From a Pirate to a Revolutionary Mentor

Chapter 179 The Power of Vegapunk

Chapter 179 The Power of Vegapunk

The Emperor of Pirates...

Shanks frowned, then took the newspaper that Kevin had placed aside and started reading.

Soon, he understood the significance of this newspaper.

"With the advent of the Great Pirate Era, the Navy is beginning to be overwhelmed. It's not surprising that they made such a decision. Morgans would definitely not let go of such an opportunity."

Kevin said, looking at Shanks, "But there are only three clear positions given among the four emperors of the pirates, and some of them are given the reasons why they are known as the Four Emperors."

"You see, right? The whole report uses metaphors of praise and criticism. After this newspaper spreads across the sea, newcomers will compete for the fourth throne, and will also think about dethroning the original four emperors and becoming the new emperor themselves."

"This about to become even more chaotic."

Shanks looked serious, but after a while he raised his glass and clinked it with Kevin.

"I'm just a newcomer who has just entered the New World. The Four Emperors are still too far away from me."


The glasses clinked, and Kevin drank half of it: "You are not an ordinary newcomer. You used to be a crew member of Pirate King Roger, and there are many secrets. Shanks, what did this newspaper show you?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Shanks, who was choked by a secret, quickly concealed his inner thoughts and shook his head in confusion: "Didn't the one who can see it already say so? However, the title of the Four Emperors will indeed make the pirates start fighting for it until the fourth emperor is decided."

Kevin didn't say anything else. When it comes to playing dumb and getting others to give him face, no one can match Red-Haired Shanks.

But this newspaper really reminded him.

Nearly seven years have passed since the destruction of Ohara, and the Revolutionary Army has been developing on the premise of hiding itself and being cautious.

The Five Kingdoms Revolution, including the Orga Kingdom, was later easily destroyed by the World Government, which made Kevin realize the current gap.

Lurking and hiding are also Kevin's requirements.

But the emergence of this newspaper made Kevin realize that the revolutionary army must have its own voice. They can continue to develop latently, but their voice must be heard by the world.

The spread of ideas is too slow, so slow that in many countries Kevin still needs to wait for them to suffer before the revolution can take place.

The most direct examples are Alabasta and Dressrosa. The kings of these two countries have always been considered wise, and it is for this reason that their people can survive.

This is a good thing, but it is not conducive to the start of reform.

Crocodile and Doflamingo are eager to try, but it still takes time.

These are just two relatively large island countries. The whole world is in darkness, but there are always some bright spots.

So...the revolutionary army needs its own mouthpiece.


Kevin sighed. In fact, he knew only a little about the color red.

The encounter between Rogue Town and Dorag a few years ago gave Dorag the original core idea of ​​the book, which was described by Dorag as messy but shocking the first time.

The fact that it is messy just proves that he didn't listen carefully or memorize seriously in his previous life.

Fortunately, the central idea of ​​this messy book was later summarized by scholars and combined with the real side of the world to form a well-reasoned volume.

The book that was given to Borsalino before was this one, not the one that Kevin had pieced together at the beginning.

It was also because of this that Kevin did not realize that the revolutionary army lacked a mouthpiece and external propaganda until the appearance of this newspaper with excessively conspicuous intentions.

So...what should I use as a mouthpiece?
Morgans of the World Economic News is a devil fruit user, and the news birds that deliver newspapers are likely related to his ability.

So do we need to set up our own news department?

And in newspaper form? Or on the radio?

As for broadcasting, things like Den Den Mushi are actually not very popular, and if there are not many of them, they can easily be confiscated by the World Government.

The change in thinking is aimed at a large number of ordinary people, not pirates or navy.

I have to go to Baldigo again. I guess Dorag is still busy at this time.


At this time, Newgate, with a white beard, who had been watching his sons drinking happily, also sat opposite Kevin.

He picked up the wine barrel with one hand, poured a large bowl for Kevin and handed it to him: "I can now enjoy the wine without restraint. No matter what, I have to thank you."

Looking at the big bowl in front of him, Kevin scratched his head helplessly, but still took it.

The wine was quickly digested and Kevin put down the bowl: "Your hidden injuries have not been completely healed, so you still need to be more restrained."


Newgate laughed out loud: "If you can't even drink wine, what's the point of living."

Newgate looked at Shanks and said, "Time flies. Kulala... your fight with that brat was exciting."

Shanks smiled modestly: "We are still far from that. Compared with the scene between the captain and you, we are just a small fight."

As soon as he finished speaking, the red-haired man found that Newgate was staring at his face.

After a while, Newgate drank the wine bowl in one gulp. "You didn't look young when you were on Roger's ship, but now... seeing you reminds me of that bastard from many years ago."

After the words fell, Kevin and Newgate looked at each other.

