From a Pirate to a Revolutionary Mentor

Chapter 87 Another old acquaintance from 1 years ago

Chapter 87 Another old acquaintance from eighteen years ago

"It's so noisy!"

Saint Rodnaz threw the gun in his hand to the servant next to him: "Hurry up and reload me, idiot!"

The middle-aged man pretended to be in a hurry and took the pistol, but he did so timidly and quickly loaded the ammunition.

At the same time, the girl who begged passers-by to save her mother fell into despair, blood dripping from her face, but no one was willing to look up.

With tears mixed with tears, the little girl knelt in the direction of the Celestial Dragons.

Having lived in Area 1 for so long, this was not the first time that she and her mother had encountered Celestial Dragons.

She may not know the meaning of world nobles, but she understands that the only one who can save her mother now is the world nobles that her mother mentioned.

"Please... please, uncle, save my mother."

Saint Rodnaz looked at the little girl with a ridiculous expression on his face.

"Why would bugs?"

It's natural to doubt that when facing a little girl with blood all over her face and tears in her eyes, she won't have any empathy.

This is the education they receive since birth. Fundamentally, they do not consider themselves to be of the same race as ordinary people.

Just like what Saint Satan said in the Valley of the Gods: How can we empathize with insects?
The little girl slowly raised the gun in her hand. There was fear in her eyes as she looked at the gun that killed her mother, but she still knelt there trembling.

Even though the tears couldn't stop falling, I still didn't retreat.


Saint Rodnaz seemed to have found something very interesting. He put down the gun in his hand, pointed at the little girl and said, "Bright blue! Bright blue eyes! I want to take them back for my collection! Hurry up!"

The middle-aged man who had loaded the bullets earlier nodded and walked out, standing in front of the little girl who was still crying but looking at him with wide eyes.

Bright blue pupils are really beautiful.

But when such beauty is noticed by Saint Rodnaz, it no longer belongs to ordinary people.

As the world's aristocrats, they naturally possess all the power in the world, and no one can and will resist.


The little girl forced herself to smile: " my mother...please..."

The middle-aged man glanced at the side and said calmly: "She is already dead. Even if the bullet didn't hit the vital part, she would have died long ago with such a large amount of bleeding."

The little girl stood there in a daze, tears falling from her eyes as she looked at her mother.

After a while, he raised his hand to wipe it.


The arm stopped in mid-air.

The middle-aged man was still calm and matter-of-fact: "After Saint Rodnaz spoke, your eyes no longer belong to you. So from now on, you can no longer wipe your eyes."

The little girl put down her hands, turned her head to look at the middle-aged man, and the corners of her mouth were stiffly pulled up.

"Uncle...Uncle, could you gentler? It will...hurt, right?"

She was already six years old, and after the big change she had just experienced, it was obvious that she already knew her fate.

But she was afraid of pain, so she wanted the uncle in front of her to be gentler.

If I give the eyes to the Celestial Dragon, I can leave, right? I can take my mother away from here, right?

"What are you dithering about, you idiot! Hurry up! If the auction starts, I will kill you, your stupid subordinate!"

The voice of Saint Rodnaz sounded behind him, and the middle-aged man stretched out his hand and brushed it in front of the little girl.

There was no pain, because at the moment the attack was made, a bloody hole appeared on the little girl's forehead.


The small body fell to the ground, and the bloody hole turned sideways to look at everyone on the street, as if mocking and relieved.

In this world, it is better to be dead than to live.

The middle-aged man held the eyeball with blood, flesh and nerves in the palm of his hand, raised it respectfully and placed it in front of Saint Rodnaz.

However, the celestial dragons who had just been eager to obtain the pair of bright blue gems now grinned in disdain.

"How come it becomes so disgusting after being dug out? Throw it away! As expected, even the eyes of the untouchables are so disgusting."

A pair of eyes were thrown casually on the ground.

At this moment, a noise came from the end of the street.

A man stumbled, pushing away someone who had fallen to his knees but was trying to stop his ankle.


