Chapter 61: Char's sprint to the top

Crocodile's Baroque Workshop...

It is probably the first club in the pirate world to implement a no-holiday system.

This can be seen from the code names of his subordinates.

What is Miss Sunday, Miss Golden Week, Miss Christmas...

All holidays will be missed!
Well, Crocodile knows how to take a vacation...

After Crocodile used the hurricane to fly to Wano Country with Olbia.

Only a few CP0s who were sent by Char to protect Olbia's personal safety and a group of World Government agents who were responsible for miscellaneous tasks were left standing on the empty deck of the warship with dazed expressions.

With their strength, they could only watch Crocodile and Olbia drift away into the sky in a gust of sand. After all, even if they abandoned their warships and used the Moon Step to catch up, they would still be unable to do anything to Crocodile...

"What should we do next?"

The agents of the world government asked CP0, who was in the lead.

"What else can we do? Let's find a way to get up!" When the leader heard this, his face under the mask revealed a helpless look, and then he said softly: "Don't forget our mission and task in coming to Wano Country this time..."


As CP0 finished speaking, the agents on the warship belonging to the World Government began to busily look for ropes that could trap these giant koi fish unique to Wano Country.

Well, even with the technology currently mastered by the World Government, if they want to drag the battleship to the huge waterfall of Wano Country, they can only use this primitive and crude method...

Of course, if Vegapunk's invention were completed, the situation would be different.

"Let the people of Wano Country be arrogant for a while longer!"

In response, CP0, who had the highest rank in the entire warship, gently pressed down the hat on his head to prevent the violent hurricane from blowing him away...

At this moment, his eyes hidden under the mask revealed a cold look, and he said to himself in a low voice: "It won't be long before this place will become the government's territory! Everything in this world is under the control of His Holiness Shaar."

the other side.

Holy Land, Marie Gioia.

In front of the villa of the Feigarand family, there were piles of information and books looted by the navy from O'Hara. Char looked at the pile of information in front of him and gently rubbed his temples.

"Then let me finish reading all this information within half a year."

"Once I finish reading them, I think it's time to upgrade my attribute panel..."

As Xia said this, he stretched out first, and then began his secluded life.

Char has a hunch that after he finishes reading all this information, his strength will achieve a qualitative leap, directly from the top second-in-command of the Imperial Group to the level of top combat power, which is within the threshold of the admirals and the four emperors.

By then, he will have a vast world ahead of him...

Of course, before Char went into seclusion, he had already given instructions and arranged everything he needed to, so he could now enter into seclusion without any worries.

At the same time, while Char was in seclusion, his partners did not stop.

Doflamingo, the Flamingo, is using the Kingdom of Kakapo Valley in the South China Sea as his base to gradually expand his business to the surrounding kingdoms and islands, and even the entire South China Sea, including but not limited to human trafficking, underground casinos, brothels, bank loans, arms reselling, food, shipping...

Among them, casinos, loans, population and venereal diseases are one-stop services that are interconnected, while sea transportation is related to the trafficking of weapons and food!

As a result, the relationship between Doflamingo and the king of the underworld, the King of Shipping and the King of Loan Sharks became very tense. There were constant frictions between the two families, and many gun battles broke out both openly and secretly.

At the same time, Stussy, who controls all the red streets in the world, also has a lot of opinions about Doflamingo's behavior! After all, these red streets are the main source of military funds for the World Government...

On the other hand, under Char's arrangement, 'Shadow Bat' Gekko Moriah kept running frequently between the West Sea and the first half of the Grand Route, the so-called Paradise. He seemed to be looking for something and was feeling anxious about it.

As for the North Sea, Char handed it over to Germa Sixty-Six, who had a cooperative and even marriage relationship with him! At present, Germa Sixty-Six helped other countries fight wars as mercenaries to seek military funds!

Also under Char's command, under the banner of the Fegarand family, they gradually purchased land at extremely low prices from the defeated countries that had lost the war and had no money to repay the compensation to the victorious countries, and used the land to grow various crops, thus starting to do business as grain middlemen.

