From a Pirate to a Revolutionary Mentor

Chapter 312: The New Powerholder

Chapter 312: The New Powerholder

"The Celestial Dragons...really were publicly executed!"

"The world's nobility, the descendants of God, the descendants of the Creator... have really been executed!"

“This was unimaginable three years ago!”

"Imagine? I've never dreamed of it!"

Through three means of information dissemination: the New Age newspaper, radio broadcasts, and video Den Den Mushi, the scene of the public execution of the Celestial Dragons was broadcast to the whole world.

Even though the World Government strictly prohibits it, video-phone-mushi is only for the rich, while radios and New Era newspapers are small and hidden.

For a moment, the whole world saw the former God trembling on the execution platform and kneeling to beg for mercy.

The wailing and shouting sounds came out from the video Den Den Mushi, and the face with snot and tears falling together was photographed without missing a single one and printed in the New Era newspaper.

God... is dead!
The god who no one could resist in the past was put on trial by the people, executed in front of everyone, and hanged.

In the square of Roge Town, Donghai, someone knelt on the ground with tears streaming down his face.

Two years ago, they crossed the ocean and spent all their wealth to come to the East China Sea from the Sabaody Archipelago. At that time, they were trying to survive and to get away from that sad place.

The gentleman cleaned up the Sabaody Archipelago, and they all had relatives who died at the hands of the Celestial Dragons.

The daughter who was chosen because of her beauty was only a corpse when she returned.

The child who did not kneel down and lower his head in time because of the balloon was shot to death by the Celestial Dragons on the spot.

They became slaves because of the slave-hunting team and were shot to death as prey.


There was too much, too much misery that they chose to escape, but they never thought about revenge.

That is a celestial dragon, that is a god!
They are nothing but untouchables. Even if they rush out regardless of their lives, it will be of no use.

In the past, the navy, who were wearing the name of justice, would immediately dispatch the admirals when the Celestial Dragons were attacked. They were admirals...

With just one finger, he could easily crush their general to death.

At that time, it was so difficult to survive, and living with dignity was something we couldn't even dream of.

But now...

Only more than two years have passed, three years after the Battle of Marineford, and after the Revolutionary Army's Hundred Nations Revolutionary Action, they truly understand what it means to be human!



Amidst the howling cries, the old man fell to his knees and kowtowed repeatedly, not caring at the blood oozing from his forehead.

Seeing this, the navy stationed nearby quickly squeezed into the crowd and stopped them.

But the old man was not the only one who was so emotional. There were many people in the entire square who came to Rogue Town specifically to watch the execution. They all had relatives who died at the persecution of the Celestial Dragons.

In the past, they had no choice. In order to survive and for their children to survive, they could only suppress their sadness... and continue to live like zombies.

But now everything is different!
Because of you, sir, everything is different.

"Stop knocking, old man. If you die here like this, we will have no way to explain ourselves."

"Wow, wow, wow... Do you know? Do you know? As an old man, I never thought I would see the scene today!!"

"My three sons, my three sons! All dead! All dead! If it weren't for my little grandson, I would have no reason to live!"

"Sir... these extremely evil Tianlong people deserve to die! They all deserve to die!"

"My daughter is so small! So small..."


With their emotions out of control, teams of marines rushed into the crowd and stopped those who were kneeling on the ground with blood oozing from their foreheads.

If a large number of people died, the East China Sea inspectors would go to Roge Town to launch an investigation tomorrow. Just based on this scene, the branch would definitely be charged with dereliction of duty.

Next, the Government Affairs Office of Rogue Town was punished, followed by the base commander, and then them.

At this time, Kevin, who had just hung up the call with Dorag, raised his hands and gradually pressed them down.

The shouting gradually died down, and the people kneeling down also quieted down after seeing this.

"There is no distinction between high and low in life. No one can bear to be kowtowed to. There are no masters in the revolutionary army, only companions. This also applies to me."

"So...stand up!"

The voice that contained a hint of dominance spread throughout the square, and for a moment it actually made people stand up slowly.

"The world is undergoing a dramatic change. The unreasonable systems and high gods of the past will no longer exist from now on."

"In the past, such a world where life was worse than death will eventually become a thing of the past and history!"