"Bang bang bang..."

The untouchables would not be allowed to stand close to the Celestial Dragons, let alone untouchables like these who might launch an attack.

Saint Rodnaz looked at the bodies of the family of three with disdain, waved his hand, and left with his guards.

The group walked away, kneeling on the quiet street, and then people gradually stood up.

"That little girl..."

"No one dared to help them at that time. We were just untouchables. We would only be killed if we resisted."

"Every day, they are more..."

I didn't dare say the following words out loud, because if anyone heard them, it would also be a capital crime.

No one can resist the Celestial Dragons, not even the pirates and human traffickers in Area 1.

Compared to two years ago, if one was unfortunate enough to encounter the Celestial Dragons traveling at that time, as long as one bowed his head and kneeled down in time, there was a high probability that nothing would happen.

But in the past six months, the traveling Tianlong people seemed to have become more violent. Every time they played the game of shooting prey, the fate of the person being targeted was doomed at that moment.

"If possible, move out of Area 1. It's more unsafe here than before."

"The pirates who recently landed in the Sabaody Archipelago don't come to Area 1. How can ordinary people like us survive?"

At this time, a figure appeared in the crowd, looking at a family of three in the middle of the street.

I'm a little late...

The discussions in the crowd had already made Kevin understand what had just happened.

Every day in Marijoa, a Celestial Dragon comes down to the Sabaody Archipelago to play. This is to lure them into the trap, but at the same time these guys are also venting their anger, but the victims are ordinary people like these.

Kevin walked forward slowly, his eyes meeting the little girl's empty gaze beneath the mask of his cloak.

"If the underworld of this world can be reincarnated, the next time you come to this world, it will become a better place... it will definitely be."

His eyelids dropped, and the blood-red holes closed.

Kevin slowly stood up and disappeared from the spot in an instant.

"The cloaked man!"

"The one who just disappeared was the cloaked man!"

"Really? The Celestial Dragons haven't come to the Sabaody Archipelago for half a year since he showed up last time. This time..."

"Shut up! He is also the mortal enemy of the traffickers. They will tip off the traffickers."


At the same time, at the temporary naval base in Area 1, Borsalino had just hung up the Den Den Mushi in his hand.

鏉ヤ 钖楋纻
Nearly a year has passed, and the other party obviously knew that this was a trap, but still came.

Because the bait turned into a real celestial dragon?

Or because of those who died?
Borsalino touched his hands together, and a golden light shot up into the sky.

Eight-foot mirror!
… “It’s me, let’s get started.”

Kevin also hung up the phone.

At the same time, on the five islands of the Kingdom of Olga in the Grand Line, a large group of people who had been prepared long ago rushed to the port from their homes, and the guards in the palace also transported out the prepared treasures and supplies.

CP, who had been monitoring the place, suddenly woke up, but just as he took out the Den Den Mushi, his neck was twisted by a hand in the shape of a dragon claw.

The Somersault Cloud flew by, and Ginny held the Den Den Mushi in one hand: "I have reported the location to you. I have cleared out the people from the World Government here. What about you?"

"Of course I did it myself... The latest sniper rifle from the institute is pretty good. One shot to the head and every shot hits the target."

At the ports of the five islands, large ships fell from the sky, and bear-paw-shaped bubbles shook up waves on the sea.


"All members should carry supplies according to the plan. The elderly, women and children should board the ship first!"


The two boarding stairs are close to each other, one is used by young and strong men to carry supplies up and down, and the other is the entrance for the elderly, the weak, women and children to board the ship.

Everything is in order, no one is dissatisfied, and no one is fighting.

Even the young and strong people who have no relatives do not feel any dissatisfaction.

They are the revolutionary army, an organization that has been fighting for ordinary people against the entire world since its inception. They are glorious, fighting for their own future and for the class they belong to!

Sacrifice is for the future. Only if they move forward courageously can the world be changed! Only then can the descendants of ordinary people like them be able to truly live!

