From a Pirate to a Revolutionary Mentor

Chapter 268 The battle begins, the navy's only remaining value

Chapter 268 The battle begins, the navy's only remaining value

Sometimes people only believe what they think, because few people think they are fools.

The World Economic Times released the news that the navy families were evacuated from Marinford. This situation made many people around the world whose minds had changed doubt the intentions behind it.

And those who are already at the top of the ocean are even more aware of the malice involved.

In the waters of the New World, the Red Hair Pirates and the East China Sea set sail again, arriving here again from the first half of the Grand Line.

However, they had originally aspired to fight for the only remaining throne of the Four Emperors, but they found that there had been a lot of rumors on this sea recently, and it was impossible for them to create a title that matched the Four Emperors during this period of time.

On the Redforth, Beckman handed the newspaper to Shanks.

"Those people have never shown such wisdom before. It seems they are really anxious."

Shanks took the newspaper and read it through with a serious expression: "Has it reached this point?"

Beckman: "The emergence of the New Era newspaper has already shown some signs. Rumor has it that not all of Ohara's scholars were killed by the World Government's Demon Slaying Order. Some of them were transferred by the Revolutionary Army before that."

Shanks frowned, "Scholars who can interpret the text of history are essential to ushering in a new era. The outcome of this war will affect the future of the world, Beckman."

Beckman asked, “Are we going to participate?”

"We have to leave some seeds behind, right?"



At the same time, the World Government also began to take action.

Among the flowers, Im stabbed a sharp blade into the bounty poster in front of him.

[The most vicious criminal in history: the revolutionary army's fire mentor, the cloaked man]

[Bounty of 5.6 billion Baileys! ]

The bounty is a thing of the past, and after the World Government broadcast the projection that took it out of context, it will naturally no longer exist.

For someone who is about to become a new Celestial Dragon, the Navy is not qualified to issue a bounty.


In the first half of the Grand Line, a total of twelve refugee ships have evacuated from Marinford under the escort of eight warships.

Smoker and Tina were also on the eight escort warships.

"There's no need to be so nervous. With such an escort force, no pirates dared to attack in the first half of the Grand Line, even if they knew the route."

Tina on the bow deck looked into the distance: "Those people on Mary Geoise are not stupid. Marshal Sengoku also said that the navy will be responsible for the defense outside the bay. What does this mean? It means that the navy is no longer trusted by them."

Smoker was stunned, and Tina, who had been on alert since the warship set sail from Marinford, seemed to have thought of something.

So he stood up and walked to Tina and whispered, "World Government?"

Tina frowned: "All life is a bug in their eyes. The Navy and CP are just loyal dogs. If the loyal dogs are no longer loyal, killing them and eating their meat is the best option."

Kill and eat meat...

Smoker's pupils shrank slightly.

The World Government stopped trusting the Navy a long time ago. The previous bait plan used the Navy's top combat power to attract attention, but was unwilling to disclose the specific plan.

And this time, the public execution made the navy responsible for the defense outside Marinford Bay. The meaning behind this was obvious.


Tina's voice suddenly woke Smoker up.

In front of the twenty warships, six schooners appeared. The flags hanging on their masts were all red, dotted with flames.

Smoker looked back at the video Den Den Mushi hanging on the mast of the warship. At this time, the eyes of the Den Den Mushi were already working.

"You guessed it right."

"Be prepared to fight, although I think there might be some changes."



While the two were talking, the eight escorting warships had already discovered the presence of the enemy.

"No response from the other party!"

"It's the flag of the Revolutionary Army!"

"Muzzle calibration!"

A navy man hurried over and bowed slightly in front of Smoker and Tina: "Vice Admiral Sakaski ordered the artillery fire."

Tina: "Protect the refugee ship in the middle and sink them."


Soon, the guns of the six ships on the opposite side were also aimed towards them.

"Boom boom boom..."

The two sides began to fight each other and the distance between them was rapidly closing.

After a while, a figure appeared at the bow of the eight warships protecting the refugee ship.

Meteor volcano!

Sakaski's hands turned into lava and aimed them at the enemy.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Billowing black smoke covered the entire sky, and lava drew arcs and fell from the sky like meteors.


A figure leaped up from the opposite bow, and intensive slashes shattered the lava one by one.

"The Cloaked Man betrayed us! He handed over his companions' lives to the World Government in exchange for the chance to become a Celestial Dragon himself!"

"We can only rescue our companions by saving ourselves!"

