One Piece: Start conquering the world by creating a little empress

Chapter 32: Char: Be safe in the next chapter!

Chapter 32: Char: Take safety measures next time!

Because all my subordinates are on maternity leave...

Char gave up his original travel plan and began to hide in the dark, using the "anti-eavesdropping" Den Den Mushi to manipulate Doflamingo and work with Crocodile...

As for Shanks and Roger's remnants, Char has not contacted them. After all, the so-called "anti-eavesdropping" Den Den Mushi is not as safe as imagined.

Don't underestimate the value of the Navy's technical staff.
The identities of Shanks and Roger's remnants are too sensitive, which may easily cause too many unnecessary misunderstandings between the government and the navy...

Holy Land Marie Gioia.


Sitting in the library, Char placed the Den Den Mushi that he used to communicate with Mingo, Crocodile and others, and sighed helplessly. This sudden maternity leave incident was a lesson for him. Next time when he was close to Stussy, he had to take safety precautions. After all, there were not many subordinates as obedient and useful as Stussy around him.
At the same time, in the Kakapo Valley Kingdom in the South China Sea!
Doflamingo brings with him his four highest-ranking officers, Torrebol of Clubs, Pica of Spades, Diamante of Diamonds, and Vergo of Hearts (the first Corazon).

After spending several months, they finally moved all their forces in the North Sea to the South Sea. Doflamingo successfully took office as Kakapo Valley~

"Am I your king from today on?"

"Don't worry! All previous laws are invalid!"

"I will lead you on the road to prosperity!"

"Trampling all the surrounding countries under our feet..."

Doflamingo stood on the huge castle. He looked down at the people who came to worship him and shouted loudly.


In response, the people remained silent. In their opinion, Doflamingo was just talking nicely and was just another exploiter...

"Hey! Torre, are you ready with everything I asked you to prepare?"

Mingge saw the numb looks of the people, but the smile on his face did not diminish. He turned sideways and asked Torrepol behind him.

"Dover has prepared everything as you said..."

"But do we really want to do that? Why are we giving them that money?"

After hearing Mingge's question, Torrebol answered in confusion while wiping the snot bubbles that kept flowing out of his nose.

"Torrey, did you see that?"

"Is there no light in the eyes of these fools?"

"They are nothing but scum living in the darkness!"

"What if I bestow upon these lowly people who have never seen the light a flame that illuminates the world? Then, I will become the god in their hearts. They will worship me just like those bastards who worshipped the sun god Nika eight hundred years ago! I will be their god..."

After listening to Torrebol's words, Mingge spoke with a smile.

"Yes, is it? You are Dover indeed!"

After hearing what Mingge said, Torebol broke out in a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead, and then he shouted fanatically.

"Do it~"

In response, Brother Ming simply waved to the cadres behind him.

The next second, from the sky behind the castle, several things that looked like airships suddenly flew over here, and these airships slowly landed towards the crowded square...

For a moment, it attracted the attention of all the citizens of the Kakapo Valley. They looked at the airships and asked in confusion: "What are those things?"

Just when everyone was puzzled, Doflamingo on the castle waved his hand to the pilot of the airship. The next second, golden coins fell from the sky like rain and scattered to the ground...

"It's money! It's gold coins!"

"Oh my god! Coins are falling from the sky like rain. Am I dreaming?!"

For a moment, everyone in the square rioted, and everyone rushed towards the gold coins that fell from the sky, frantically grabbing them...

From Doflamingo's perspective, this scene was like a group of wild dogs constantly snatching food from his feet, which greatly satisfied his inner joy.
Because, in order to prevent these coins from hitting people, Doflamingo thoughtfully wrapped these coins with a layer of soft golden sponge. Therefore, these coins seem to be a lot, but in fact there are not many, but in terms of visual impact, it also deeply shocked the hearts of everyone present! These are all low-level people, and they have never seen so much money in their lives.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

Just as the crowd of people were grabbing the coins on the ground like wild dogs, nine consecutive gunshots stopped the people in the square!
When everyone looked up, they saw a group of nobles who had been stripped naked and tied to crosses. At this moment, all of them were covered in dirt. "These people are the culprits who oppressed you!"

"Now, tell me, what should we do with them?"

Mingge stood on the balcony of the castle and shouted loudly to the people in the square.

"Kill them!!"

The people were stunned at first, then someone seemed to react and roared.

"Yes! Kill them!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill..."

When someone started it, people followed suit...

For a moment, shouts of anger and violence filled the entire square.

"Give them the knife~"

Brother Ming stood in the square and signaled to his subordinates that they could proceed to the next step and give knives to these people.

"Give me a knife!"

The moment Mingo finished giving orders to his subordinates, one steel knife after another was immediately distributed to the hands of these people by the subordinates of the Don Quixote family.


When the people saw the knife in their hands, they panicked.

It's fine to let them shout slogans, but forget about asking them to kill people...

"Do you dare to kill us?"

"We are nobles recognized by the World Government!"

"You have no right to do anything to us! You lowly fools!"

At the same time, these nobles who were stripped naked by Mingge were still shouting arrogantly at the people in the square. They seemed to have completely ignored the people...


Sure enough, as soon as these nobles finished speaking, the people immediately became afraid!
"What are you afraid of?"

"These nobles have oppressed us for so long, don't you dare to resist?"

"Don't forget, although they are nobles recognized by the World Government! They have the government's support, but we also have King Doflamingo's support behind us!"

Just when the people were afraid, Mingge's men who were placed in the crowd picked up steel knives, walked in front of these nobles and shouted loudly.

"That's right! We have His Majesty Doflamingo behind us!"

"Kill! Kill all these scums! We are righteous, and everything is for the Kakapo Valley Kingdom, and everything is for His Majesty Doflamingo!"

After someone took the lead, the people started to go crazy. They picked up the weapons on the ground and rushed towards the nobles of the old times, cutting them into pieces! For a moment, the blood dyed half of the square red...

At this moment, there was no one standing in the entire square. Some of them submitted to Brother Ming for money, and some submitted to Brother Ming's power in order to vent their violence! Just as Brother Ming said, at this moment, everyone in the square had fanatically regarded Brother Ming as a god!

"Kneel now! Welcome your new king!"

Brother Ming stood on the balcony, opened his arms, and shouted loudly to the citizens in the square.

"Doflamingo! Doflamingo! Doflamingo!"

As Brother Ming finished speaking, the citizens immediately knelt on the ground and shouted Brother Ming's name in unison.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah..."

As for Doflamingo, he enjoyed being worshipped like a god and kept laughing wildly.

 Please read on! Brothers~
(End of this chapter)

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