Chapter 83: Oikot Kingdom
East China Sea, Kingdom of Oikot.

The work remains the same as before, and as a member state, the people of this country need to pay high heavenly gold for their own safety.

But no one complained, because compared to the tragic situation of non-member countries being invaded by pirates, they were willing and had to accept the physical fatigue.

At this moment, the sound of artillery fire was heard from the port.

Soon, the roar of explosions and the shaking of the ground caused chaos for everyone near the port.

The guards stationed at the port were killed one after another, and those who escaped ran towards the palace.

"Little ones! Now it's your turn!"

On the six large pirate ships, the crazy pirates began to burn, kill and loot wantonly as soon as they landed.

Perhaps they were just gangsters from an island in the East China Sea. They restrained themselves out of fear at the beginning, but after becoming pirates, they had their own explanations.

For the sake of freedom, freedom to kill and plunder, freedom to build pleasure on the suffering of the weaker.

As for the Grand Route?

Why would you go to that kind of place?
Aren’t these ordinary civilians fun? Going to the Grand Line to risk your life is a choice only a fool would make!

For a time, the entire Oikot Kingdom was in chaos. A small number of guards were dispatched, but after the army leader was killed by the enemy, the entire guard was defeated by fear.

Flames and blood intertwined, and the Kingdom of Oikot, which had been peaceful a few hours ago, was now completely unrecognizable.

Citizens died one by one, but the gates of the palace remained closed.

One day, two days, three days, the three days outside the palace became a real lawless zone.

The man's roar disappeared on the first day, and the woman's wailing and pleading no longer sounded on the second day.

On the third day, all the pirates were satisfied, their red eyes filled with the state of wild beasts.

At this moment, they even forgot that they were human.

It was also on this day that the rescue team of the East China Sea Naval Branch finally arrived. At the same time, the royal palace, which had been impossible to attack, also opened its gates. The king's long-reserved forces rushed out and cooperated with the navy to start exterminating the pirates.

The battle lasted for three days, and the pirates' strength seemed to exceed King Oikot's expectations.

In the palace.

"You must! You must drive the pirates out of my country. We have paid the Heavenly Gold and are a member state! This is the obligation of your navy!"

The king was very angry and questioned the branch colonel in front of him.

However, the other party was not impatient: "No one expected their fighting power to be so tenacious, right? In addition, you seem to have forgotten our agreement and delayed arriving until three days ago. Didn't you let us do this?"


The king slapped the armrest and said, "I only asked you to come back in one day, not three days! This is different from our agreement!"

The branch colonel seemed not to notice his rage. He walked aside, poured himself a glass of red wine, and drank it all.

"The time for the member states to pay the Heavenly Gold is approaching. Each member state has been trying to come up with a solution recently, and you are no exception."

"As far as I know, most of them choose to attack neighboring non-member countries to plunder their wealth. And there are also some who can only choose to be sneaky and reduce their population because of their own insufficient combat power."

"So how can we reasonably reduce the country's population and preserve our already limited combat power? Isn't pirate raiding a good excuse?"

"You are so weak, and that is exactly why you chose to make a deal with me, Your Majesty."

King Oikot, sitting on the throne, clenched his hands. He did not expect that his plan would be so clear to these people.

Therefore, there are many member states that have made the same choice as mine.

"Drive the pirates out, and we can increase the agreed amount by one third."

The branch colonel smiled and shook his head: "The payment of Tianshangjin is more than that. This bottle of wine is good, and it seems to be a wine from the Grand Line. You really know how to enjoy it, Your Majesty."

King Oikot frowned: "So what do you want?"

The branch colonel walked over slowly, and the moment he got close, a dagger stabbed into his chest.


After a muffled groan, the severe pain in the chest began to stir, the disbelieving gaze gradually faded, and the raised hand gradually became weak.

He never thought that he would be killed by the navy, nor did he think that the other side's appetite would be so big.

The invasion of pirates was his plan, and so was the killing of the elite troops to guard the palace.

