You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 42: Gu Chen's Godly Move! The court is about to make a ruling! !

Chapter 42: Gu Chen's divine move! The court is about to make a ruling!!
[Awesome! Is this Gu Chen? ]

[Gu Chen really dares to speak out! Even the prosecutor dares not to speak.]

[This is so awesome! ! It is true that what you said is true. Liu Biao is a criminal. Liu Biao even has a knife in his hand. You said Liu Biao wanted to kill the fish? Isn’t this nonsense? ]

[Support Wang Yongqiang's legitimate defense! Support Wang Yongqiang's innocence!!]

Netizens were excitedly posting comments.

They also support Wang Yongqiang's self-defense.

After all, no normal person can stand this kind of humiliation!

Who can bear to see his wife being bullied by another man?
Who can bear to be tied up like a dog?

Liu Biao is essentially a criminal!!

When a criminal is holding a knife, do you have to wait for him to stab you before you fight back?
At this time, the prosecutor spoke.

The prosecutor said: "Based on previous cases, there has never been such a verdict. According to Article 20 of the Criminal Law, the law clearly states that defensive actions taken against violent crimes that seriously endanger personal safety are legitimate defense, and Wang Yongqiang is clearly manslaughter or intentional homicide."

"Wang Yongqiang could have used the scissors to make Liu Biao lose his ability to move, but Wang Yongqiang stabbed Liu Biao more than ten times in a row, which endangered his life. Therefore, Wang Yongqiang committed intentional homicide, not self-defense. This act of malicious revenge should not be self-defense." The prosecutor said.

The prosecutor shifted the topic to the dozen or so knife attacks.

If Wang Yongqiang had only stabbed Liu Biao once, it could still be considered self-defense.

But Wang Yongqiang didn't just stab once, he stabbed more than ten times.

Can these dozen or so stab wounds still be called self-defense?

Even if it was not intentional homicide, it was an excessive self-defense and manslaughter.

And manslaughter by negligence should be punished by at least life imprisonment or even death penalty!
Negligence causing death also results in the death of the other party, and the legal sentence is still very severe. If you do not want to sentence Wang Yongqiang to death, you must obtain the forgiveness of Liu Yajun's family.

It is basically impossible to get the forgiveness of Liu Yajun's family now. Liu Yajun is also unlikely to forgive Wang Yongqiang. He only wants the death penalty for Wang Yongqiang, so how could he write a letter of forgiveness?
Everyone looked at Gu Chen again.

Whether or not he can successfully defend Wang Yongqiang depends on Gu Chen!
This is what Gao Yong said. Even if Gu Chen found video evidence of what happened at the time, it would not necessarily be judged as self-defense!

Because in recent decades, there has not been a single case that could be ruled as self-defense!
As long as there is murder, it will more or less involve intentional injury, it just depends on how many years the sentence is.

Sometimes even the death penalty
Many times, even if all the evidence is available, it still depends on how the presiding judge makes the decision. The presiding judge also has a certain degree of discretion.

Gu Chen said: "Wang Yongqiang can just give the other party one knife, but at this time, we have to consider how Wang Yongqiang feels."

"Being bullied for a long time, and also because of the knife in Liu Biao's hand, Wang Yongqiang was always unable to beat Liu Biao. Every time he fought with Liu Biao, he would be beaten."

"Wang Yongqiang just heard his wife's screams and knew that she was raped by Liu Biao. He also saw his wife telling him that she didn't want to live anymore."

"Under such extreme emotions, anger, fear, and terror, Wang Yongqiang did not dare to give Liu Biao a chance to fight back. He only knew that he had to kill Liu Biao. If he did not kill Liu Biao, Liu Biao would definitely kill him."

Gu Chen also knew that he might not be able to help Wang Yongqiang become innocent in this case.

It depends on how the judge decides in the end.

If Wang Yongqiang is sentenced to death or life imprisonment in the end, Gu Chen has done his best. Gu Chen is here to defend Wang Yongqiang's innocence.

Gu Chen found cases from the last twenty years.
There have been some cases of self-defense in the past twenty years, but the final verdicts in these cases were all, without exception, intentional injury.

That is to say, although Article 20 of the Criminal Law stipulates the legal provisions of legitimate defense.

But in fact, in specific judgments, the term "self-defense" has never been used. The worst case is always considered excessive defense, and if it is a little more serious, it can easily become manslaughter or intentional homicide.

Gu Chen looked at everyone and said, "I am a lawyer. I have reviewed the judgments and judicial practices in the past ten years. The Zhou Xianping case in 2014, the Jia Yunke case in 2015, the He Feng case in 2016, the Cao Ailing case in 2017, etc., were all found to be intentional injury."

"Sometimes I wonder why they are always convicted of intentional injury? Why is there always a charge of intentional injury in similar cases? The worst case is excessive self-defense!"

"Just as the prosecutor said, there has never been such a verdict in previous cases because we dare not violate the convention!"

"But if we face a new case, such as Wang Yongqiang's case, can we use the same practice to judge every time?"

"The law protects citizens' right to self-defense and guarantees fairness and justice for every citizen! If the judgment is made according to convention every time, where is the fairness and justice that the people want?"

"We can't just judge according to past practice!"

“When conventions don’t apply, we must break them! Think about what kind of fairness and justice the people need! The law cannot deviate from fairness and justice!”

"The law should increase the cost of breaking the law and reduce the responsibility of citizens to protect the legitimate rights and interests of themselves, others and the public, rather than asking citizens to think about whether it is self-defense and whether they should take action when they encounter danger."

“The law is about making it more costly for bad guys to commit crimes, not making it more costly for good guys to act!”

"Law should not give in to lawlessness!"

“Just like this case.”

"Liu Biao casually hurts, rapes, bullies and beats others, while Wang Yongqiang, who is being bullied, has to tremble in fear, thinking whether he dares to protect his family and himself."

"If we have to confirm that Liu Biao attacked first and Wang Yongqiang attacked later to be considered self-defense, then we may not have seen Wang Yongqiang anymore."

"That's the end of my speech. Thank you everyone."

Gu Chen finished speaking.

He had basically said everything he could say in defense of Wang Yongqiang.

No matter what the final verdict is, Gu Chen has done his best.

After Gu Chen finished speaking, thunderous applause broke out at the scene.

There were people from all walks of life in the gallery, and they were all applauding at the moment.

What Gu Chen said makes a lot of sense.

The law should not give in to illegality!

The law is to protect every citizen!!
Human feelings are not more important than national laws, national laws cannot suppress the laws of nature, and the laws of nature are nothing more than human feelings!
Gu Chen's words were so powerful that the whole audience was shocked!

(End of this chapter)

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