At the same time, a cheetah suddenly rushed out, smashed the lava falling from the sky with one punch, and landed on the bow.

"Capture the families of the navy as a bargaining chip with the World Government!"

"This is our only chance!"

"Kill them! Only by taking these people away can we have a chance to negotiate!"

"The betrayer will not die well!"

"The cloaked man is not even as righteous as a pirate!"


For a moment, the roar resounded throughout the sea.

On the eight warships escorting the refugee ship, people like Lancelotti, Smoker, Tina and others all had strange expressions on their faces.

They were flying the flag of the revolutionary army, but they were shouting that the gentleman had betrayed the revolution, and they were trying to capture the navy's family refuge ship.

Regardless of that, they didn't believe that the person on the other side was their family member.

Although they have always been in single-line contact and don't even know whether there are any family members around them except those above and below them, they still believe that the other side is definitely not the revolutionary army.


A figure leapt up and attacked Smoker, swinging his fist down and colliding with the Tente.

The impact caused the surrounding navy to scatter. Tina glanced at the two people, then turned back to look at the six ships that were getting closer and closer.

"Animal-type devil fruit user, are you from the Revolutionary Army?"

Smoker still had the cigar in his mouth, and his ten hands were covered with Armament Haki.

The visitor said in a deep voice: "Except for that traitor, the revolutionary army never fears death!"

Ten hands waved and one foot kicked out.


In an instant, the two men fought more than ten times, and separated again after the collision.

"Bang bang bang..."

Under the observation Haki, the white smoke suddenly dispersed and then gathered again, avoiding the opponent's Haki capture.

With ten waving hands, the top of the seastone structure was also avoided by the opponent.

"The Revolutionary Army won't know the secret of my weapon."

Smoker's eyes narrowed slightly: "Are you from the World Government?"

Even though he already knew the other party's identity, he still needed an opportunity to make it known. The secret of the seastone inlaid on the top of the ten hands was this opportunity.

"You talk too much, Marine!"

The claws swung, and after being blocked by Jutsu, he attacked again.

"Rear Admiral Smoker of the Navy Headquarters, if you don't want to be held accountable, shut your stinky mouth!"

Smoker retreated violently, and the two men stopped for a moment, forming a standoff.

What should I do next?
Smoker frowned.

By using the secret of the weapon to 'guess' the identity of the other party, the identity of the world government is then announced to the public.

But in this case...

Just as he thought of this, someone on the warship in the distance made the decision for him.

"Burke, what do you want to do? You are not the Revolutionary Army at all, you are agents of the World Government!"

Sakaski swung his fist and slashed the opponent apart.

But at the same time, a lead bullet suddenly attacked, and the combination of Armament Haki and Observation Haki instantly captured its entity.


The bloody wound made Sakaski take a step back.

With his domineering power declining, his observation Haki didn't even have time to capture the opponent's sniper's attack.

"Stupid guy."

Burke's feet suddenly exploded, and the ability of Liushi was no longer hidden.


The blade collides with the lava.

"Once you reveal our identities, the action will go directly to the second option."

"Bang bang bang..."

In a series of collisions, eight naval ships were also attacked to varying degrees.

Burke also began to attack Sakaski unscrupulously, no longer caring about his identity.

Point the gun and stab!

The long sword suddenly exploded, and the entity in the lava was captured again.


Blood splattered and solidified due to the high temperature.

"If the whole plan goes well, then we will die as the Revolutionary Army next. This ambush means the failure of the Revolutionary Army. The World Government has anticipated this and set a trap to arrest the Revolutionary Army who still want to resist."

Bourque said sarcastically, "But if the identity is discovered and revealed during the operation, then this ambush will turn into a silencer."

"We will kill all of you as the Revolutionary Army. We will also take the families of the Navy as hostages. Finally, because the World Government will never bow to evil, we will publicly execute the hostages to vent our anger."

In the time it took to finish two paragraphs, the two sides had already clashed hundreds of times.

It was also at this time that a large ship flying the flag of the revolutionary army appeared on the sea again.

One after another, the schooners surrounded the twenty navy ships, and as they got closer, figures proficient in the six styles approached using the Moon Step.


The black cage was thrown out, piercing the three ships like a huge javelin.

The slash came from mid-air, and Tina jumped up to block it with her prison cell.

At the same time, Lancelotti flew by, and with his long sword, he injured two people in mid-air, and they fell into the sea.