To discuss such a secret today, and fearing that it might be leaked, he arranged a place for just the two of them, which was also his plan.

But this also makes it easier for the other party to take action.

"I'll blame your death on the pirates, and then let a bunch of them go. I'll report that the entire Kingdom of Oikot was looted. Then all the Baileys in this country will be mine, right?"

"It's just that one of the East China Sea member states has been lost. It won't be long before another one joins."


Soon, the navy, together with the guards, launched a counterattack.

Among the marines, a woman with short pink hair kept frowning, and attacked like a madman, as if she wanted to leave her life here.

At the same time, the port of the Kingdom of Oikot once again welcomed uninvited guests.

"The port is so quiet. Shouldn't this be the time for trade?"

The somersault cloud passed by and Ginny jumped down.

The next second, looking at the ruined streets of the town below, Ginny froze in place, her face frozen.

There were corpses everywhere, including a man holding a kitchen knife and a woman with half of her body covered in blood.

This scene is like hell.

Behind him, Roger, wearing a cloak and a mask, followed, and behind him was a group of people from the Eastern Army of the Revolutionary Army.

"What's going on here!"

"Are they pirates? The Oikot Kingdom's guards are quite capable, how could that be?"

"They are an allied country, didn't they call for naval support?"


Ginny frowned and looked around: "Spread out and search to see if there are any alive..."

Before he could finish his words, a noise was heard not far away.

Roger, who also had a gloomy face, spoke up: "It's pirates, followed by a large number of navy. Should we take action?"

Ginny hesitated for a moment, the bodies on the street reflected in her eyes.

"Leave all the pirates here!"

Just as he was about to take action, Roger raised his hand to stop the person behind him.

"This body has almost become stiff from not moving for so long... You are a piece of trash who attacks ordinary people, you don't deserve to be called a pirate!"

Roger walked forward slowly and drew out the long knife with his right hand.

At the same time, the pirates who were fighting and retreating also noticed the people on this road.

After a moment of hesitation, he looked sarcastic.

"You want to stop us alone? Who do you think you are? The Pirate King?"

"kill him!"

"Leave this island, there will be more wealth and women waiting for us!"



Under the mask, Roger's eyes gradually became colder.

When he was alive, he was a pirate and the freest person on the sea. He disdained to attack ordinary people, and would never allow his crew to attack ordinary people.

This doesn't mean he is kind or righteous, it just means he is disdainful. After Raftel learned the secrets of this world, what annoyed him the most was that he was born twenty years too early and was unable to see the earth-shaking changes in the world twenty years later due to his terminal illness.

So he wanted to be the initiator of the future era, and thus he said those words on the execution platform, which ushered in the great pirate era.

At that time, he had anticipated the impact that the Great Pirate Era would have on ordinary people, but he still did it.

The reason is righteous and for the future.

but now……

Since his encounter with the Revolutionary Army in O'Hara more than a year ago, although he could see the essence of the Revolutionary Army's ideas, it was precisely because of this that he had a change.

A guy like Whitebeard would spend all his treasures on his hometown, and BiGMOM would go crazy because the portrait of the nun was damaged...

Roger, whose thoughts had changed, suddenly felt a little regretful.

The tragic scenes seen everywhere on the streets came to my mind. The eyes of those people were still open even when they died, as if they still resented the world at their last moment.

No, they are resentful of me, right?

If it weren't for that sentence, maybe they would have been better off.


In an instant, a huge momentum burst out from Roger's body.

The domineering aura even took shape, the crimson color in the air spread like thunder, and the wooden fences beside the street collapsed in an instant.

And those pirates standing opposite Roger seemed to be targeted by a huge sea king at this moment, and would be killed in the next second!
"I don't want you to faint..."

The long sword in Roger's hand was also covered with scarlet domineering aura.

God avoids!

In an instant, a huge slash swept past.


The slash passed over the pirates and cut into the ground in front of the pursuing marines, creating a chasm.