It was obvious that this sentence was meant for him.

As he grew up, Red Hair's appearance reminded Whitebeard Newgate of his experience in the Valley of the Gods.

Although it is not known whether the person who went to Marijoa in the memory was Shanks, there is no doubt that he belongs to the Fegalan family.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Shanks laughed dryly and quickly poured wine for the two big guys in front of him, trying to cover up the conversation.

Kevin didn't care about this. After finishing his drink, he looked at Newgate and said, "The title of the Four Emperors will cause pirates to fight for it. It also reminds me of something. That's all for today, Whitebeard. Let's drink again if we have the chance in the future."

Kevin stood up and patted Shanks on the shoulder. "If you want this sea to smoothly transition to the time you know, go for it. I think if it's you, you may be able to become the fourth emperor of pirates."

As soon as he finished speaking, Kevin disappeared from the spot.

When Shanks looked up in a daze, he saw Newgate staring at him.

At present, he cannot defeat the captain's old rival, but it is obvious that what Mr. Revolutionary Army said just now was also heard by him.

"That guy is very optimistic about you, kid..."

Shanks spread his hands and said, "So that's why a mere name can cause pirates to kill each other."


Newgate said disdainfully: "I have never needed the World Government to recognize my name, but the Whitebeard Pirates also need to accept the favor of the Revolutionary Army. I don't know what agreement you and Roger have made, but you should have your own understanding of the world..."


After leaving the Whitebeard Pirates, Kevin went to Baldigo again, put on a mask, and went to Vegapunk's laboratory with Dragon.

Above the top floor conference room, Kevin looked at the brain soaked in the solution and asked, "Why does it feel bigger again?"

Before Dragon could speak, the automatic sensing door opened, and Vegapunk replied directly: "The reserve of knowledge is endless. O'Hara's knowledge has given me great inspiration and benefit. At present, the problem of the processor needs to be solved. The six clones are still like idiots."

Dorag on the side said helplessly: "Compared to ordinary people, they are already qualified researchers. They are mentally retarded because they are compared to you."

Kevin looked at Dorag and pointed at him and himself: "So in the doctor's opinion, we are also mentally retarded, right?"

Vegapunk pointed at Kevin and said, "Sir, you are not. You are a wise man who can enlighten the minds of the people of the world to liberate them."

Well, it seems that it was thanks to my limited knowledge in my previous life that I was not considered mentally retarded.

After sitting down, Vegapunk first asked about the thing he was concerned about, the huge mechanical soldier. After Kevin explained, he also knew that this thing could not be dealt with in a hurry.

"So what is the purpose of your visit this time, sir?"

Hearing this, Kevin took out the newspaper he had bought from the Whitebeard Pirates and placed it on the table in the conference room.

A minute later, Dragon and Vegapunk passed it around.

As the leader of the revolutionary army, all intelligence from the four seas and the Grand Line would be gathered to him, so he naturally knew the contents of this newspaper.

"Just a title that doesn't require any substantial effort can make all the pirates on the sea fight for it. This news should come from the top of the World Government who proposed the Seven Warlords system."

Dragon said, looking at Kevin: "This situation is the same as the Shichibukai system, and it doesn't have much impact on us."

At this time, Vegapunk, who had just finished reading the newspaper, said, "Sir, do you mean to make our own newspaper? Printing technology is very simple, and any researcher in the typesetting research institute can solve it."

As a scientific researcher, the first thing Vegapunk thought of was how to make such a newspaper.

But after hearing this, Drago reacted: "Our own newspaper? Let the world truly know about the revolutionary army?"

Kevin replied: "It's not just about getting to know the Revolutionary Army. The enlightenment of ideas has been spread by lecturers, but the speed is too slow. We need to tell everyone the truth about this world."


Dragon frowned: "Based on what we know about the World Government, the truth may not be accepted."

Kevin shook his head slightly. "Tell our own real case in the form of a story, and let the world know O'Hara's persistence in a long series... It's subtle, just like the influence of the Germa evil empire on the North Sea."

Kevin paused at this point.

"The first thing that comes to mind for those who can't survive is becoming a pirate. Because in the life they've experienced, they have no other choice but to become a pirate."

Kevin thought of the original fate of Trafalgar Law and Tezulo in his memory. Ferefence had no way to go after that, so he chose to kill more people in the last three years.

If it weren't for Corazon's redemption, Trafalgar Law would have become Doflamingo's right-hand man, and would have become a victim of the anti-aging surgery in the end.

The same is true for Tezulo, whose life experiences have shaped their personalities.

And now, Kevin wants to put another option in front of this group of people.

After experiencing a life worse than death, it is better to rise up in resistance than to fall, and the revolutionary army is the choice of resistance.

The experience of empathy will make these people, who originally chose to go out to sea as pirates, change their choice to go out to sea in search of the Revolutionary Army.

