From a Pirate to a Revolutionary Mentor

Chapter 228: The Best Actor of G5 Branch

Chapter 228: The Best Actor of G5 Branch

G5 branch?

On the deck of the slave ship, the fire from the cigarette on his body was extinguished by the mucus, but Rossinanti did not rush to clean it up. Instead, he looked at the two people who expressed their ambitions.

Isn't this trip to the New World to have the first meeting with the organ dealer Jigura? Why...

At this time, Doflamingo looked at his younger brother.

He didn't want to doubt his family, but over the past year or so, the navy had known his family's whereabouts every time, and even he was a little overwhelmed by the old woman's pursuit.

And since the first generation Corazon Vergo went undercover in the navy, it was also the time for Rocinante to return.

They were brothers, but at that time...

At that time, he shot and killed his father, cut off his head and went to Marijoa, but was rejected, and they separated.

And during the time we were apart, where was he and what did he experience?

Dover, who was holding a glass of wine, looked at Rosinante and suppressed his doubts: "Why do you want to go to the G5 branch?"

Torrepol on the side remained silent.

As one of the founders of the Don Quixote Family and one of its highest-ranking executives, he was the one who first gave the guns and the String-String Fruit to Doflamingo.

At the same time, he had also guessed that there was a traitor within the organization.

But Dover...

“G5 is important.”

Doflamingo thought for a moment, and then said to Rocinante, "The pattern of the New World is not so easy to break. We don't have enough power to get involved with the three monsters known as the Four Emperors."

"And G5... is the only branch of the Navy in the New World that is feared by pirates and called the Death Zone. If everything goes well, we can use the power of the Navy."

At this point, Doflamingo paused, and a light flashed on the mirror: "Corazon, do you know something about G5?"

[Note: Corazon is a code name, and Rocinante is her real name.]

These words made Rossinanti's heart tighten. He reached into his arms and took out a pack of cigarettes, but found that they were already wet with the mucus.

Doflamingo threw another pack over.

He caught it, opened it, and lit one.

Then Aba Aba gestured for a while.

Seeing this, Doflamingo thought for a while and then looked towards the cabin: "Go and check on the condition of those slaves. They can't die before reaching the destination. Let the people below take good care of them. They are the lowest class of slaves, and only their organs have some value."

Rosinante nodded in agreement and turned to walk towards the cabin.

After a while, Doflamingo rubbed his forehead and seemed to be in distress.

"Has the information about the Operation Fruit been confirmed?"

Torrebol replied: "Intelligence shows that a very powerful doctor has appeared in the North Sea. He can perform impossible operations and regenerate severed limbs. According to our internal intelligence, there are several points that are connected..."

"That young doctor was from Freifans. According to the New Times, Freifans was destroyed because of Perkins disease, and the only survivors were rescued by the revolutionary army."

Doflamingo's expression paused when he heard this.

Combining several connected points, it is not difficult to guess where the little guy belongs.

But the Revolutionary Army...

Then, he looked at the newspaper beside him, which was the fourth issue of the New Era.

Although it has never been stated explicitly, the New Era newspaper, which is sent to all parts of the world by owls, has long been confirmed by all forces to be the mouthpiece of the revolutionary army.


Doflamingo spread out the newspaper: "He killed six Celestial Dragons but he is still safe and sound. Such a monster is really terrifying..."


Torrebol's eyes were full of determination: "You have the demeanor of a king, and you will definitely become the top existence in this world in the future. We have always believed in you."

Doflamingo replied: "The road to the top is perfect with the company of your family. The Revolutionary Army... they will not succeed."

"Those guys on Marijoa never relied on the navy or the agents..."

Doflamingo paused and said, "Ask the North Sea to collect information about that little guy. I need to know what he cares about."


Torebol replied.

Then, Doflamingo stood up and walked to the bow, looking towards the sea level.

The sea is no longer calm. The revolutionary army cannot win, but the cloaked man makes Marijoa feel distressed again and again.

There are too many enemies...

This time when we go to the New World, after dealing with the two navy members of the G5 branch, we will let Vergo become the hero who defeats them... This way, the possibility of being promoted to vice admiral and becoming the base commander will be greatly increased.

After meeting with Jigura, he will need to seek the position of Shichibukai.

Only by becoming one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea can one escape from the navy that is like a dog-skin plaster.

After eliminating one enemy, use the G5 branch as a support point and rely on the power of the navy to plan Dressrosa, while also taking action against the little guy with the Operation Fruit.