The next second, the street, which was already like hell, was once again dyed red with blood.

At this moment, Roger, wearing a mask, looked as terrifying as a devil in the eyes of the navy.

"Wearing a mask and a cape, it's the Cape Man!"

"Why would such a being appear in the East China Sea?"

"Call for support immediately!"



Although Ginny never expected a branch navy in the East China Sea to be so steadfast, such a sudden rout was beyond her expectations.

Was it just because he mistook the cloaked man?

The little guy who used to talk back to me every day when he was little has now grown into a big shot whom his enemies fear in fear.


Ginny looked across and saw that all the navy had fled, except for a pink-haired woman who collapsed to the ground, lowered her head and did not move.

Are you scared?

Walking forward, Ginny said condescendingly: "We are not pirates, just merchant ships coming here to purchase supplies, so generally speaking we will not attack the navy."

Um? Still not leaving?
"Navy? Do you need help?"

This sentence made the woman who collapsed on the ground react.

"I...I'm not a marine anymore. At least from now on, I'm no longer a marine."

Ginny gave the woman a strange look, then said to her companions behind her: "Let's see if there are any survivors first. We will have to search and rescue one place at a time and dig a big hole."

"Understood, big sister!"

"After coming here so many times, an affiliated country was destroyed. This world needs to change!"

"hurry up!"

"There's a sound here! Come over here!"


A group of people scattered, and Roger also displayed his Observation Haki to explore the surroundings to see if there were any survivors.

At this moment, the woman who was originally thought to be frightened suddenly jumped up.

But before he could rush out, Ginny held him down with one hand, and the force of the pressure made him sit back down.

"let me go!"

The struggling woman stared at the ruins in the distance, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break free from Ginny's control.

At this time, Roger beside him also stood up and walked to the door of a house.

The man holding the hoe was stabbed in the abdomen, and his internal organs fell outside and were pulled from the inner room to the door. It was obvious that the man did not give up before he died, but wanted to come out to see if there were any survivors who could save his daughter and wife.

Roger walked into the inner room, reached out and lifted up a piece of floor, and when he walked down, he saw a baby lying in the arms of a female corpse.

The blood in the abdomen had already coagulated, and the sleeping baby girl's face was covered in blood. This blood was the reason she was able to survive until now.

Roger picked up the baby girl, looked at the female corpse leaning against the wall, and bowed his head.

He remembered what his teacher had said, that compared to himself, such parents were truly great.

After the bullying, the pain from being stabbed in the abdomen could not outweigh her worry for her child, so she crawled in and used her blood as food, keeping the baby girl alive.

The man at the door, dragging his internal organs, crawled to the door regardless of the pain, just to see if there was any hope, if there was anyone who could save his daughter.

Roger walked out of the cabin holding the sleeping baby girl, handed her to Ginny, and walked deeper into the town again with the knife in hand.

"Where are you going?"

Roger didn't even turn his head: "Kill people, save people."

The Kingdom of Oikot is not just one town, it is an island with four living places surrounding the royal palace in the center.

It was impossible that only one baby girl was alive, there must be survivors waiting for him.

And that group of pirates wasn't just the ones that were just cut in half, he wanted to kill people.


Ginny, who was holding the baby girl in one hand, was a little dazed. This made the female navy who had been suppressed break free and stretch out her hand to hug the child she had just rescued.

Ginny dodged to the side and was about to punch the woman, but stopped.

The main thing was that the woman in front of him had blood all over her face, and she looked at the child with an apologetic look.


"I'm not a marine!"

The female soldier in navy uniform looked directly at Ginny. "They made a deal with the king of this country and used a sum of money to delay the navy's support, which led to this tragedy! Heavenly gold! Damn heavenly gold!"

With just one sentence, Ginny understood the whole story.

The time to pay the Heavenly Gold is approaching, and each member state is thinking of its own solution, and the most common one is to reduce the population.

"Wow wow wow..."

A loud cry sounded, startling Ginny.


(End of this chapter)

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