From a Pirate to a Revolutionary Mentor

Chapter 238: World Conference to Beware of the Revolutionary Army

Chapter 238: World Conference to Beware of the Revolutionary Army
Because of Sengoku's intervention, the G5 branch had to hand over Vergo to the Marine Headquarters, and then he was sent to Impel Down.

However, because the nearly 5 slaves were rescued by the G branch, Doflamingo's meeting with the people from the underground world was postponed for more than a year.

After the collection of Heavenly Gold began, because of the original plan and Vergo's family, he had to start the action without obtaining the power of the G5 branch.

The communication with the Five Elders also went smoothly. For him, it was a very good deal to exchange the entire North Sea's Heavenly Gold for the position of Shichibukai and the return of Vergo.

At the same time, the World Conference being held in Marijoa continues.

In the large conference room, kings from fifty countries around the world took their seats again.

The conflict between the Drum Kingdom and Alabasta in the previous meeting did not break out because of Vivi's forbearance.

At the beginning of the second meeting, Cobra still raised the opinions he had raised before.

"The system of the Seven Warlords of the Sea will put the country in danger. Things like the right of legal plunder should not exist."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wapol retorted with his nose pinched: "The Shichibukai can't plunder the member states, right? As for the caravans on the sea and those non-member states, or some remote towns, what do these have to do with us?"

The King of the Kingdom of Lulucia also spoke up: "The low-class people should have the awareness of being low-class people. The Seven Warlords of the Sea system is to curb the ever-expanding pirates. They obey the World Government, don't they?"

As he said this, he looked up at Cobra and said, "Or does the King of Alabasta have mercy on those non-member countries? Haha... You are really not a qualified king!"

The sarcastic attitude made King Riku of Dressrosa a little unbearable. He wanted to speak, but Cyrus beside him pressed his shoulder.

But apparently, this doesn't stop King Riku.

"Who is qualified to be king?"

“Is it acceptable to regard the lives of the people as worthless?”

"Does turning a blind eye to pirates' plunder qualify you?"

"Or is he a qualified king who only cares about his own pleasure and doesn't care about the lives of his subjects?!"

Seeing that his opinion was recognized, Cobra naturally could not retreat at this moment, but immediately said: "The king's power and responsibility are equal. It is our responsibility to save the people under our command from suffering, isn't it?"

"As for the Shichibukai system, the ambitions of pirates are unpredictable. The Navy cannot take action against these powerful people after they have legal status."

"Then everyone... they are not all stupid! By the time we realize what is happening, it may be too late."

After these words were spoken, the kings in the conference room looked solemn for the first time.

Some of the smart people among them have actually understood the meaning of what Cobra said.

The navy cannot take action against them until they have committed any crime and their status as Shichibukai has been stripped.

In this case, if these people really want to do something to them as a member state, it is entirely possible.


A loud laugh interrupted everyone's thoughts. Wapol stood up and looked at Cobra: "Is it because of the Shichibukai named Crocodile? But I heard that he arrived in Alabasta two years ago and didn't do anything, right?"

The other king also spoke up: "From what I've heard, Crocodile even helped Alabasta defend the port and repelled invading pirates many times."

The King of Goa said, "If that's the case, then the Shichibukai system is not bad. After all, even if you are a pirate, after becoming a Shichibukai, you probably won't want to be put on a bounty, right..."

All of a sudden, everyone began to rethink whether the Seven Warlords of the Sea system was good or bad for their own interests.

After a while, the vote on the opinion was rejected by a large majority.

Cobra frowned and clenched his hands into fists.

The gentleman from the revolutionary army told Weiwei the source of the danger, but as the gentleman said, even if he told them, it would be of no use.

The huge stone tablet placed in the Western Royal Tomb Hall of the Alabasta Palace cannot be discovered by the World Government.

Although the letter left by the ancestors was very vague, the signature at the end directly stated Alabasta's position.

In this case, this world conference is the best solution he can think of.

If the Seven Warlords of the Sea system can be abolished through the meeting, Crocodile will regain his status as a pirate and can ask the navy to arrest him as a member of a member country.

Even if this is not possible, we can at least drive them out of Alabasta to prevent future troubles.

But was obvious that he had failed.

"Compared to the Shichibukai who will help the allied countries drive away the pirates, I want to mention the more dangerous Revolutionary Army!"

In the East China Sea, the King of Goa Kingdom said in a trembling voice: "Those guys are not good people! Once they target us, our royal family will lose all power!"

