You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 6 Gu Chen takes action! Present evidence in court!

Chapter 6 Gu Chen takes action! Present evidence in court!
The presiding judge immediately looked at Gu Chen.

The presiding judge, Li Kang, said: "Plaintiff's lawyer, according to the police record, the course of events is not as you said. Please produce the necessary evidence."

The defendant's lawyer Wang Haixiang then said: "Your Honor, I think the plaintiff's lawyer is making false accusations against our client and is slandering our client by making up stories that are not true."

"The subway company's surveillance cameras were under maintenance that day and could not be used. How could the plaintiff's lawyer reconstruct the scene in detail? Did the plaintiff's lawyer see everything that happened at the scene?"

"Also, the plaintiff's lawyer said that Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian kicked Chen Yang in the crotch. How could two girls dare to attack an adult male? Is there any evidence?"

"Finally, it is clearly written in the police transcript that Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian have already apologized. How did you know that the two people's apology attitude was not good? Do you have any evidence?"

"Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian said on their TikTok that they encountered a man who took secret photos of them. Did anyone mention the man by name, Chen Yang?"

Wang Haixiang looked at Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian and asked, "What's the matter with the Douyin video between you two? Who are you talking about?"

Zhou Lingling said: "It's like this. I met a man who took secret photos when I went out that morning. I asked him to delete the photos and apologize. He did take secret photos. The video I posted on Douyin has nothing to do with Chen Yang. Wang Tiantian and I also apologized to Chen Yang. Why did Chen Yang keep chasing me and trying to increase his popularity and influence? I am being cyberbullied every day now. Life is very difficult. If my friends and family hadn't stopped me, I would have jumped off the building and committed suicide."

Wang Tiantian nodded, started crying, and said, "Yes, why don't you let us go? The video Chen Yang posted on TikTok is the one that really named us. I am also depressed. It is difficult for me to live a normal life. I am cyberbullied every day. Chen Yang, what do you want to do to us? It is not enough for us to apologize to you. Do we have to kneel down for you?"

Wang Haixiang said, "Your Honor, now it is very clear that the TikTok video posted by our client has nothing to do with Chen Yang. Chen Yang felt that he was being cyberbullied, so he posted the video to expand his influence, and he kept chasing our client, posted the video online, and used public opinion to put pressure on our client."

"Chen Yang acted on his own and caused great psychological pressure on our clients. Both of them suffered from depression. I believe that Chen Yang has violated Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian's privacy and reputation rights. I demand that Chen Yang apologize and compensate for mental damages and medical expenses, totaling 180,000 yuan."

Wang Haixiang used just a few words to bring public opinion back to his side.

He kept emphasizing that Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian were the victims, and asked Chen Yang to pay compensation.

This was also the reason why Chen Yang failed in his first lawsuit.

So in the end, the presiding judge Li Yongxia sentenced Chen Yang to pay compensation and apologize.

It's the same this time.

Wang Haixiang looked at Gu Chen with a smile on his face.

This matter cannot be judged!

As long as the judge is a little biased, he will definitely rule in favor of Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian.

It all happened because the subway’s surveillance video was broken at the time.

There is also a police transcript, which clearly states that the two people have apologized, but Chen Yang himself did not accept it.

As for what exactly happened at the subway station at that time, there is no surveillance video and no one can restore it now.

In this way, Wang Haixiang can also turn around and say that Gu Chen is making a false accusation!

Without surveillance video, Gu Chen would not be able to produce any evidence!
"Play with me? I'll kill you." Wang Haixiang said in his heart.

The presiding judge, Li Kang, looked at Gu Chen and said, "Does the plaintiff's lawyer have any rebuttal?"

Li Kang actually has a bad impression of Gu Chen.

As a lawyer, Gu Chen wanted to send both the opposing lawyer and the presiding judge to jail.
Who can have a good impression of such a lawyer?

The meaning of Li Kang's words is very clear.

If there is evidence, then bring it out. If there is no evidence, then he will sentence. Anyway, it is almost the same as when Chen Yang first sued, there is no difference.

Netizens in the live broadcast room were also posting comments.

[That’s all. It feels like Chen Yang is going to lose the case again. ]

[There is no evidence. The transcript says that the two people apologized, but Chen Yang himself did not accept it. I don’t know whether the two people actually apologized.]

[Gu Chen, this trainee lawyer, is not good enough.]

[It’s gone, it’s really gone, I guess Chen Yang will really have to pay for it]

[What's wrong with Chen Yang? Doesn't he know how to hire a professional lawyer? How can he win the case if he hires a trainee lawyer like this? ]

Gu Chen smiled and said, "Judge, I have objections."

"Who told you I don't have evidence? The evidence is right here!"

"Here is the school's surveillance video. The surveillance video shows that at 9:4 on September 22.58, Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian returned to the South District 7 female dormitory. It was not until 9:5 on the afternoon of September 16.46 that the surveillance video showed Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian coming out of the dormitory. In other words, Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian did not go to take the subway in the morning. They were in the dormitory the whole time. Are they taking the subway in a dream? Then the "dirty man" and "secretly filming man" posted by these two people on TikTok refer to Chen Yang."

Wang Haixiang said: "Protest! Even if that's the case, how can you be sure that the person Zhou Lingling mentioned in her TikTok video is Chen Yang?"

Gu Chen said, "Judge, I protest. I haven't finished my statement yet, but the other lawyer maliciously interrupted my statement. I demand that the other lawyer leave the court immediately!"

You just like protesting?

Presiding Judge Li Kang glanced at Wang Haixiang and said, "The protest is valid. I will warn the defendant's lawyer not to interrupt the plaintiff's lawyer without reason."

Wang Haixiang looked at Gu Chen: "."

Gu Chen continued, "This is the first point. Everyone thinks that the surveillance video is broken, so there is no video evidence at the time? Now I have the video in my hand! It's a good opportunity for everyone to see how Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian apologized to my client!"

Gu Chen handed over the surveillance video file.

Chief Judge Li Kang said, "Play the video."

Soon, the camera was pointed at the video.

Everyone also looked at the content of the video.

The content of the video happened at the subway station on the afternoon of September 9th.

A girl was recording a video with her cell phone in the subway, and she happened to record this scene happening in the subway.

Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian shouted that Chen Yang was taking secret photos.

Then Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian kicked Chen Yang in the crotch!
Chen Yang bent down in pain on the spot, and his cell phone was snatched away.

In the end, the police mediated and asked the two women to apologize.

Zhou Lingling turned her head and said to the air: "I'm sorry."

Wang Tiantian yelled, "You want me to apologize to this man who took the photos? You really want me to apologize, right? I'm sorry, okay? Are you satisfied with this? Don't come near me again, or I'll accuse you of sexual harassment. Get out of here. Didn't I apologize? What else do you want from me? Didn't I say sorry? Police, did I say sorry? I don't care about anything else, just tell me whether I apologized or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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