"We cannot guarantee that there are no ambitious people, but anyone who dares to claim to be a god is our biggest enemy!"


For a moment, the square was boiling again.

"Sir! Sir!"

"Long live sir!"

"Long live the people!"


The noise lasted for a long time, until Kevin raised his hand again, and then it gradually subsided.

Kevin looked at the camera: "The next period of time is critical. Three years ago, the New Era published content about the truth of the world. And today, I can tell you exactly what it is."

"Eight hundred years ago, during the blank hundred years when the World Government was hidden, the world's sea level rose by two hundred meters."

After he finished speaking, the people in the square continued to look at Kevin without panicking.

The past eight hundred years ago is not the present.

"But the sea level may continue to rise. So...if the Revolutionary Army has some requests next, I hope you can cooperate."

"Because those measures are to ensure that everyone can survive and live with dignity."

"If you believe me..."

For a moment, the square was noisy.

Will sea level rise continue?

Two hundred meters?
Even the tallest building in Rogue Town is probably only a few dozen meters high.

Will everyone drown?

No, sir, you said the revolutionary army was well prepared.

Believe me, sir. If it weren't for you, I would have been dead for who knows how long.

There is no Tianshangjin and no pirates in the liberated areas, and even the navy is enforcing true justice. Who else can we trust except sir?
World government?

No! No one wants to go back to a world where life is worse than death.


Kevin's words were sent to video-denymous devices all over the world through signals, and the world was in an uproar for a moment.

The world will eventually sink to the bottom of the sea, and the revolutionary army is prepared.

This is the result of people's analysis after enlightenment.

At the same time, the four commanders of the Revolutionary Army and the troops in the first half of the Grand Line all began to take action.

Islands were quickly liberated, and the people who had been suppressed for three years cooperated with the revolutionary army, took up arms and rushed towards the palace together.

The king was put on trial on the spot, and the nobles were dragged out one by one.

According to the law, the process was completed at a very fast speed, and large groups advanced at the same time, conquering with great momentum. After the Five Elders asked the CP and the Navy to keep an eye on Rogue Town and the New World, the military forces of these island countries were vulnerable.

There are gatherings and undercover personnel inside, and battalion-level combat power outside. The momentum of sweeping across the country is completely unstoppable.

At the same time, pacifists went to the main islands one by one, and bears in charge of logistics also appeared in one country after another, arranging large-scale evacuations of people.

All plans went smoothly. Even strangely so.


Three days later, the liberated area centered on Upside Down Mountain had already surrounded Marijoa.

In the Power Zone, after Saint Peter was executed by Im, Saint Green, the commander of the Knights of God, moved in and became the one in power in the Power Zone.

"I know exactly what you're thinking."

Ancient Saint Green sat on the sofa with a dagger in his hand, and his eyes swept over, and the other four Five Elders all lowered their heads.

“No one wants to die in power, because that person also holds the power to truly destroy us.”

"The black flames...even if I face them, I will tremble."

"But now... you should have known the consequences of dereliction of duty. Three years, you gave the Revolutionary Army three years!"


The coffee table between the powers was smashed to pieces by a palm, and at the same time a report was thrown into the arms of several people.

"The Navy's report. Sora has confirmed that the two generals selected under the World Conscription, including Barrett who possesses the Conqueror's Haki, were all easily defeated by that man in Rogue Town!"

"I think you should understand what this means!"

Saint Vochuli clenched his hands and said, "The man from eight hundred years ago has appeared again."

Mazisheng: "We are...guilty."

Ancient Saint Green stood up suddenly: "The will of those insects is gathering, and it has already shown that they are all gathered on one person. His domineering aura has reached a terrifying level!"

"And this... is the result of your three years of neglect!"

Saint Satan said in a deep voice: "It has come to the final moment. Only by cleansing the world can we..."

“That person is also waiting for the time to come.”

Ancient Saint Green interrupted him: "With the authority of the Sun God, that person is also waiting. In the past three years, the gradual imbalance of power has brought the time forward, and the will of the insects has also made that person truly powerful."

"Now, we need to act immediately."