Sakaski roared and a huge amount of lava erupted. The high temperature forced the opponent back, and at the same time he turned around and avoided the sniper's lead bullet.

"You are really crazy to fight against the revolutionary army!"

Burke chuckled and said, "We are now the Revolutionary Army, the Revolutionary Army that is here to completely wipe out all of you! Sakaski, I should actually thank you..." "If you hadn't just yelled out our identities, we would have been the ones who died in this operation, and the support that appeared would not have been the Revolutionary Army, but the support for the Navy as expected by the World Government."

"But we don't want to we can only ask you to die!"

In an instant, Sakaski understood.

The reason why the other party repeatedly and inadvertently exposed himself, and even chose me, who knew him, at the beginning of the battle, was to make me reveal their identities.

Only when they speak out and everyone hears them, will their action plan change, and the subsequent support forces will decide whether it is the Revolutionary Army or the World Government.



As the lava surged, Sakaski felt for the first time that he was really stupid.


The slash was avoided, and the warship was burned by the erosion of lava.

But Sakaski didn't hesitate at all and his whole body jumped out of it.

Ghost dog!

The lava turned into a ferocious hound and bit down on the other party.

"Bang bang bang!"

Three lead bullets penetrated the lava, but this time no entity was captured.


The long sword will attack and block.

At the same time, the enemy's support arrived again.

Shave, impact!

Accelerate in a shaving manner, and punch out from top to bottom with both fists clasped together.


The deck shattered and Sakaski was thrown directly into the cabin.

The visitor said contemptuously: "A stray dog ​​whose will has been shattered has long been worthless. Your final role will be to die here and cut off the foundation of the revolutionary army!"


At the same time, on the twelve refugee ships, the families of the mid-level naval officers were in a state of panic.

Sakaski's roar filled everyone with confusion, uneasiness, and questioning.

"Not the Revolutionary Army?"

"He could be an agent of the World Government? How is that possible?"

"We are the families of the navy! Why are you targeting us?"

"Is Vice Admiral Sakaski mistaken?"

"Burke? He even has a name, how could he be mistaken?"

"The Cloaked Man has the ability to take on the appearance of other people, doesn't he?"

"The cloaked man is almost becoming the new world noble. How is it possible..."

"No! It's not!"

A voice roared, and at the same time stood up and looked at the fierce battle going on in the distance!
"My family member told me..."

"The cloaked man did not agree to any conditions, and the projection broadcast was just a conspiracy of the World Government."

"The revolutionary army's ideology frightens them, which is why the current situation has occurred. The World Government is afraid that the people will awaken and rebel against their rule!"

Having said that, the middle-aged woman, with tears on her face, looked into the distance, holding her child's hand tightly.

"They are not the Revolutionary Army, they are indeed agents of the World Government. Only if all of us die and the crime is placed on the Revolutionary Army, our families will fight for their lives in Marineford in seven days!"

At this time, another young woman stood up tremblingly, holding the child in her arms.

"I...I can prove it, too."

"Although it is confidential, he gave me instructions before he left. If he died in this operation, he told me not to return to Marinford, because the navy is no longer trusted."

A teenage boy also spoke up: "Our death will make the ideas that the Revolutionary Army has been spreading become a joke. We will use our family members as hostages, and if we fail to exchange them, we will kill all the hostages. This will make the Revolutionary Army no longer a collective regime, but a pirate disguised as a false ideology!"

"And pirates...will never be accepted by the public."

As soon as the three men finished their words, a similar scene was played out on the twelve refugee ships.

The human mind is the most uncontrollable.

As confidential information, the sailors still told their families at the last moment and reminded them of the decision they thought would allow their families to survive.

For a moment, the atmosphere among the women and children on the refugee ship became tense again.

As a small group of people in this world who can live a decent life, they have received more education than ordinary people, so the influence of the New Era Newspaper is naturally greater.

"If I'm not trusted, I'm going to die? How can I do that?"

"The men are still in Marinford, ready to fight the Revolutionary Army with all their might, but the World Government has turned their sword on us first!"

"Who brought the Den Den Mushi? We have to spread this!"

"It's useless. The Den Den Mushi's radio waves have been cut off. The only thing we can use as a record is the one above."

Everyone looked up at the video Den Den Mushi on the mast.

It records everything that is about to happen in this sea area, retaining and broadcasting the favorable ones, and removing the unfavorable ones.

After this, what will be shown to the world is that the revolutionary army attacked the refugee ship, and finally killed everyone in anger after failing to exchange hostages.


