You were asked to be a lawyer, and you sent the judge to jail?

Chapter 8: Request for sentencing! Must be sentenced!!

Chapter 8: Request for sentencing! Must be sentenced!!

Gu Chen continued, "Chen Yang only talked about his own experience. Did he cyberbully others? The hundreds of thousands of comments in the comment section are those who cyberbullied Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian. What does this have to do with Chen Yang?"

"I want to ask the other lawyer, is posting the facts of your own experience on social media also considered cyberbullying others?"

After Gu Chen asked this question, the scene fell silent again.

Wang Haixiang said, "But it is a fact that Chen Yang has affected Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian. Both of them have mental problems because of this video and have been greatly affected. This is beyond doubt, right? So no matter what, Chen Yang must be held responsible for this. If Chen Yang had not posted this video, Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian would not have been affected."

Gu Chen continued, "The other lawyer is just changing the concept. If the other lawyer watched a video today and saw an unhappy video, and became depressed, should we blame the author of the video? If a student's grades are bad, should we blame the game? Blame the TV? Blame the entertainment activities?"

"If a person watches a Tik Tok video and has health problems, should he blame the creator of the video? Besides, what Chen Yang said were facts that he encountered."

"The real cyberbullying is done by some netizens. You should go to the netizens instead of Chen Yang to find out who cyberbullied Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian. Or should the other party's lawyer blame the TikTok platform? If there was no TikTok, they wouldn't have seen the video. So are you going to sue ByteDance as well?"

As soon as Gu Chen finished speaking, netizens in the live broadcast room started discussing.

[Fuck! Gu Chen!! Tell me, this is a trainee lawyer? ]

[Gu Chen is really something, Gu Chen is awesome! ]

[That makes sense! It's these two women who have problems, what's wrong with Chen Yang? ]

[Yes, I was affected by the video, what does it have to do with Chen Yang? If you fall on the road, do you have to blame the uneven road? ]

[Let these two women apologize and pay compensation. Why should Chen Yang pay compensation? Is it wrong to defend rights? ]

The presiding judge, Li Kang, banged the gavel and said, "Silence!"

Li Kang looked at Gu Chen and said, "The plaintiff's lawyer said there is new evidence. What is it?"

Gu Chen produced evidence at this time, "The video Chen Yang posted was just a rights protection video. He did not cyberbully others. Instead, it was Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian who were cyberbullying Chen Yang."

“The evidence is all here.”

"Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian used fake QQ and Tieba accounts to spread rumors in Chen Yang's university group and confession wall, saying that Chen Yang was secretly filming and that he was a prostitute who secretly filmed girls' skirts."

"Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian also used their own secondary accounts to spread rumors about Chen Yang on Xiaohongshu and Weibo, saying that Chen Yang secretly took photos of others and was discovered by them, and even attached photos of Chen Yang."

"Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian used various social media and fake accounts to spread rumors, personally attack, slander and defame Chen Yang, causing great mental harm and distress to Chen Yang. Chen Yang was even notified by the university to suspend his studies for inspection."

Gu Chen handed over the evidence bit by bit.

The evidence is also displayed on the screen.
All of them are short essays sent by Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian.

Gu Chen said: "These things have been verified by the technical department. No matter how many small accounts there are, all the IP addresses come from Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian. So the people who are cyberbullying, spreading rumors and slandering are not Chen Yang, but Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian."

The live broadcast room exploded again!
This time, netizens saw what short essays the two women posted.

Basically, all the criticisms that should be made were made, which were all various short essays sent by two women.

Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian even caused many of Chen Yang's college classmates to be prejudiced against him because they spread all kinds of rumors.

Until now, Chen Yang has not been able to go back to school. [Ah? Ah? ? ? ]

[No, Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian are so disgusting? ]

【Posting a short essay, right? Good, good, good. 】

[Here comes the classic short essay, this is what the two women's backs are like. ]

[Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian turned out to be such people, smearing Chen Yang crazily and making up all kinds of rumors.]

【Chen Yang is so miserable!!!】

[These two women must apologize! Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian must pay compensation for mental damages.]

[I just want to go over and punch him deliberately! It's so disgusting! 】

[Chen Yang is so miserable, he was kicked in the crotch and insulted again, and now he has even been suspended from university. Spreading rumors and slander is really terrible. Chen Yang obviously did not take any secret photos, but Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian still wrote this kind of short essay to slander others in order to get revenge.]

During this period, the court was also verifying whether the evidence was true.

Soon, the court's technical department gave the news.

The presiding judge, Li Kang, banged the gavel and said, "The evidence is true!"

After Li Kang finished speaking.

Gu Chen said directly: "Judge, I request to change the lawsuit request! Originally, I thought that as long as the two people apologized, the matter would be over, but the two women refused to give in and their attitude was extremely bad! Therefore, after communicating with Chen Yang, I decided to hold Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian criminally responsible!"

"Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian maliciously fabricated rumors, slandered, and defamed Chen Yang, which caused serious consequences and caused serious mental damage to Chen Yang! They seriously infringed Chen Yang's right to reputation and privacy. The articles they fabricated received over five million hits online, which is extremely bad! According to Article 138 of the Criminal Law, Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian are required to be sentenced to seven years in prison! Execute immediately!!!"

"Our client, Chen Yang, refused to apologize, refused compensation for mental damages, refused compensation for medical expenses, etc. He must be sentenced! The criminal must be held accountable for his legal liability!!"

"Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian maliciously spread rumors! If we don't use the law to punish these two people today, there will be more rumormongers tomorrow!"

"If the cost of spreading rumors is too low and the cost of defending rights is too high, in this society, everyone can spread rumors! Everyone can slander others!!!"

"This case is a typical case in today's society!"

"Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian, the two of them broke the law knowingly! They are maliciously seeking revenge! They are spreading rumors and slandering us out of thin air!"

"If Zhou Lingling and Wang Tiantian are not sentenced today, where is the justice of the law? Where is the majesty?!"

"If everyone can make up rumors and slander without taking legal responsibility, then what is the point of having this law!!!"

"Spreading rumors should not be without cost! Criminals must pay the price!"

"Request for sentencing! Must be sentenced!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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