Chapter 57 Value

On the expedition ship, the so-called explorers roared and fired again.

Although his shooting skills were basically random, there was nothing commendable about them except his courage.

Why only shoot? Because these guys can't climb up the mast!

Two minutes later, more than 30 people were beaten down by Kevin, with an average of one person every three seconds. However, the bruised men still protected Olivia behind them and glared at Kevin.

"Did I say you were so brave?"

Kevin said with some amusement: "You are still looking at me like this at a time like this? If I get angry, I will kill you all, believe it or not?"

In the crowd, a young man in his twenties walked out with one side of his glasses broken and a bruise on his eye.

Even though he was beaten badly, he still looked straight at Kevin and said, "This ship is very poor, so poor that even pirates would give up. If you want money, we can only get together about 200,000 Baileys."

"So... there's nothing you want on this ship, Navy! If you want to do something else, then all of us! We will resist to the end even if we are killed!"

Kevin scratched his head.

The misunderstanding was getting deeper and deeper. What I wanted to express just now was that among so many people, only Nico Robin's shooting skills were better, but this group of people misunderstood it.

But such misunderstandings didn't matter. After all, his identity as a running dog of the World Government, coupled with his deliberate drinking and clubbing every day, had already become rotten.

Not bad? If it's not bad, why would Spandain want to play with you?

"Cough cough."

Kevin coughed, and at this time the navy ship had already approached.

"Why did you come here just now?"

The captain first looked at the beaten expedition team and said with some surprise: "Sir, haven't you always killed them all first, and then we came up and looted directly?"

After these words were spoken, everyone in the expedition team became even more nervous.

Olivia frowned behind the crowd, and finally forced her way through everyone and stepped forward.

He looked directly at Kevin and said, "I'll go with you. Let them go."

For a moment, everyone in the expedition team became agitated. Even when the Marines pointed guns at them, they still shouted and threatened to fight to the death.

Uh →_→

Such a familiar routine, it seems like the bloody plot at 8:30 in my memory.

"They were all tied up and taken away!"

With a wave of his hand, the marines on the deck rushed forward.

Kevin had thrown away the expedition team's guns before, and now they were all pinned to the ground with their bare hands and tied up.

One of the Marines was about to attack Olivia, but was slapped away by the corporal next to him.

"Don't move, why can't you see the situation clearly?"


The veteran glanced at the expedition team and said, "This ship belongs to poor people. These guys on the expedition are extremely poor. This is the first time that Chief Kevin didn't kill them all. Why do you think that is?"

The recruit understood everything in a second, and his eyes softened when he looked at Olivia, as if he wanted to explain.


Soon, more than 30 men and women from the expedition team were taken on board the warship. The marines on the expedition ship had no interest in even searching and prepared to sink it directly.

As a result, Kevin almost slapped the Marine who was about to fire and sent him flying.

The expedition teams that had been trying their best to stop it also breathed a sigh of relief. In their opinion, the things hidden on the ship were more important than their lives.

"You don't know how expensive firewood and rice are until you manage the household. Find a few people and let this boat follow us. We can sell it when we go to the Seven Waters Capital later."

"Yes." The Marine who was nearly knocked unconscious complained in his heart, how many Baileys can this thing be sold for?


After the matter was settled, Kevin continued to sleep on the deck, and his destination was changed from chasing the target to heading straight for the Seven Water City.

In the detention area of ​​the warship cabin, Olivia and others were locked up together, in complete darkness.

After making sure that the people outside had gone far away, a low conversation began.

"What should we do, Olivia? There are still ancient texts we just copied on the ship, and we haven't had time to translate them word for word yet!"

"It's not just the book. We were all captured. All the gains from this trip over the past few years are in the boat."

"These sailors have no idea of ​​the value of those records. If they had fired a cannon just now, we would have..."

"The Den Den Mushi was also taken away just now. Otherwise, we could have contacted the doctor to save these records."

At this time, the young man with the broken glasses said, "It doesn't matter if you are killed, but the recorded books must be sent back to O'Hara. I will start the action at night."

"it's useless."

Olivia shook her head in frustration. "That leading marine is not simple. He used Haki to take the lead bullet. Plus he was standing on the mast while stepping on the air. He is very strong."

After saying that, Olivia rubbed her cheeks and looked at the shackles on her hands: "This place is not far from the Seven Waters City. He will definitely look for me before he gets there. I will find a way to make him release you and the ship."

But the voices of those who were right were suppressed. Olivia looked at everyone and said, "Do you want all the efforts of the past six years to be destroyed?! These are the wealth of all human beings in this world, the country that has been recorded and can make everyone happy..."

For a moment, everyone fell silent.

After studying ancient texts for a long time, they had glimpsed the greatness of that huge kingdom between the lines.

An inexhaustible source of energy, the power to influence reality by materializing thoughts in your mind.

"No. I won't agree to that, anyway."

"Me too."


"The information I have received and the education I received at that time prevented me from making such a choice."

“History is important, but without humanity, everything is meaningless.”


New World, a corner of the Red Earth Continent.

While Dragon and Bear were planning how many routes to take to avoid the World Government Army, a man in a white mask and cloak suddenly appeared on the chair next to them.

The two were no longer surprised. As cadres of the Revolutionary Army, along with Ivankov and Ginny, these four people all carried Kevin's spatial coordinates.

"Is the final examination of the youth training camp over?"

Dorag asked, then looked at the big bear: "Use the power of the chicken spell to lift the ship into the air, and shoot it out after it exceeds the height of the Red Earth Continent. The target is too big."

Xiong replied, "This is not the first time. As for the World Government's army, Ginny will use the Somersault Cloud to investigate clearly from high altitudes and can be contacted at any time."

Dorag nodded, "Are you almost back? That's fine, as soon as possible."

The two men decided on a transport route, and Kevin never got a word in.

After the conversation was over, he said directly: "I have a group of very valuable people here."


Please read on, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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