Finally...whether it is coercion or other means, wait until the ability of the surgery fruit is fully mastered.

After that...only then will I be truly qualified to master that national treasure.

Those guys on Marijoa, by that time...that will be the time for them to take control of the world.


At the same time, in the New World, under the jurisdiction of the G5 branch.

The three pirate ships were firing at the G5 branch's warships. Smoker's lower body turned into smoke and soared into the sky, and he swung his ten hands covered with armament domineering.


A lead bullet shot out, and the smoke suddenly dispersed under the observation Haki, avoiding the lead bullet with Haki and gathering again.

At the same time, ten hands waved down.



The deck of the pirate ship shattered, and the pirate holding the long sword laughed out loud: "Is that all the strength you have? After that bastard left, you are no more than this!"

Amidst the mocking voice, the blade blocked the ten hands and domineering aura burst out at the same time.

"Bang bang bang..."

Smoker was overwhelmed as his opponent's Armament Haki was stronger than his. With every collision, marks would appear on his ten hands.

If it weren't for the advantage of his natural abilities, he would probably have been injured by now.


A slashing blow swept past, and Smoker was knocked flying, and he only stopped when he crashed into the mast.



The captain of the pirate ship laughed: "So my guess was right, wasn't it? Without that monster who was promoted to admiral, this G5, which was once called the Land of Death by all pirates, has become a place that can be plundered at will!"

"The population is really huge... With such a large number, whether it is given to Happy Street or Jigura, it will be a great fortune."

Smoker stood up, still holding his cigar in his mouth: "Mr. Lieutenant General's entrustment... How could I possibly let him down?!"

In an instant, smoke suddenly burst out, instantly covering the entire deck.

Suddenly, the battle on the deck took a turn.

The pirates were killed and fell to the ground one after another. The two sides, which were originally evenly matched, now had a deviation in strength.

"Idiot, with such a large area of ​​elementalization, are you worried that I can't catch your entity?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the long sword swung, and more than ten slashes broke through the smoke, capturing the entity while also leaving many wounds on Smoker's body.

However, when the smoke cleared, Smoker knelt on one knee and looked at his colleagues from the 03rd Unit next to him: "You bastards, you are almost as domineering as me. Why are you still hiding your incompetence at this time?"

A guy carrying a flintlock rifle laughed and said, "I just fired my gun to help. It's these guys who are hiding their incompetence. Isn't this just to save your face, Captain?"

It seemed to be a tacit conversation, but at this moment the free hands had already surrounded the opponent.

At this moment, a sound of breaking air was heard on the sea level.

Kevin, who was walking in the air with the Moon Step, looked down, and the next moment he suddenly drew his sword.


The head fell to the ground after being chopped off with one blow.

The other captain's observation Haki was unable to keep up with such speed.

For a moment, the surviving pirates were stunned. Even if they were slashed by the marines of Unit 03, it could not overcome the fear in their hearts at the moment.

"It's the Admiral! The Admiral of the Navy!"

"The devil is back again!"


"We can't retreat, jump into the sea!"

For a moment, the noise on the pirate ship spread to the other two ships.

When the title of the general appeared, Kevin, who once used his own strength to make the jurisdiction of the G5 branch known as the death zone, was frightened by the mere title.


Twenty minutes later, the marines of Unit 5 of G03 Branch were happily collecting the spoils.

Smoker, who was slumped on the ground, continued to smoke his big cigar despite his injuries.

"Why did you come back so suddenly?"

Smoker glanced at the marines carrying the food out and said, "But with these guys here, it's only natural that you would come back to take a look."

Kevin's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he slapped Smoker on the shoulder.

"It's been a while since we last met, and your IQ has improved."

Smoker grimaced in pain as the muzzle of the gun pulled him, "Are you trying to kill me, you bastard general?"

Smoker blew out a puff of smoke and said, "When the Shichibukai system was enforced by the World Government, I thought seriously about what the Admiral said... I thought about why the pirates on this sea have never been completely wiped out."

"Compared to Tina, I think much later. But I am very happy here in G5 because I can feel that these guys are the same as me."

After the words fell, Kevin didn't say anything, but sat next to him. After a while, he spoke: "Marinford asked me to come back to guard for a while. After I was promoted to admiral, the World Economic News had a report in order to let the three admirals deter the pirates. It is expected that the G5 branch will be impacted."

"But this time when I come back, I should give those pirates a surprise."

