From a Pirate to a Revolutionary Mentor

Chapter 221: Three-way Battle for the Rubber Fruit

Chapter 221: Three-way Battle for the Rubber Fruit

"If Garp knew that you came directly to his hometown after dodging his hand-thrown cannonballs, I'm afraid he would come back directly from the Marine Headquarters to kill you..."

Beckman joked, then turned around and asked the crew to unload some supplies.

They will stay in this village for a long time in the future, and the specific time will depend on whether the progress of intelligence is smooth.

In this case, the pirate ship definitely cannot just stay at the port. After all, the Kingdom of Goa is also one of the member states of the World Government, and their Red Hair Pirates...

Although they did not become the fourth emperor of pirates in the New World, it does not mean that they have no title.

To some extent, they had avoided the battle with Garp and fled in a hurry in order to show their harmlessness.

Lakilu on the side took a bite of the bone in his hand and said, "The boss was just beaten by Vice Admiral Garp and fled away in panic! If the other party knew, we would probably have to flee again."

Jesus scratched his head irritably, looked in the direction of Xiluobu Village and sighed.

Although he wanted very much to go back and take a look, he also knew that after seeing it, it might be difficult for him to go out to sea again.

Raising his head slightly, Jesus looked at the flag on the pirate ship. It was a skull with crossed knives...


The pat on the shoulder brought Jesus back to his senses.

Shanks looked at him and smiled, "Why? Are you frustrated because you missed it? Don't worry, we will stay in the East Sea for a while."

Jesus shook his head slightly: "No, Boss. My destiny is under the Pirate Flag. Banchina and Usopp will understand me."

Shanks thought of what the gentleman from the Revolutionary Army had said, and then he thought of the recent series of actions by the Revolutionary Army.

But none of this matters.

The revolutionary army has their own path, and I also have my own things to do.

That legendary devil fruit seemed to have its own consciousness for eight hundred years and had never been obtained by the World Government.

Intelligence shows that it has appeared in the East China Sea.

The Red Hair Pirates returned to the East China Sea from the New World, not only to avoid the vortex of the Four Emperors' dispute, but also for a more important purpose.

"Ta Tata..."

At this time, messy footsteps were heard.

The villagers of Windmill Village had already discovered the Red Hair Pirates' ship when it approached the port.

After notifying the village, the village chief Slap, who was already leaning on a crutch, led all the men in the village to the port.

That's not right. Among them there is Bellmère holding a flintlock rifle, and Luju carrying a weapon wrapped in black cloth whose appearance cannot be seen.


The old but strong Slap said in a loud voice: "If you want to get treasure here, you are totally wrong! We are just a small village, and this is the hometown of the naval hero Garp!"

"So get out of here! We'll pretend nothing happened and we won't notify Vice Admiral Garp!"

Shanks looked at the old village chief in front of him: "Perhaps you may not know, not long ago we just encountered the navy hero Garp... We were chased badly. So..."

For a moment, the old village chief Slap frowned and clenched his cane in his hand.

So you came here because you were resentful of being chased by Garp?
That old bastard Garp didn't even clean his ass!

"So we surrender, okay?"

"Huh? What?"

Shanks simply raised his hands. Seeing this, Beckman behind him could only sigh helplessly and also raised his hands to show surrender.

Lakilu looked at the bone-in meat in his hand that he had not finished eating, thought for a moment, put a handful of it in his mouth and bit it, then raised his hands in surrender.

Jesus raised his gun with both hands and looked at his boss at the same time: "This is the most lowly pirate I have ever seen, boss."

The crew members who were still carrying supplies agreed with this and stopped what they were doing.

"Hahaha! As expected of the boss, he actually surrenders to an ordinary person?"

"That's really embarrassing, Captain."

"Look at Captain Lakilu's meat, hahahaha!"

"So we've been captured? Hahaha! Boss, this is too embarrassing for you, isn't it?"


Amid the teasing, Shanks raised his hands without blushing at all, still with that kind smile on his face.

He waved his hand to show that he had no hostility, then slowly approached the villagers surrounding the port.

"Hey! Pirates, don't come over here!"

“Stop there!”

"If you move, we will take action!"

"Aren't you going to surrender? Stop it, asshole!"



There was a gunshot, and the lead bullet hit the wooden board in front of Shanks, punching through it.

In just two seconds, Bell-mère reloaded his flintlock and stared at Shanks: "Pirate, this is not the place for you. If you get any closer, I'll aim for your head next time."