"They are on the side of those untouchables! You should know the tragic situation of the five countries in the Olga Kingdom nine years ago! Those untouchables cheered, while the nobles and royal family were slaughtered!"

"I suggest! All countries must be alert to the existence of the Revolutionary Army, and any intelligence about the Revolutionary Army must be compiled and submitted to the World Government!"

King Riku looked at the other party and said, "Are you being targeted by the Revolutionary Army?"

The King of Goa snorted coldly: "How is it possible? It's just a series of actions of the Revolutionary Army in the East China Sea two years ago... That pirate riot, the power displayed by the Revolutionary Army..."

The words were not finished, but everyone knew what would happen next.

The title of the New World Four Emperors caused the pirates to riot, and the halo of the world's aristocracy was plucked away by the terrifying guy in the New Era Newspaper...

Even now, the photo of the corpse of the Celestial Dragon in the New Era newspaper still made them shudder.

At the same time, the king of the Kingdom of Goa was right. The revolutionary army was on the side of that group of untouchables and was very cruel to them.

"The Revolutionary Army...need to be vigilant!"




"What are you afraid of? Do you think that vicious criminal will let you go just by saying two words?"

King Lucas of the Lulucia Kingdom stood up and said, "If that guy sets his sights on us, just imagine what will happen to us! We will be brutally killed!"

"So what are you afraid of? If we don't kill the Revolutionary Army, we will die! We will die!"

Wapol pinched his nose, but lowered his voice: "I agree. But... I don't want to face that terrifying existence."

Once again, there was a unanimous opinion that Wapol's timidity was also the inner thoughts of most kings.

At once, most of the kings raised their hands.

King Riku frowned, and after thinking for a moment he also raised his hand.

Cobra looked at him, exhaled, and raised his hand as well.

They are all smart people. In this kind of situation and with this kind of topic, and with six world nobles and celestial dragons killed by that gentleman, it would be very dangerous not to raise their hands and express their views.


Next, the World Conference will proceed quickly.

After the meeting, Cobra and some other kings obviously had no intention of staying in Marijoa and prepared to leave.

From the Red Earth Continent under the passage, Cobra and King Riku walked together.

"The Shichibukai system is too dangerous."

“Thank you for your support just now.”

King Liku sighed, "I have been worried about the safety of the country for several years. I haven't even had a peaceful night's sleep in these years."

He thought of the Den Den Mushi that he had always taken good care of.

The gentleman who was not well-known in the past has now become a figure that can make kings of various countries fear him even at world conferences.

But because of this, the words left by the other party have frightened him for so many years.

Cobra looked at the king of the New World with some surprise: "I remember that there shouldn't be any problems with the Seven Warlords of the Sea in Dressrosa, so..."

"Not really."

King Riku sighed, but said nothing more.

When they separated, King Riku said helplessly, "Although the countries are on the Grand Line, there is a red earth continent between them. Otherwise, if Alabasta is in danger, we can help."

Hearing this, Cobra thanked him again, and then took Vivi and Ikalem on board.


On the deck, Weiwei still had ice on her forehead, but she didn't care. She waited until the ship set sail before she asked impatiently, "Father... So it didn't work?"

Cobra sighed: "Although it was expected, I didn't expect that the kings of so many countries would have different opinions. Trusting a pirate... Such an idea is too stupid."

But before that gentleman came to Alabasta, he also gradually relaxed his vigilance against Crocodile.

Even after that conversation two years ago, Crocodile left the palace and helped the guards repel pirates in Rapeseed Port several times.

This was also one of the reasons why he let his guard down.

"Father... We are not without choices, are we?"

Weiwei's voice made Cobra's body tense up.

Ikareem on the side said quickly: "In that case, Alabasta will have no way out. And since the founding of Alabasta five thousand years ago, the Nefertari family has always been the royal family of Alabasta. How can they..."

Cobra raised his hand to interrupt him: "What I really care about is not the hereditary throne. As long as the people can live and work in peace, it doesn't matter to me whether the king of Alabasta is still a Nefertari clan."

"Why then?"

Weiwei was a little confused.

In her opinion, the gentleman was a very good person during the day she spent with him.

Father and Ikareem also said that if the master wanted to do anything to Alabasta, they could not resist.

Even the father in the meeting hall had given in, but the other party said that this was not a threat.