Smoker grinned, as if he had imagined the horror of some famous pirates when they discovered that this guy had returned.

At this time, the warship that brought Kevin to the G5 branch also approached.

However, just as he was about to take some photos, he was stopped by the Marines from Unit 03.

"What are you doing?"

"The Admiral's action records need to be reported to headquarters. What do you want to do?"

"Who said that this was a pirate killed by the Admiral? It was clearly killed by a pirate hunter passing by. The bounty is still with me. He will go to the G5 branch to get the money in two days. How can we report this to you?"

These words stunned the marines at the headquarters.

Just now he saw clearly Admiral Kevin Yuebu flying into the air to support him, so how did he become a pirate hunter?
For a moment, several marines from the headquarters turned their eyes to Kevin.

The two sides confronted each other, Kevin stood up, patted his butt and walked over.

After getting closer, he whispered, "The damage caused by pirates robbing ordinary people is irreparable. Many young men in the town have been killed. Orphans and widows can't survive without money, right?"

Kevin's eyes were slightly red when he said this: "I was born in the West Sea. My hometown was brutally murdered by pirates, and I was the only one who survived. At that time, I could only beg to survive, so... can you understand?"

As soon as the words fell, everyone on the headquarters' ship, including the leading lieutenant, had tears in their eyes.

Several marines cried out with their lips pursed and wiped their eyes with their hands.

"Mr. General..."

"As expected of a new generation of naval hero... He can rebel against the World Government system for the glory of the Navy. He can also come up with such a method for ordinary people."

"Wow, wow, wow... I'm really... so touched!"

"Even if you don't want any credit, you must help these people who are being robbed by pirates... Such an admiral is our hero!"


For a moment, the cigar in Smoker's mouth fell to his chest, and his body turned into smoke, but at least it didn't burn him.

With just a few words, all the marines at the headquarters changed their attitudes. It's really... outrageous.

Soon, with a reluctant farewell, the headquarters marines began to return. Smoker was bandaged and lay on the deck enjoying the sea breeze.

The warship returned to the G5 branch. Kevin looked at him and said, "Your thoughts are simple, right? In this world, no matter whether they are good or evil, everyone's thoughts are very simple."

Smoker frowned: "But..."

"But you are different now?"

Kevin smiled and said, "That's because... when you learn to think about why there are so many pirates, your mind is no longer simple. Independent thinking, distinguishing right from wrong, and investigating the most fundamental reasons... these are the awakening of thought."

After the words were spoken, the deck fell silent.

The marines of Unit 03 gently counted the looted treasures, and even did not let go of the three pirate ships left behind by the pirates, dragging them to take back to the branch.

In the New World, ships are easy to sell.


Kevin looked at the G5 branch port getting closer and closer in the distance, and glanced at Smoker who was still thinking.

Distinguish right from wrong, good from evil, and get to the root of the problem.

This so-called independent thinking is not something that everyone can do, even in the era of information explosion that we remember.

But at least the world has not yet given any deliberate guidance, and the albatross of the World Economic News is still far behind the New Era News in terms of guidance.

If it weren't for the bounty, the sales of the two newspapers would have widened long ago, and would not be as evenly matched as they are now.

The difference between feudal ignorance and the future we really want lies in independent thinking from the beginning to the end.

In this world with supernatural powers, although individual power cannot achieve so-called suppression, it can guide the general trend.

Like Joy Boy eight hundred years ago, or the future King Luffy.

As long as everyone in this world can think independently, even if a new evil dragon appears in the future, there will naturally be warriors among the civilians who are determined because of their liberated thoughts, and they will emerge in endlessly.

This is Kevin's real purpose.

"Bulu Bulu..."

The sound of Den Den Mushi rang out, and Smoker took out a small Den Den Mushi from his arms and answered it.

"Lieutenant Colonel Smoker, are you returning now?"

"We are almost at the port. Is there any trouble at the branch?"

Den Den Mushi paused for a moment, then replied, "No, it's just that everyone is worried about you and Lieutenant Colonel Tina, so I asked."

Smoker frowned, "Have all the troop captains in the branch assemble in the conference room. We will dock on our own."


The Den Den Mushi hung up, and the fried egg imitating its face faded away.

Kevin was thoughtful. This Den Den Mushi call from Vergo was quite interesting...

There was nothing wrong, he was just asking out of concern. This answer was probably something he thought of on the spur of the moment after an obvious pause.