Shanks looked at Bell-mère with a smile on his face: "We won't do anything bad, but for some reasons, we also need to replenish supplies, right?"

In the crowd, Lu Jiu aimed the thing in his hand at the target vaguely.

At this moment, a faint threat flashed through Shanks' mind, and his eyes quickly locked on Lu Jiu.

What is that? A weapon?

Mr. Cap's hometown seems to have many hidden secrets.

At this time, a clear singing voice came from the pirate ship.

[Where does this breeze come from? ]

[Even though I asked this, the sky never answered.]


A girl jumped off the boat, and her singing without any accompaniment seemed to be able to touch everyone's heart.

After just one song, Uta bowed and said to the villagers: "We are not bad guys, so can we exchange some supplies?"

A cute girl of five or six years old with red and white hair, and a singing voice that could touch people's hearts.

Before the old village chief Slap could say anything, the villagers behind him had already fallen.


"Village chief, they are definitely not bad guys!"

"I don't think they are bad guys either, Village Chief!"

"Such a cute child, with such a beautiful singing voice just now, how could he be a bad guy?"


In the crowd, Bellmère touched Luju and said, "Although the singing just now was very nice, it felt strange. It should be the superhuman devil fruit ability related to singing."

Compared to the villagers of Windmill Village, Bellmère and Luju have more experience and naturally think more.

But at this time, a voice appeared in the headset.

"It's okay Lu Jiu, that kid is my former crew member, they won't hurt ordinary people."

Lu Jiu pressed her ear: "Child?"

Roger explained, "The pirates picked up the child from the treasure chest, and eventually had to take him on the voyage, and he grew up to be a trainee."

After getting the explanation, Lu Jiu snorted, then held Bellmère down and signaled not to worry.

At this time, Shanks, who had already approached the village chief Slap, directly put his arm around the village chief's shoulders.

"Come on, come on, how about taking a look at the good stuff we brought? Don't worry, we are not bad guys. You can exchange or buy anything you need."

The confused village chief Slap was put around the neck and walked over, but after seeing what was in the box, his symbolic resistance and struggle stopped.

Is this...crops from other seas?
That golden thing next to it, is it treasure?
How much Bailey is this treasure worth?
"Don't worry, we are not those pirates who attack ordinary people. We are pirates, but we are also pirates with dreams and aspirations."

"Also, we will be responsible for your safety while you're here... How's that? Isn't it a good deal?"

"Look, there are so many of us. We all need money for food, drink, and toileting, right? During the time we stay here, can all the expenses allow you to make some money?"

"You need to open your eyes and think about money, right? Besides, Mr. Karp and I are old acquaintances, so there's no need to be so nervous."

"Finally, how about giving me some face?"

Slap glanced at Shanks.

Do I know you? I'm giving you a favor? You're so shameless!

But considering the treasures and crops, it is not impossible.

Also… The New Era Newspaper’s ranking of the top pirates vying for the position of Emperor of the New World… The Red Hair Pirates.

In the end, the Red Hair Pirates were able to enter Windmill Village smoothly. The pirate ship was hidden, and a group of people stationed in Windmill Village.

However, just as they settled down, two little brats rushed out of the village, each holding a wooden sword in his hand.

"Pirates! Where are the pirates?"

"All those who burned, killed and looted, whose hands were stained with the blood of the people, are unforgivable criminals! Kill them!"

The six-year-old Luffy rushed forward with his head down, stabbing the largest target with the wooden sword in his hand.

This scene almost gave Slap a cardiac arrest.

"Luffy! Come back!"

"Ah! Why is this brat..."

"Stop him!"

"Don't let him really anger these pirates!"

However, Slap was so old that not only he but also a group of villagers from Windmill Village could not stop the two little brats who suddenly rushed out.


Lakilu's fat body was very flexible. With a turn, he grabbed Luffy's wrist and twisted it.

"Little boy, do you like Black Arm General? I like him too, but the New Era Newspaper updates too slowly."

Hearing this, Luffy was stunned and instantly forgot what his original purpose was. He nodded repeatedly and replied: "Pirate uncle also likes Black Arm General? What do you think? Was that sentence just now cool? I have practiced it for a long, long time."


At this time, another child who was over nine years old was rushing towards Shanks.

Seeing his brother being captured, he quickly turned around and rushed here, aiming the wooden sword in his hand at the target.

"Yo? There's one more."

Lakilu put the bone-in meat in his mouth again and grabbed it with his other hand.

However, this time he miscalculated.

I originally thought he was just a child, so I waved my hand nonchalantly, but I didn't expect him to easily avoid me.

