao Sisi back.

There are cases like this every year.

Every year, there are people who sacrifice their lives while trying to save people from drowning.
Such news is too common.

There are many kind-hearted people who rescued others, but they died.
There are too many cases like this.

No one will hold the person who falls into the water accountable.

Therefore, no one will hold Zhao Sisi accountable in this case.

In other words, Zhao Sisi cannot be held accountable at all.

Many netizens are condemning Zhao Sisi.

It can be seen from the video that Zhao Sisi can swim, but she has destroyed Li Zhengyi's hope of survival several times.

What's more, what Zhao Sisi said made netizens break down.

So Li Zhengyi saved Zhao Sisi but made a mistake?
He risked his life to save you, and you said nonchalantly, "Who asked him to save you?"
Netizens were so angry that they gnashed their teeth and started to rant online.

at the same time,

Many lawyers online have posted videos and expressed their opinions on this case.

A top lawyer expressed his thoughts online.

[I have read about the recent incident between Li Zhengyi and Zhao Sisi. Many people said that Zhao Sisi should be held accountable, such as for intentional homicide and negligent homicide. In fact, it is difficult to hold Zhao Sisi accountable. I can understand the emotions of netizens, but it is really difficult to convict the girl.]

[The girl was indeed an adult, but her act of jumping into the river was suicide. Li Zhengyi drowned while trying to save her. It is a pity, but there is no way to hold Zhao Sisi criminally responsible.]

[I saw netizens saying that Zhao Sisi pressed down on Li Zhengyi's head in the video, but what does that prove? Zhao Sisi also tried to grab the rope. I have watched these videos over and over again, but even so, there is no way to hold Zhao Sisi criminally responsible.]

[Because these were all the struggles Zhao Sisi made when she fell into the water, legally speaking, it is considered emergency avoidance and she does not need to bear criminal responsibility.]

(End of this chapter)

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