At this time, a warship appeared not far away. Smoker looked at it and said with a smile: "Tina is back too. Did the Admiral inform her?"

Kevin shook his head slightly: "No."

After thinking for a while, Kevin took off the General Justice Cloak on his body and said, "Just pretend I'm not back for a while."

After saying that, Kevin went into the cabin, changed into an ordinary navy uniform, and instructed the marines of Unit 03 not to expose him.

Soon, the warship docked.

Smoker glanced at the admiral who had mixed in with the ordinary marines behind him, sighed, and got off the ship, walking side by side with Tina who had just gotten off another warship.

"Injured? It seems that you are meeting an old fellow from the New World this time."

Tina lit a cigarette and blew out smoke rings, looking very annoyed: "These bastards actually dared to attack the branch after the general was gone. They are so tired of living!"

Smoker looked over in confusion. "Action against the branch? Who told you that? We just got a call from Vergo who stayed behind. He said nothing happened to the branch."


Tina frowned: "I was chasing a group of pirates, but this guy said that the branch was attacked... If he lied to Tina, he will be punished."

After the words fell, the two walked towards the branch.

But halfway through, Tina suddenly raised her hand to stop Smoker: "If he is lying, he has also contacted you. This is a big problem..."

"Smoker, go back to the ship and wait. If I'm in danger..."

He stopped talking before he finished, because Smoker leaned in and whispered, "Mr. General is back, hiding in the back."

The two looked at each other, then strode towards the branch meeting room.

Soon, the two men walked into the meeting room, and Kevin was left outside to guard the door.

At this time, nearly half of the captains of the entire G5 branch and Vergo were waiting for them here.

As soon as Tina entered the room, she asked, "Virgo, where are the pirates you were talking about?"

Vergo stood up after being questioned: "Lieutenant Colonel Tina, the invading pirates have been repelled by me. I was worried that the other party might have more combat power later, so... this is also for the safety of the G5 branch."


Smoker looked at him and said, "So you want us to come back and wait here? G5 is not just a branch. All the towns under its jurisdiction are under our protection."

Vergo's stiff face looked a little unsightly: "Lieutenant Commander Smoker, I am also concerned about the lives of all the sailors who stayed in the branch."

This made Tina a little angry for a moment. She looked at the captains of G5 and asked, "Do you... need us to come back and protect you?"

As soon as the voice fell, the captain of Unit 01 stood up and shouted back: "No need!"

At one moment, several captains stood up at the same time and gave the same answer.

The captain of Unit 06 glanced at Virgo and said, "Perhaps... this newly promoted major needs protection?"

This made Virgo's face darken.

These bastards!

The distribution of benefits had been agreed upon beforehand. Why would these guys, who would use the name of pirate hunters to defraud the headquarters of bounties after killing pirates,...

"Major Vergo!"

Tina's voice suddenly rose: "I hope you can understand in the future that our G5 branch's responsibility is to protect the people, not to protect this branch!"

Smoker on the side glared at the captains and said, "Every one of them is very good against the pirates, so is it difficult to report the specific situation of the branch?"

The captains looked at each other and could only remain silent.

They are all members of the Revolutionary Army. In comparison, they don’t care who is in power on the G5 side, and they don’t know who the internal partner is.

They disdain and don't want to get involved in this kind of power struggle.

Killing pirates bravely is their responsibility, but helping the two lieutenant colonels to protect their power, or helping the former lieutenant general and now general Kevin to defend his private territory, is not their responsibility.

"It was definitely my mistake this time."

Even though he was stabbed in the back, when he thought about the fact that this group of people would be needed to help the young master in the future, Vergo stepped forward appropriately and took on the responsibility.

"I forgot the responsibility of the G5 Navy because I was worried about the safety of the branch. This is my mistake. I will report to the headquarters later. I am very sorry."

Vergo's 90-degree bow made Tina and Smoker a little embarrassed.

Smoker sighed: "Our responsibility is to protect all the people within our jurisdiction. I hope you will truly understand this later."

Smoker turned around, opened the door of the conference room, and looked at Kevin.

Want to say a few words?
hold on.

As they made eye contact, a communications soldier hurried over.

"Report! An enemy is approaching the branch! It's Doflamingo from the Donquixote Family of the North Sea, a pirate!"

In the conference room, Vergo was delighted when he heard the voice of the signalman at the door and hurried out.

Smoker, shocked that there was a real pirate invasion, turned aside.

For a moment, Virgo and Kevin's eyes met.


(End of this chapter)

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