Observation Haki? At such a young age? How is it possible?

The wooden sword thrust forward. "Crack."

The wooden sword shattered directly.

Ace was stunned, looking at the hilt of the knife in his hand in confusion.

"Evil pirate, let Luffy go! I want to duel with you!"

But the next moment, a hand was placed on his shoulder, and Shanks smiled: "So you want to fight my crew for your captured brothers?"

This made everyone in the Red Hair Pirates burst into laughter, but it was not directed at Ace, but at their captain, Lakiel.

"Hahahaha... The captain would actually be challenged by a little kid?"

"This is so embarrassing, Captain Lakilu."

"That child is probably not much older than the one in Jesus Bu's house?"

"She doesn't look much taller than Uta."

These words made Uta on the side unhappy. He leaped and landed next to Lakilu. He looked at Ace who was being carried and compared his own height.

"As the daughter of Captain Shanks, I am very tall, Captain Lakiru!"

Ace, who was being carried, snorted disdainfully: "Only childish brats would compare heights, right? It seems that you pirates are not that good."

Luffy then shouted: "I am a powerful man who will become a general in the future. If you don't want to be killed by me, I advise you to leave!"

The sudden appearance of the two little ghosts made Shanks scratch his head helplessly: "It seems that this village really has a difficult sheriff."

Luffy waved his fist: "Of course! I'm very powerful, my fist is as fast as a bullet!"

He smiled at the village chief Slap and told him not to worry. His kind expression did not cause any conflict among the villagers.

Shanks walked to the side and asked the chef to squeeze two glasses of juice. Then he walked over and patted Lakilu on the shoulder, and the two little kids were put down.

"Here. Mr. Respected Sheriff, you have worked hard just now. Have a drink first. We are good pirates."

Luffy took it without any preparation, and his eyes lit up after he finished drinking it: "Delicious!"

Ace on the side completely ignored Juice and could only glare at his brother with disappointment.


"Sure enough, he's still a little kid. He actually likes to drink juice!"

“The sheriff who even the boss finds difficult is actually a little kid who drinks juice? Wahahahaha…”

Luffy, who didn't react until this time, was furious when he saw Shanks laughing while hitting the wine barrel.

"Despicable pirates, sneak attack!"

Shanks stood up and laughed, "We...are pirates! Hahaha!"

After entertaining the two little ghosts, Shanks waved his hand and told his companions to unload the goods quickly: "When you are done, go to the bar. It's my treat!"

For a moment, the pirates' cheers echoed throughout the port.

And when Shanks and Ace came face to face...

"Pirates, if you have any other bad ideas, I advise you to give up. This village is not ordinary."

Shanks pressed his straw hat and whispered back, "Are you unusual because of your existence? Don't worry, we are not those inferior pirates."

After saying this, Shanks turned around and started working with his companions.

When Ace turned around, he found a big face coming towards him.

"Stand still!"

Uta frowned and compared the two men's heights, and it seemed that they were indeed about the same.


Ace's mocking tone made Uta a little angry, so the two of them started to butt heads.

At the port, the village chief Slap has asked all the villagers to go back.

Lu Jiu glanced at the two children playing with a completely motherly smile.

"Aren't you worried?" Bellmère asked doubtfully.

Lu Jiu shook her head slightly: "This pirate group won't do anything, go back."

Bellmère was puzzled, but it was obvious that this person would not explain it to her.

At this moment, Luffy, who was cheering Ace on the side, was suddenly hit on the back of the head.

Nami, who came hurriedly, looked at him unhappily: "Why didn't you call me when you were going to take action? And who is this girl who was arguing with Ace?"

Luffy covered the back of his head and grimaced: "I don't know either, but fortunately she is the daughter of the captain of this pirate ship."


At this time, seeing that there was no way to determine the winner, Uta and Ace jumped up and separated.

Uta said, "Let's compete, kid! I'll let you know how powerful pirates are!"

Ace replied: "What's there to brag about as a pirate? It's because of you that there are so many people being bullied in this ocean, right?"

Uta frowned: "It wasn't us who did that!"

Ace: "But most of those were done by pirates!"

The two bickering people caught Shanks' attention.

Although he had never seen Ace before, he knew the captain's entrustment and also knew what Ace looked like.

Just when he was avoiding Lakilu, he unconsciously used the power of Observation Haki at such a young age. What a terrifying talent.

But the captain's children... Is this a big misunderstanding of them pirates? They are not those inferior pirates...