"Mom, are we going to die?"

"Where is Daddy? I want Daddy!"

"Didn't Dad say we work for the World Government? Why would they attack us?"


On the refugee boat, the sobbing of children and women became louder and louder.

Compared to ordinary people, they are more aware of the power of the world government.

On the escort warship, the most powerful commander, Vice Admiral Sakaski, had been defeated and thrown into the cabin, and the remaining major generals and lieutenant generals were just trying their best to hold on.

The power of the World Government, in addition to the attackers, also includes many ships surrounding them.

Those who didn't take action did so only to ensure that no one would escape.


On the warship, Smoker and Tina stood back to back.

Both of them were panting, their eyes fixed on the six people surrounding them.

The conventional combat forces on this warship had been killed by the enemy. Despite their efforts to rescue them, they returned empty-handed every time after the enemy's support arrived, and suffered new injuries.

"G5 branch navy?"

"So he is a subordinate of that admiral?"

"That person is one of us, the highest combat power of the navy that is highly praised by the Celestial Dragons."

"As a loyal dog, he is much more qualified than us."

"It's a pity that he is a member of the navy... After this public execution, it's not certain whether the navy will exist anymore."

"But it seems that the general is still trusted by the five adults."

The six people looked at each other, and then one of them looked at Smoker and Tina.

"Give up resistance and surrender, and you will survive. Afterwards, have your superiors apply to the higher-ups, and there is a high chance that you will survive."

Hearing this, Smoker exhaled a puff of smoke and said, "So you are afraid that the Admiral will settle the score with you later? Then aren't you afraid of the navy represented by these family members?"


Wild laughter rang out, and one of them said sarcastically: "To the Five Elders, what does a Navy admiral mean? He just flatters the Celestial Dragons too well. If you know what's happening, we won't have to fight him."

"And those navy... the deployment of the public execution plan has you defending outside the bay. Don't you understand what this means?"

"They won't live. People who are only valuable in death don't deserve to live. After this, the Navy will have a blood feud with the Revolutionary Army."

Tina clenched her hands and said, "You and those five old immortals are worse than pirates!"

CP Agent: "You have become a rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters, but you are still so naive. All the truths are written by the victors, right? As long as you all die, the attackers of this operation can only be the Revolutionary Army, and only the Revolutionary Army."

The moment the words fell, prison bars fell from the sky and pierced the warship into a hedgehog.

Five of them dodged, but only one was stabbed in the abdomen by the unexpected cage and was nailed to the damaged warship.

"It seems you don't value opportunities. Kill!!"

Amid roars, the five men surrounded the two and attacked them again.


At the same time, Sakaski, who was knocked into the cabin, moved sideways to avoid the following slash.

"You were able to dodge it... It seems that you were not completely defeated by Kevin."

Sakaski's lava blocked the blade, and lava surged out at the same time.


The cabin exploded, and as the sea water surged, Sakaski had already returned to the deck.

The domineering spirit is recovering...

But the gap in combat power between the two sides is still too big.

As Moonstep flew into the air, Sakaski glanced at the refuge ship behind him.

This scene seems familiar...

It’s just that the people of O’Hara were replaced by the families of middle-level officers of the Navy Headquarters.

"What are you looking at?"


Blood splattered on his chest and Sakaski was knocked away. He stepped on the air again and changed direction before touching the sea water.


Two lead bullets were avoided, and the lava surged again and swung towards the sniper point on the enemy warship.

"A despicable person...will never be the winner!"

With a roar, Sakaski rushed towards the opponent, and the sky was filled with thick smoke and lava.

No matter what, we must never let the other side succeed!

There was a constant roar in the fierce naval battle, and in the air, an owl recorded everything below.

On the encircled brig, the captain of the operation waved his hand, and the sniper's gun aimed at the Owl.

But the next moment, a voice rang out.

"I advise you to put the gun down."

A figure sat on the mast, aiming a small cannon in his hand at the sniper not far away: "Will I blow your head off right before you shoot?"

The sniper paused, then his face became ferocious and his index finger began to move.


The power of the hand cannon blew its entire head apart.

At the same time, figures appeared on the CP agent's sailboat.

Ivankov dropped from the sky, his huge head blinking violently.


Under the wink of death, the impact shattered the deck below.

"Bear, can you be gentler?"

The next moment, a burly figure also fell down at the same time and took the opponent's blow with one palm.

"Revolutionary Army: Bartholomew Bear!"


(End of this chapter)

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