From a Pirate to a Revolutionary Mentor

Chapter 45 Memories from 5 years ago

Chapter 45 Memories from Fifteen Years Ago

The black [Spark] coordinates disappeared from the shop owner's neck, and Kevin turned around and looked at the Celestial Dragon.

He kept pulling the trigger, and all the bullets in the golden pistol had been fired, but not a single one hit the target.

At this time, the ordinary people who were driven to both sides of the red carpet had already fled for their lives.

"Someone actually attacked the Celestial Dragons!"

"The Admiral is coming!"

"Run away, leave this island!"

"We may also be liquidated later, run!"

"They've all been killed. No one knows about us. As long as we leave this area, we'll be fine."


Amid the noise, everyone fled like birds and beasts.

Kevin looked at Samit Saint and said, "I remember it was this gun at that time. It's been a long time. I haven't seen it for fifteen years. You know what? I missed you so much!"

Even though he used the transformation technique to transform into Kuzan's face, Kevin looked hideous at this moment, and his body couldn't stop shaking.

"How lucky..."

"The first time I hunted you, I met the person I wanted to meet the most. Since fifteen years ago, there has not been a single day that I haven't thought about you."

Unlike Kevin's excitement, Samit already felt fear at this moment, even though the person in front of him was just a pariah.

"Don't come over here! You lowlife! Bastard! Dirty human!"

Kevin seemed not to hear and walked towards Samit step by step.

In his mind, scenes from fifteen years ago kept emerging, scenes that had long been sealed away and he did not want to remember.

In the cradle, the one-year-old baby couldn't even speak and could only make loud crying sounds.

But at that time, he was conscious and able to understand what was happening around him.

I could feel the blood flowing into the baby's swaddling clothes after my mother was killed. I could also see my father standing up in anger and rushing over, but he was finally caught and shot five times, with the bullet passing through his eye socket.

If I was just an ordinary one-year-old baby at that time, those memories might have been gradually forgotten by now.

But unfortunately, I am not!

The three weeks of battle royale in the Valley of God, the so-called school trip and the so-called indigenous massacre contest in the mouths of these maggots, are memories that are impossible to forget.

All the relatives I met in the past year included my grandparents who always brought food, my aunt who made clothes for me, and my uncle who remembered my mother after earning some money from working.

All people have become points in the mouths of these maggots, and human life is like a game.

Kevin picked up the shop owner's dagger and a flash of light appeared.

Samit Saint's right arm was cut off directly.


"It hurts!"

"Untouchable! How dare you?!"

"Admiral! I'll... ah!! Kill you!"

With wailing sounds, this celestial dragon who had just been so high and mighty was now rolling on the ground in pain.

"Even if your soul can still be tortured after death, I still don't want you to die so easily... fat pig!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the dagger was covered with armed color domineering, and he swung his left arm and it fell to the ground.

"You probably don't remember me, do you? Well, after all, fifteen years have passed."

"But you should still remember the name God Valley. I am a survivor of God Valley and an avenger who rose from hell."

Kevin looked at Samit Saint's lower limbs as he wailed, "You like killing people, and you also like to torture those who die. So, after your two arms are gone, your fifth limb will be the next one."

"Swish!" The dagger swept past and nailed it directly to the ground in the middle.


After a muffled groan, the extreme pain made him faint.

But Kevin obviously didn't want him to have it so easy, so he smashed the bubble mask with a punch, took out a pot of water and poured it on him.

After waking up, Samit Saint felt the pain in his body again, and he fainted again while trembling with snot and tears streaming down his face.

After a while, a foul smell came from under his body.

Time and again, the wailing Celestial Dragons no longer had the arrogance they had before, and even their wailing could no longer make the sound of pariahs.

However, Kevin, who was like a madman, still did not kill him at this moment.

He squatted down and cut off the flesh from his body with a knife, like a slow slicing.

Beneath the ferocious face was a calm voice.

"You know what? Ever since you escaped from the Valley of Gods, you have become my target."

"It's not just you. Whether it's the Five Elders or Im on Marijoa, after that day in the Valley of the Gods, they became the reason why I came to this world."

"I will kill you, drag you off the altar and send you to hell. Your souls will dissipate after being burned by the flames of karma. This is my will that I have been adhering to for the past fifteen years!"

"I have never been a good person. The pain and fear I felt at that time must be returned to you tenfold or a hundredfold, only then can I feel at ease!"

"I have always been worried that after killing a few celestial dragons, you will stay up there and not come down. If that happens, I will be very distressed, and I will be worried that you can continue to enjoy your days for a while."

"But I didn't expect to be so lucky that I got you here the first time I did it."

"Hmm? You came quickly..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the dagger in his hand had already pierced directly into Saint Samit's throat.

The wailing stopped abruptly.

Kevin stood up slowly: "Death will not be the end, it may just be the beginning for you. I have been thinking about you for fifteen years. See you later."

At this moment, a stream of light suddenly came from a distance.


A hole was blown out on the ground, but Kevin's figure had long disappeared.

Sixteen trident kunai were already scattered around before the fat bug Samit arrived.

Kevin looked towards the golden light and said, "Borsalino, you are the only one who can arrive in the shortest time. The general should be Zhan Guo at the moment, right? Is he still behind?"

After seeing the person in front of him clearly, Borsalino was stunned: "How brave!"

The next moment, the rest of the light saw the miserable state of the Celestial Dragons.

Even though he had already become a candidate for general, he was a little flustered at this moment.

The Celestial Dragons...were killed?!

And he was tortured to death! With such a corpse, the anger of the Five Elders of the World Government can be imagined.

The noble man who was above the world had not suffered any accidental death for many years, but today he was cut into pieces like pork, and finally died tragically.

Finally, the other person's face was Kuzan!


With a flash of golden light, Borsalino came at an extremely fast speed and slashed at Kevin with the lightsaber in his hand.

Now is not the time to be lazy, things are too big, there is no way this guy is alive.


I beg you to read on, I beg you to read on, I beg you to read on…

(End of this chapter)

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