One Piece: Start conquering the world by creating a little empress

Chapter 22: Char: Luo, you don't want your sister to die of platinum lead disease, do you? !

Chapter 22: Char: Luo, you don't want your sister to die of platinum lead disease, do you? !
the other side.

Just after the Five Elders gave the order.

In the North Sea, the entire Frevans was in turmoil...

I saw countless government agents in black uniforms and navy soldiers in white coats of justice, symbolizing justice and fairness, running around the country, constantly busy~
They led rows of armed troops to investigate, question, and search from house to house, looking for children born in the past year.
Among them, no matter they are children of nobles, royal families, civilians or beggars, all those born in the past year will be sent to the warships of the World Government and sent to the holy land of Marijoa!

This is the order of the World Government, the order of the Celestial Dragons, and the order of the Five Elders, the world's highest authority. No one is allowed to refuse...

This gave the King of Frefans, a middle-aged man with a bright and handsome appearance, a headache, but he dared not say much!

After all, he has the leverage in the hands of the World Government~
The White Town of Frefans, also known as the Platinum Lead Town!
This is an extremely wealthy town. The whole country is like a town in a fairy tale, all white and extremely beautiful...

The reason why this country is so beautiful and prosperous is that they control an almost universal processing raw material - platinum lead ore!

These platinum-lead ores, which can be made into cosmetics, chemical raw materials, energy, and even weapons, are famous throughout the world for their low processing costs and durability!

Among them, the high-quality platinum-lead ore is highly sought after by the nobles of the countries under the World Government! Therefore, the country of Frevans is full of business opportunities, attracting countless businessmen and speculators who want to make a fortune by using platinum and lead...

However, platinum lead actually has a fatal flaw, which is that it is toxic!

Although the toxins of platinum lead are very weak, they will not show up in a short period of contact! However, once someone is exposed to platinum lead for a long time, symptoms called platinum lead disease will occur!

Ironically, the World Government and the royal family of Frevans had already discovered the truth about platinum lead a hundred years ago. However, in order to ensure that platinum lead, known as white gold, could be circulated around the world, the World Government and the royal family of Frevans concealed the truth...

Today, the entire country of Frefans has reached the edge of the cliff!

This is regrettable, but maybe God is fair!

Platinum lead is the reason for Frefans' success and failure...

After the people of Frevans have enjoyed a rich life brought by platinum and lead for a hundred years, they have to pay for the wealth they borrowed from the future in advance, which did not belong to them!

According to Char's impression and speculation of Frevans, within ten years, the entire country will be destroyed by platinum and lead poisoning...

What Char has to do is to destroy the entire white town of Frevans before the problem with the platinum-lead mine is completely exposed!

Then, they joined forces with Vegapunk to make platinum and lead harmless and pollution-free, and took over all the platinum and lead mines in the underground of Frevans.
At the same time, he asked his forces to directly intervene in the sale of platinum-lead ore, bypassing the middleman, the Frevans royal family, and make a profit from the price difference...

The reason why Char wanted to do this was naturally to use the funds from the sale of these platinum-lead ores as research and development funds for "Seraphim" and "Holy Flame" in the future.
Xia is really short of money now...

And Sky Island’s money cannot be moved for the time being! Once the huge wealth of the huge kingdom is discovered, 99.9% of it will be seized by the World Government...

Among the great power that Char will create in the future, the three major foundations are the money of Sky Island, the mineral energy of God Valley, and the universal harmful materials of the white town of Frevans!

The only white town that Char could attack most easily is Frevans...

Therefore, the first thing Char did was to let Roger go to Frevans, so that Frevans would return to the sight of the World Government, the Navy and other major forces!

Let King Frevans take the blame! Then, die quietly... This is Char's first step...

As for the second step, there was no need for Char to take action. The Five Elders had already issued an order, ordering the Navy Headquarters to take away all the babies in Frevans during the year when Roger became the Pirate King and disappeared, and send them to the Holy Land...

If Char had not intervened, these babies would have been destined to die of platinum-lead disease at the age of eight or nine due to exposure to platinum and lead from a young age, as well as the toxins accumulated in their parents' bodies!

But with Char's intervention, these babies no longer need to be exposed to platinum and lead from an early age. The toxins stored in their bodies will be excreted as they grow up. Most of these babies have a chance of growing up...

Even though these Frevans children grew up as slaves of the Celestial Dragons!

But at least they escaped their predetermined fate of death...

Those with weaker constitutions who are unable to completely metabolize toxins in their bodies will have their lifespans greatly extended because they have not been exposed to platinum and lead in their childhood!
At the same time, after they become ill, they will most likely be treated as trash by the Celestial Dragons and abandoned in the Holy Land of Marijoa, thus turning a disaster into a blessing, and enjoying a few years of free life~
Based on Char's understanding of the Celestial Dragons, once these Frevans children become ill, they will be huge pollutants in the eyes of the Celestial Dragons, the kind that will pollute the holy land if they are killed!

So there is a high probability that it will be thrown away directly, which is also in line with the general behavior of the Celestial Dragons...

I have to say that Char has taken all aspects into consideration.
However, aside from that…

Char was still expecting something. He was sitting in the library with his eyes slightly narrowed, whispering in his heart: "Trafalgar Law! To be precise, Trafalgar D. Wattier Law, another child of the D clan! He can be a member of CP0 under my command~"

Char is still very optimistic about Law. Of course, the Operation Fruit is a factor in Law's success, but the development of the Operation Fruit to awakening is also inseparable from Law's own talent and hard work.
As for how to control Luo? !

"Luo! You don't want your sister to die, do you?!"

The corners of Char's mouth slightly raised.

Yes, Luo has a sister. According to her predetermined fate, she would die of platinum-lead poisoning! But with his help, it would be completely different...

Even though Char is not sure that he can completely cure platinum lead disease, there is one person who can definitely expel these toxins from the poisoned person's body!

That man's name is Vegapunk~
With Vegapunk's help, it's easy to cure platinum lead disease~
At that time, Char will be the hero who saved Frevans, cured the entire Platinum Lead Disease, and thus gain the favor of the people and the loyalty of Law~
Good kid, you need to start brainwashing from a young age~
Char will brainwash these children from the moment they are born~
As for Luo, he is two years old now, it is not too late to start brainwashing him now~
But Luo's sister was just born...

According to the order issued by the World Government, Char will be able to meet Law's sister in the holy land of Marijoa soon.
As for what’s next…

"Let Frevans' bullets fly for a while~"

"As for now, the most important thing is Roger's execution!"

As Char spoke, he looked toward the distant sky through the huge French windows of the library.

time flies!
In the blink of an eye, three months have passed!

On this day, the town of Roge in the East China Sea was bustling with people!
Just because today is the day of the execution of the legendary Pirate King~
A group of great figures who will become legends in the future gathered here.

 These few chapters will finalize the main plot~
(End of this chapter)

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