According to Char's plan, this will be a great undertaking that will last for more than ten years, or even more than twenty years, so there is no need to rush, just develop it step by step...

New world.

After Charlotte Linlin obtained the privateering license she had always dreamed of from Char, which was authorized by the World Government, the BIGMOM Pirates swept through several neighboring countries like a storm, causing countless islands in the New World to suffer.

Among these islands and towns that were invaded by the BIGMOM Pirates, there were even some that were protected by Whitebeard Edward Newgate...

For a moment, the atmosphere in the new world seemed to become solemn.

Although, currently, Charlotte Linlin and Edward Newgate, the captains of the two legendary pirate groups, BIGMOM Pirates and Whitebeard Pirates, have not yet made any comments or opinions on this matter...

But privately, the friction and disputes between the BIGMOM Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates are intensifying! This has caused the BIGMOM Pirates' expansion momentum to gradually decline...

New World G1 Naval Branch.


Sakaski, the branch base chief and vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, was sitting in his office, looking at the report in his hand while smoking a cigar.

"Is the friction between the BIGMOM Pirates and the Whitebeard Pirates getting worse again?"

"This is all going as Commander-in-Chief Char (specially approved by the World Government, acting Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Army, Air Force, and all intelligence agencies, and the entire military) expected..."

"But these pirates are really stupid. I didn't expect that they couldn't even see through such a low-level divisive plot! With such intelligence, it's no wonder they can only go to sea as pirates..."

"I wonder if Charlotte Linlin and that old fellow Whitebeard will start a war because of the friction between their minions..."

As Sakaski spoke, he stood up from his seat. He looked out the window at the blue sea and thought to himself, "When will this damn turbulent era end? If others can't end it, let me end it!"

"Lieutenant General Sakaski! Here is the transfer order from above."

Just as Sakaski put his arms around his body, looking at the calm sea in front of him, with the burning emotions in his chest, and at this moment of deep emotion, the door of his office was pushed open, and a CP0 in a white suit broke into his office.


Upon hearing this, Sakaski slowly turned his head. After he glanced at CP0 in front of him, his eyes flashed with a blazing fire...

However, in the blink of an eye, the firelight disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared. "A transfer order?"

Sakaski took the transfer order from CP0. He looked at the contents of the order, raised his eyebrows, and whispered, "Let me go to Judicial Island to serve as the commander and judge?"

"Yes, this is an order from Commander Char. I hope you will go there on time..."

CP0 nodded slightly, and after conveying Char's meaning, he left.

"Justice Island?"

Sakaski frowned, as if thinking about something.

Although Sakaski didn't quite understand Char's meaning, since the dispatch order was stamped by the Five Elders and Navy Marshal Sora, he couldn't ignore it.

"I can only go once..."

Sakaski sighed. He had originally wanted to use the G1 branch as a base to launch a sweep of the New World pirates. Now it seemed that he could only pursue his revenge and ideals in the future when he had the chance.

At the same time, an idea came to Sakaski's mind. He muttered to himself, "Sure enough, if I want to fulfill my dream, I must become the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters! I need more power."

A month has passed since Char officially went into seclusion.

During this month, Sakaski has officially taken over the affairs of Judicial Island.

At the same time, it was only after Sakaski arrived at the Judicial Island that he discovered that Char had changed the rules of the Judicial Island. Originally, only those who were extremely evil to the World Government would be sent here to be tried by the chief judge and the judges...

But after Char's intervention, he was imprisoned in the Shikai Branch Prison. The bounty on him was hundreds of thousands, or even millions. He was considered a bad guy, but not tens of millions...

All pirates and villains whose crimes are not punishable by death or life imprisonment will be sent here for retrial.

"Your Honor, I really didn't mean to be a pirate..."

"I have my reasons! We really don't have enough food in our country!"

"If I don't become a pirate, I'll starve to death!"