Mr. Karp's teachings?
Or the teachings of the captain's wife?
The World Government's South China Sea operation yielded nothing, and the intelligence also stated that Mr. Garp returned to the village with a woman, and Ace became his grandson.

If the captain knew about this kind of thing that raised his status, he would probably be so angry that he would fight with Mr. Cap for days and nights.

"Maybe this brat doesn't want to be a pirate anymore, Shanks."

Beckman walked up to him and looked at the kids who were still making noises: "If that thing is really important, you will have to make a choice."

Hearing this, Shanks exhaled and reached out to brush the straw hat on his head.


Although he did not go to Raftel in the end, the will represented by this straw hat and what the devil fruit represents are related to the future of this world.

Rogue Town... The captain who opened the Great Pirate Era at the cost of his own life, perhaps his purpose was to truly see the changed world?
If Ace's will is not to be a pirate, then to whom should he hand over this straw hat and the legendary devil fruit?
"Bulu Bulu..."

At this moment, the Den Den Mushi in his arms rang.

Shanks answered.


"Revolutionary troops have appeared in the area, and they seem to have the same goal as us. Also, the target has not appeared yet."

After just one sentence, the Den Den Mushi hung up.

Shanks restrained his smile and looked a little solemn.

The Revolutionary Army...did they know something too?

The emergence of the New Era Newspaper has caused the weight of this world to shift, and the massacre of the Celestial Dragons has caused the name of God to fall into the quagmire.

The newly emerged Golden Entertainment City in the New World's waters, thanks to the deterrent power of that gentleman, prevents the Celestial Dragons from doing whatever they want within its radiation range.

Not long ago, it seemed that the Revolutionary Army and the World Government had clashed again in the East China Sea, and the aftermath of the battle caused the sea water to boil and evaporate.

It was obvious that this kind of power was exerted by that gentleman.

But not a good time to anger Marijoa.

"The revolutionary army is becoming more and more powerful. The emergence of the New Era Newspaper has even given them the power to influence the direction of the world."

Beckman paused and said, "Shanks, we don't have the ability to fight against opponents like the Revolutionary Army right now."

"I know."

Shanks nodded and replied: "Being able to fight against the World Government and survive fearlessly after killing Celestial Dragons several times, that gentleman alone is already a very troublesome person."

"But Beckman... the importance of that devil fruit concerns the future of the world. No matter what, we can't let it fall into the hands of the World Government."

Beckman nodded upon hearing this.

Then the two fell silent.


At the same time, somewhere in the Clover Islands in the East China Sea.

At this moment, Foz F of CP9 is checking the intelligence he has collected. As an intelligence officer, he needs to pick out useful information from this messy intelligence.

But in fact, he was a little confused at the moment.

CP9's power in the entire CP is not as strong as CP0's, and their target this time is just a parahuman devil fruit...

But even though it is such a simple and unimportant mission, since setting sail and arriving in the East China Sea, Den Den Mushi have been coming one after another to ask about the progress.

So that parahuman devil fruit is important?
In a hotel near CP9's temporary base, three members of the Revolutionary Army's Eastern Army were using telescopes to monitor CP9's every move.

"Captain, is this purple devil fruit that important? It seems to be just an ordinary parahuman-type one in the illustrated manual?"

The team leader Luca, who was observing the opposite side, glanced at his team members.

"Don't you know the confidentiality principle?"

"Or do you want to go back and rebuild like some of the members of the Tekira Wolf?"

This made the team members pull their lips consciously.

After a long time, Luca put down the telescope and handed it to another team member, then went back to the side and made some marks on the recorded documents.

Most of them are the recent routes of action of those guys on the opposite side, and there are also certain guesses about their combat power.

After the rubber fruit appeared in the East China Sea, he informed his family as soon as he learned the information because he had been warned about it long ago.

My family also takes it very seriously. Although I don’t know where my teammates are, there are probably at least seven or eight teams gathered on this island.

But recently, they discovered traces of the World Government CPs.

In order to prevent being intercepted by these loyal dogs, they had to allocate a team to monitor them.

"Captain, their communicator is ringing."

Hearing this, Luca immediately stood up, walked to a machine and put the headset to his ear.

After the crackling sound of electricity, the call came through clearly.

Paper and pen records.

[Sir, we got the news that the devil fruit appeared in the Hog's Head Bar recently, and a drunkard boasted about it.]

[Have you confirmed the identity of the drunkard? ]

[It is still under investigation.]

【ASAP. 】

【clear! 】


(End of this chapter)

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