"Since the public execution in Rogue Town three days ago, several teams of CP agents were killed by the Cloaked Man in Rogue Town. The revolutionary armies of the Four Seas and the Grand Line have expanded their territory three times in three days!"

"Now... they need to face divine punishment!"

As soon as the words fell, the hearts of the four people including Saint Wochuli tightened.

Divine punishment...

To mobilize the power of ancient weapons, one needs the power of the celestial dragon bloodline.

As for divine punishment...there are more than just one or two celestial dragons who need to die on Marijoa.

If the fight reaches the end and they need to use their authority, they will surely die.

But... it is obvious that Lord Im is completely disappointed in them. The fact that Ancient Saint Green has taken over the power is the best proof of this.



Amidst the thunder and lightning in the sky, ancient weapons shrouded in dark clouds were leaving Marijoa one by one.

Except for those who stayed in Marijoa, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter all dispersed to the four seas and the Grand Line.

A kingdom in the North Sea.

Just as the commander of the Northern Army of the Revolutionary Army, Karas, was about to continue advancing, the communicator in his arms rang.

"Headquarters wartime order, temporarily suspend operations."


Wartime orders must be obeyed, but Karas still asked the reason.

The communicator hesitated for a moment, but still replied: "Energy detection at headquarters shows that a huge amount of energy is dispersed from the Red Earth Continent to various sea areas. After the Academy of Sciences analyzed the energy wavelength, it was confirmed to be an ancient weapon."


The communicator hung up and Karas sighed.

In the three days, we won victory after victory. There was no pressure at all in advancing into the liberated areas. All the kingdoms and islands were basically taken over easily.

But it is obvious that after three days, the World Government is not really stupid, and the situation where Rogue Town and the New World attract attention has come to an end.

The island was no longer an ancient weapon after the defense circle was established, but the defense circle was not established during the advancement.

If something like that had hit us over our heads during the Battle of Marineford, without distinguishing between friend or foe, we would have suffered heavy losses.


At the same time, the commander of the Revolutionary Army's Eastern Army, Belo Beti, the commander of the Western Army, Yixiao, and the commander of the Southern Army, Ginny, all received wartime orders, and the entire liberation operation was suppressed.

For a moment, the prelude to the storm was suddenly suppressed.

But in the New World, the confrontation between the Revolutionary Army's First Division and the New Navy is tense.

The World Government's Navy Marshal Kong, Admiral Robo-Kevin, and several vice admirals, with a total of 120 warships, confronted the Revolutionary Army and the New Navy under the Red Earth Continent.

Standing on the bow of the ship, Kong looked at Zhan Guo with a complicated expression.

This was his first confrontation with Sengoku in three years, due to the World Government's avoidance of war.

The former superiors and subordinates have now become enemies, and they are still facing so many former subordinates.

On the warship, Taotu looked at the Chief of Staff Crane and said, "A showdown between two marshals. The world is so unpredictable."

Crane crossed his arms and said, "The new era is approaching. The old marshal who once obeyed the orders of the World Government cannot stop the tide of history."

Du Juan on the side hesitated and said, "The disparity in military strength and combat power is too great, why not launch an attack?"

Crane looked up above the red earth continent.

Because of the power of ancient weapons...

The world government may not know, but it should be able to guess.

The Mother Fire is the highest achievement of the headquarters' science academy. Its scientific and technological power comes from the ancient kingdom eight hundred years ago, and is obtained through reverse engineering.

It is conceivable that this thing cannot be manufactured casually.

The establishment of the defense circle depends entirely on the energy supply of the mother fire.

As the area of ​​the liberated region expands, the energy is no longer enough to radiate the entire island.

And according to the information brought back by Zhan Guo, Mary Geoise only had six ancient weapons.

Where to attack? Where not to attack?

Where is the defense circle and where is not?

The use of ancient weapons comes at a cost, and the establishment of a defense circle requires a large amount of energy.

This is why the confrontation occurred.

Not far away, Kuzan, who was also standing on the bow, had a slightly fixed gaze.

The same goes for Borsalino and Sakaski on the side. The three of them have a certain understanding of Cyborg Kong's combat power.

However, among the three, Sakaski was more concerned about Kevin's clone.


(End of this chapter)

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