In the courtroom, Sakaski sat in the presiding judge's seat, looking down at everything below him. He was not wearing the presiding judge's uniform, but was still dressed in a navy suit and a justice coat...

Obviously, in Sakaski's eyes, his status as vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters is higher than his status as commander-in-chief and chief judge of the Judicial Island.

At this moment, he had his arms around him, a cigar in his mouth, and was ignoring the pirates who were crying out for justice underground.


After the pirate cried out for a long time that he was innocent and went through the judicial island process.

Sakaski slowly exhaled a thick mist and asked the three-headed judge beside him calmly: "Name, bounty..."

"This is Jack, the 'Big Knife Man' from the North Sea. The bounty on his head is seven million Baileys! The crime he committed is..."

When the three judges heard this, they immediately smiled ingratiatingly and accurately described the backgrounds of the people under them and the crimes they had committed.

"Shoot him immediately!"

Sakaski made the judgment without waiting for the three judges to finish their words.

"Okay, Your Excellency the Judge!"

The three judges smiled at Sakaski and then said directly to the bailiff in the court: "Take him away and shoot him immediately!"

"Um, Your Honor, we have to wait in line..."

"There are more than a thousand people ahead of him, waiting to be shot!"

Upon hearing this, the bailiff whispered to the judge.

"Then get in line!"

The judge angrily glared at the inconsiderate bailiff in front of him and shouted, "Next!"

"Forget it, doing it one by one is too slow!"

Sakaski seemed a little annoyed. He snatched the list of names from the judge's hand. After a cursory glance, he said in a cold voice: "All those with bounties over one million will be shot. Those with bounties less than one million will be shot after all those with bounties over one million have been shot..."

"that's all……"

After Sakaski finished speaking, he stuffed the list of names into the judge's hands and walked out of the courtroom. After Sakaski left, the judge immediately announced the result of Sakaski's trial, and all the prisoners awaiting trial collapsed.

The prisoners shouted, "It's unfair! I was forced to join the pirate group! I'm also a victim!"

"Yes! Yes! I became a pirate because my town was invaded by pirates. I had no choice but to do that! If I could help it, I wouldn't want to go to sea!"

In this regard, Sakaski listened to the cries of injustice behind him and said angrily: "Your feet are on your own legs. No matter what path you want to take, who can really stop you? You have hands and feet, and your limbs are intact. Now tell me, how can others really force you? And you, others bullying you is not a reason for you to bully others!"

"Even if each of you had various reasons for going to sea as a pirate, so what? There is nothing wrong with what you have done! If you really regret it, then pray that you don't become a pirate in your next life..."

After Sakaski finished speaking, he left without looking back. He never looked at these scumbags who couldn't even raise their heads because of his scolding.

Sakaski actually looked at the backgrounds of these people carefully. These people had similar experiences to his childhood. They were all burned and robbed by pirates, and were forced into a desperate situation and unable to survive! However, the life paths they chose in the end were completely different. The strong wielded their swords against the stronger, and the weak used violence against the weaker.


Sakaski stood on the rooftop of Judicial Island, looking at the clouds in the sky and smoking a cigar. After reading the cases of these criminals, his heart did not soften at all, but his determination became more firm. Maybe this was the reason why Char sent him here? !

On the other hand, Borsalino also arrived at the Punk Forbidden Zone (Punk Hazard) under Char's arrangement, and continued to fully assist Vegapunk in his research on lasers...

He also serves as Vegapunk's bodyguard.

At this point, Kuzan guards the West Sea O'Hara, Borsalino guards the New World Punk Forbidden Zone, and Sakaski continues his life as a judge on Judicial Island.

Time flies, and half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

Char's retreat ended on time. Up to this point, he had finished reading all the books in the Tree of Omniscience, which was established by the Celestial Dragon Library and O'Hara scholars and is known as the largest library in the world!

 A 4,000-word chapter! Brothers, thank you for your support, it will be available tomorrow! Please subscribe!!

(End of this chapter)

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