"But now..."

Kevin looked at Vegapunk and said, "What we need is a channel to spread our voice to the world. Whether it's a newspaper or something else, the main thing is to use some method to create a certain influence without being exposed."

After the words were spoken, the conference room fell silent.

Vegapunk sat back and thought about the current projects in the institute, and which ones had made progress and could be applied.

The Revolutionary Army is already equipped with instant messaging devices, so there shouldn't be any problem in expanding the range.

But the machines that receive signals need to be spread all over the world.

And as the gentleman has just said, the transmission of information mainly depends on the poor masses, so the things that receive the signals must be cheap enough, otherwise it will be difficult to popularize it whether it is given away or sold at cost.

After thinking for a while, Vegapunk took out a blueprint and started writing and drawing, and finally put forward this idea.

Kevin was staring at it carefully, and there was a big-headed Dorag next to him who was also watching.

Although Kevin didn't know much about technology, he understood the basic principles.

"There is no problem with miniaturizing the receiving device, but if we want to expand the range of the signal tower that sends out signals and the receiver converts them into sound, we need to have a suitable height. So the most suitable place in the world is the Red Earth Continent, right?"

Vegapunk glanced at Kevin, then turned back to writing and drawing: "It won't be a problem to install it in Baldigo. I can handle that. It can be installed all over the world. It's just energy. As long as..."

He didn't finish his words, but Kevin knew he was still talking about the giant mechanical soldier.

For now, we can only wait for Borsalino's information. Otherwise, there are so many secret research institutes of the World Government, where can we find it?

The only one we know about now is still a guess due to Vegapunk's legacy project, which was confirmed after a trip there.


Soon Kevin and Dorager both discovered the problem.

"The signal can be transmitted across the entire world, so such a strong signal can be received by cheap receiving devices, and the world government can also capture it."

Kevin frowned and continued, "No matter where the signal tower is located, once the World Government discovers it, they will definitely launch an investigation. If the Revolutionary Army is exposed, then at worst they will send out forces at the level of the Demon Slayer Order to wipe it out."

Dorag looked at Kevin and said, "If I'm sure you're here, I might just launch my strongest attack and solve all the problems by surprise."


Vegapunk slammed his pen on the table and looked up to glare at the two men.

"If you two are free, why don't you go out for a cup of coffee? Or do you think that there are things you can think of that I can't think of?"

"I need a quiet space to think about the problems here. It won't take long, so can you please leave for a while?"


One of them was the leader of the revolutionary army, and the other was the mentor of the revolutionary army, but at this moment neither of them dared to say a word.

"I told you to stop talking and go, go, go!"

Kevin took the initiative and pushed Dorag out of the meeting room. The automatic door opened to see them off without waiting for them to get up.

It was obvious that Vegapunk felt that they were really in the way and disturbing his thoughts.

The two looked at each other, and Dorag snorted, "You too, we're almost the same, we're both disliked."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sensor door behind him closed with a snap.

"I'm really being disliked..."

Kevin scratched his head, found a place to sit down, and waved his hand for the gliding robot to bring him a cup of coffee.

Dorag also ordered a cup, and at the same time took out a tablet from his arms and started looking at the information.

Kevin, who was standing by, was stunned when he saw this: "How long did it take to make this thing? Why don't I have it?"

This is a touch screen tablet with a big screen, perfect for playing games!
"What do you want this for? You don't need it for the work at G5, do you? What if you get caught and the Navy asks you where you got this thing? How will you explain it?"


Oh, yes, there is no Honor of Kings and no Chicken Dinner in this world.

Kevin immediately lost interest and returned to the point: "Based on the short-distance communication equipment that the Revolutionary Army has equipped, it is indeed possible to transmit sound, but it will not be preserved."

When Dorag heard the serious matter, he also put away the tablet he had just taken out: "Signal transmission and reception, the general public cannot keep the content of our daily broadcasts. Is this the preservation you are talking about?"

Kevin nodded slightly: "Without preservation, there is no possibility of going back to listen to it again. And people are not free to listen to what we say at the same time every day."

"Another point is the choice of time slot. No matter how hard we try to hide, as long as the other party has a receiving device, they will know our broadcast time slot."

"Once their purpose is exposed, they will use it to arrest the people who are listening. Don't think they won't go to such lengths. O'Hara is a precedent."

Hearing this, Drago frowned, thought for a moment and replied, "After the receiving device is popularized, the world government will be wary of this. This is inevitable. In this case, we also need a way to transmit newspapers to various places."

Kevin said, "And without exposing our location, we can deliver newspapers to every corner of the world. Not being exposed is a must, as we are not ready for the final battle."


[Note: In the previous battle of Ferefence, radio had already appeared.]

(End of this chapter)

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