Cobra squatted down, looked at his daughter and said, "You are very brave this time. I have seen it all. You will definitely become an excellent queen of Alabasta in the future. As kings, we should not only consider the current predicament, but also the future."

Yes, dialing that calling device can solve Crocodile's problem, but at the same time, he will be drawn into the vortex of the Revolutionary Army and the World Government.


At the same time, in the rainy land of Alabasta Kingdom.

In the casino rain banquet, in the Baroque studio, Crocodile was trimming the cigar in his hand, a glass of red wine was poured on the table beside him, and a Den Den Mushi was connected.

"Boss, we have obtained the information."

"Tell me why the guards of this country have started to pay attention to Yuyan recently. The king's attitude seems to have changed."

Crocodile lit the cigar and swung the golden hook in his right hand, sparks flying everywhere.

"I have helped this country fight pirates for two consecutive years. Although some of them have joined my studio, I have worked very hard to help them!"

Den Den Mushi's subordinates swallowed, as if they remembered their boss's methods.

Draining all the water from a person and turning him into a mummy is so... horrifying.

"The King of Alabasta proposed abolishing the Shichibukai system at the World Conference, but due to opposition from many countries, it was not passed at the conference."


What Crocodile was holding in his hand was shattered, and glass shards flew everywhere, but were squeezed out by the sand in his hand, leaving no wound.

"I see."

After just four words, the Den Den Mushi was hung up.

Crocodile's face was gloomy, and he immediately took out another Den Den Mushi: "Planning should start early, and dancing powder should be prepared in sufficient quantities."

The Den Den Mushi on the other end seemed very surprised: "Boss, but this country still..."

Crocodile interrupted him: "No one knows this country better than the Nefertari clan. The royal family must know the whereabouts of the ancient weapons."

"King Cobra has begun to doubt. It is meaningless to continue to implement the plan calmly. Long-term planning will not work when there is a precaution."

"Use a large amount of dancing powder so that no rain will fall in the entire Alabasta except for the capital Albana. Let Mr. 2 come back. His abilities will be needed to speed up the planned operations."

Den Den Mushi replied, "Understood, Boss."


After hanging up, Crocodile stood up and looked in the direction of the Albana Palace.

This country hides the whereabouts of ancient weapons, and ancient weapons are the ultimate goal.

Ever since being defeated by Whitebeard Newgate with one sword in the New World, Crocodile no longer has the ambition he once had, and his once unwavering will was shattered by the Kusukome-kiri.

The loss of strength made him even more eager to obtain the power of ancient weapons.

Only this power makes him feel that he can return to the New World, defeat Whitebeard and avenge his previous humiliation.

As for Alabasta, he is not there, and he doesn't care how many people will die in the country due to drought.

Ordinary people will always regenerate after death, just like weeds in the wild that will appear again after being cut.

It is their honor to be able to serve as fuel on their road to revenge.


Three days later, the World Economic Forum reported again that the fifth Shichibukai had appeared.

In the published content, Flamingo Doflamingo was defeated by the Navy Admiral Kevin in the G5 branch waters, and became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea with this record.


The table in Marshal Marinfando's office was damaged again, and Zhan Guo took a deep breath in anger.

Vice Admiral Tsuru standing in front of him sighed: "After becoming one of the Shichibukai, the Navy can no longer take action against this guy."

Zhan Guo frowned: "We have no choice but to carry out the orders of the World Government. But if one day..."

Vice Admiral Tsuru shook his head slightly: "That guy's ambition is to obtain the position of Shichibukai, so he won't give it up easily. He knows that we have been chasing him all the time, and he also knows his identity."

Yes, he was once a Celestial Dragon, although that identity is no longer recognized by Marijoa.

In addition, regarding the previous battle in the G5 branch’s waters, Sengoku also learned some secrets from him.

The secret of the Celestial Dragons is Doflamingo's bargaining chip to save his life.

"Bulu Bulu..."

The Den Den Mushi connecting the powers on the desktop rang at this moment.


After the call was connected, the voice of Satan-sensei was heard from the Den Den Mushi.

"Sengoku, send a warship to Impel Down. Magellan is ready. Bring someone out."

Hearing this, Zhan Guo was stunned: "How can I know who you are bringing?"

Without hiding anything, Satan Saint directly replied: "The pirate who was previously undercover in the G5 branch and was arrested by Kevin: Vergo."


The tabletop was cracked by Zhan Guo's pressure.

