From a Pirate to a Revolutionary Mentor

Chapter 62 Entrustment to the Future

Chapter 62 Entrustment to the Future
Westsea, O'Hara.

There was no revolutionary army that went head-on with the World Government. The only ones who came this time were Dragon and Kuma, as well as Olivia and about twenty scholars.

The man with glasses and a few others stayed at the revolutionary army's base. After the ideological class every day, they began to take notes and organize the still somewhat scattered central ideas.

This is also the task Kevin has assigned to them at present, and they also have to wait for the attitude of the world government.

Their original plan was that if the World Government was reasonable, they would leave the Revolutionary Army and return to O'Hara to continue their research and exploration of history.

However, after a few days of ideological classes, they found that their hearts had loosened after organizing their daily records.

What is the purpose of studying and exploring history?
Is it just to preserve history?

No, the covered-up history and knowledge are the wealth of the entire world and should be used by the entire world to make the world a better place.

The change in the scholars' thinking is also one of the purposes of Kevin asking them to record and organize their classes.


The Tree of Omniscience is like a huge library.

Dr. Clover was still flipping through a book, as if he had no time to pay attention to Dragon and the others, leaving the two of them there.

Dorag sighed: "It's still the same. Your pursuit has not changed over the years."

No one paid any attention to him even after he complained.

Olivia on the side explained helplessly: "It should be a critical point. It seems we have to wait."

For a moment, the reception place became a research place. The scholars were all busy with their own things, and Olivia also left to do her own thing. Only Dorag and Big Bear were left staring at each other.

Two hours passed, and finally the old man made the last entry and closed the notebook.

When he looked up again, he was stunned: "Doragu? Why are you here? How long have you been here?"

Dorag was a little depressed: "We were here for a while. But you were busy, so you didn't notice us."

Dr. Clover scratched his head, a little embarrassed: "It's an old problem. I always ignore the sounds around me when I am concentrating. Wait..."

At this time, he saw Olivia coming over: "Hahaha! Are you guys back? I was worried about you guys before. It's just right that you come back today. The time is just right!"

Olivia was stunned: “What’s wrong?”

Such doubts made the old man sigh: "Haven't you gone to see Robin's kid yet?"

These words made Olivia stunned.

The first thing she thought of when she came back was to organize and store all the knowledge she had gained in the past six years, and she also wondered whether this knowledge could be saved if it was discovered by the World Government.

"That child also inherited your and her father's will."

"Even though I kept it a secret from her, she still used her devil fruit power to get to this point in the end. It was like it was destined, exactly the same."

Olivia was silent for a long time.

After learning that the World Government had discovered O'Hara's research, she was well aware of the consequences of touching those taboos.

But what Robin inherited was their will.

"I see."

"I'll go see Robin later. Also, Doctor, perhaps our research has been discovered." After recounting the previous events, Olivia chose Dr. Clover. After all, this was related to O'Hara's future.

Right now...she wanted to see her daughter whom she hadn't seen since she was two years old.



After exhaling, Dr. Clover looked at Dragon and said, "I have heard about you over the past year or so. The Self-Defense Forces have become the Revolutionary Army. I never thought that you, who have always hated war, would make such a decision in the end."

Dorag replied: "Someone has to take this step, right? This world has been oppressed for too long, and the people at the bottom need us, so we show up."

The old man put down the teacup and said, "Have we really been discovered? That's right, even you know about it, so those five old guys on Mary Geoise must know about it too."

"In fact, I had thought of such an outcome a long time ago. After all, we are just a group of scholars and do not have any power to protect this knowledge."

Dragon: "You went out to sea as an explorer but were labeled a pirate. You should have known at that time that they were wary of the blank 100 years. You should have been more careful at the beginning."

Dr. Clover smiled.

"In that case, you also don't know O'Hara's will, right? They want to destroy this history and knowledge. What they fear is that someone will use this to expose their lies and overthrow them."

"If that were the case, would you have found your way here?"

Before Dorag could reply, the old man's eyes seemed to have seen through everything.

"You don't have the power to fight against the revolutionary army, which was established so recently. But you still saved Olivia and the others from the navy, and persuaded them to leave some people behind, and set your sights on the knowledge books here."

"That mentor whom you call the Fire Seed, he should be very clear about the value of these books, right? Then... where did he know it from?"

"Your Spark is well aware of the greatness of that huge kingdom. He must know something about the brilliant technology during the blank hundred years, the power that could overthrow Mary Geoise."

"Otherwise, history alone won't be able to help you..."

After the words were spoken, both Dragon and Big Bear were surprised at this conclusion.

But Kevin did seem to know, and only if he knew the value of O'Hara's knowledge would he care so much.

At this time, Dorag remembered what he said about his future position when he first met Kevin.

"Mr. Firebrand knows a lot of things."

Dragon said, "Even the establishment of the Revolutionary Army, the purpose of the Revolutionary Army's existence, why we fight, for whom we fight, and what the future will be like, are all the central ideas guided by you, sir."

The doctor waved his hand: "I am not interested in these. Drago, we have known each other for a long time."

Dragon nodded. "It has been a long time since our positions have been close or even consistent. At least now, we are both standing against the World Government."

Dr. Clover stood up and walked around the giant bookshelves, as if he was re-referencing the books.

"Ask your Fire Seed mentor to come here in person. I need to meet him before I can give you an answer."

“History and knowledge are the future of this world. I need to know who I am entrusting the future to. I need to know that my choice is not wrong.”


I beg you all to read this, thank you.

 Thank you Alagas for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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