"Releasing the pirates from Impel Down, this..."

"Sengoku! This is an order from the World Government!"

For a moment, Sengoku, the naval marshal, stood there in a daze, unable to refute.

Den Den Mushi rang again: "The World Government has already informed Impel Down that this has nothing to do with the Navy."

Doesn't matter?

There was a hint of anger in Zhan Guo's eyes.

Vergo was undercover in the G5 branch. Kevin wanted to kill him directly at that time, but he asked for it himself to leave a way out for Rosinante.

But can I explain this to Xiaomiguo? !
Zhan Guo took a deep breath and was about to complain, but was pulled by Vice Admiral Tsuru who stood up and walked over, and shook his head slightly at him.

After three seconds of eye contact, Zhan Guo replied, "I understand."


After the Den Den Mushi hung up, Zhan Guo sat back down, but the bulging blue veins on his forehead showed that he was still uneasy inside.

"You should know that even as a navy admiral, you still have no right to resist. The navy is still the navy of the World Government."

Vice Admiral Tsuru's voice was calm, and what he said was indeed an irrefutable fact.

After a while, Vice Admiral Tsuru spoke again: "The establishment of SWORD itself is for the future. He is just a subordinate of Doflamingo. Acting impulsively will only make the world more chaotic."

After he finished speaking, Zhan Guo sighed.

He rubbed his cheeks with both hands and said self-deprecatingly: "Such a Marine Admiral really has no power to make any decisions... Sometimes I think about it, that old bastard Garp is too comfortable."

Crane replied: "But you are not him, right? In the current navy, among the three admirals, Borsalino and Kuzan were promoted for emergency purposes. They still need to grow."


Zhan Guo smiled and looked up at He: "Where's the other kid? Kevin beat the strongest Sakaski to autism. The former candidate general has now degenerated to an ordinary lieutenant general. That kid..."

The crane did not answer this question immediately.

After thinking for a while, he whispered, "His position seems very complicated now. A righteous navy, a lackey of the Celestial Dragons, and someone who will do anything to gain power in order to wipe out pirates... These are what he wants to show us."

Zhan Guo's eyes narrowed slightly: "So... these are not his positions."

The two of them once again thought of the base commander of the West Hellas Gap branch, the officer who had been Kevin's superior when he first joined the navy.


"If that's the case, the power they have developed so far, hidden under the ice, must be very astonishing."

"It has little to do with us. We are trying to maintain a minimum balance. Whether it is or not, we can only wait and see."


Soon, after the Navy Headquarters' warship brought Vergo out of Impel Down, Doflamingo from the North Sea also told CP's agents the location of the ship escorting Tenjo Jin.

However, when CP0's Billk and his men found the ship, they immediately discovered something was wrong.

The amount of Tianshangjin is huge, so it naturally needs to be counted after being taken by the pirates. But if half of it is missing, it can be immediately seen that something is wrong without counting.

What Doflamingo returned was only the Heavenly Gold that was robbed from the North Sea, but nothing from the East Sea.


With a slap, Bilk knocked the subordinate in front of him to the ground. He was so angry that his eyes turned red under the mask.

No one knew better than him how terrible the anger of the Five Elders was. The last time he gave an order, he easily executed so many of his colleagues.

"Go find the Den Den Mushi that's connected to that bastard, you idiot!"

He kicked the agent out and the agent who was kicked over quickly climbed up and went to look for the Den Den Mushi.

The agents around him quickly continued their counting work and did not dare to look at him.

The Den Den Mushi was quickly brought over, and after dialing the number, Birker started yelling, "Doflamingo!!"

"The transaction went smoothly. As your CP, do you want to celebrate with me?"

Doflamingo's voice sounded.

However, Billk yelled, "Do you really want to die? Even if you used to be a different person, but you're playing with the World Government like this, do you really want to be killed?!"

This roar made Doflamingo a little confused: "What are you talking about? Do you want to embezzle the heavenly gold?"

"Asshole! Shit! Beep beep beep..."

A series of curses directly bombarded Doflamingo.

"Do you think I'm the same fool as you? The Celestial Gold is the property of the Celestial Dragons. Who do you think you are? Only paying back half? Do you think you'll be safe?"

Doflamingo was also angry at this time: "Idiot! A loyal dog like you, sooner or later I will kill you!"

The two cursed at each other for a long time, until they were tired, Doflamingo realized that half of the words he had just said seemed to be there.


(End of this chapter)

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