It is not a shame to be forced to leave your hometown. One day your hometown will be liberated, and the sound of the revolutionary army's liberation drums will resound throughout the world!

Auction of Area 1 of the Chabaoti Archipelago.

The middle-aged man who had been following the Tianlong people looked into his arms and whispered, "Has it appeared yet? Keep silent from now on. I have to prepare myself as well."

As soon as the words fell, the inconspicuous middle-aged man suddenly disappeared. Although he was still standing behind the Tianlong man, his whole body had changed and blended into the color of the environment behind him.

Even the Tianlong people who were looking at the slaves on the platform excitedly did not notice that one of his guards was missing.

"We are auctioning a female mermaid now, and the starting price is 100 million Baileys!"

The host, who didn't dare to delay at all, directly pulled down the curtain and announced a low price for the auction item.

As a lesson from the past, the host of the auction in Area No. 1 is now also in a high-risk job. Before this, more than 60 people have been killed by the Tianlong people.

If there was no other choice, he really didn't want to come here to be the host.

"Five hundred million! Five hundred million Baileys!"

Saint Rodnaz looked at the mermaid with aggression in his eyes. Now he wanted to get this mermaid, bring her back to Mary Geoise, and then play with her unscrupulously!

After the Celestial Dragon made his offer, everyone at the auction fell silent.

Before this, they would bid for items that the Celestial Dragons were not interested in, but as soon as the Celestial Dragons opened their mouths, they would have to remain silent.


The door of the auction was pushed open, and a smell of blood poured in from outside.

Kevin clapped his hands, raised his head slightly, and looked directly at Saint Rodnaz under the white mask.

"Hey? It's been eighteen years since we last met. I didn't expect it to be you this time, Izambaron V Rodnaz Saint."

"How dare the untouchables..."

Saint Rodnaz, who had just turned around and was about to get angry, was stunned. His legs went weak and he even collapsed to the ground.

"Dou... cloak... cloak man!"

"Save me! You idiots, hurry! Hurry!"

With his legs trembling and kicking continuously, Rodnaz retreated directly to the corner.

Kevin looked around and, from the special perspective of the prison, he saw that everyone here had a certain sin value.

"Can we...can we leave?"

A fat man put two boxes on the ground and opened them tremblingly: "Here is 120 million Baileys. I... I just want to leave."

Afterwards, the criminals in Area 1 followed suit and put the money they brought on the ground.

"Let us go... As long as you let us go, all this money will be yours!"

"Yes! Yes! This money, as long as..."


The long knife swept past, and blood splattered out.

Kevin looked at the guys who were paralyzed in fear in front of him and said, "If I kill you, the money will be mine too."

As soon as he finished speaking, specially made kunai flashed by, and people fell down one after another, holding their necks.

The artery was cut and blood spurted out like crazy. The more he struggled to crawl out, the more he would die on the way.

After clearing away all the garbage, Kevin looked at Saint Rodnaz in the corner, and CP who was protecting him.

So what will be the trap?
Kevin frowned, but the other party still hadn't played any cards at this time.


In front of the cage on the high platform, Kevin swept the long sword in his hand. Although he didn't know what iron-cutting was, he cut the railing directly under the armed color domineering.

"You...are you here to save me?"

The female mermaid was very beautiful, but Kevin had no intention of chatting with her at this time.

He reached out and grabbed the self-destruct device on the mermaid's neck, covered with armed color domineering, and destroyed the inside.


An explosion sounded in the air, but at this moment, Kevin's observation Haki burst out, and a kunai knocked the flying object away.


The round self-locking handcuffs fell to the ground. Kevin looked at them, thought about it, and wrapped them with the clothes of a corpse next to him and put them away.

The Celestial Dragon who was protected behind him was now kicking the CP in front of him.

"Go ahead you idiots!"

"Protect me!"

"Kill him! Kill him!"

"I don't want to be like Samit Saint, no!"

At the same time, in an inconspicuous place beside the Tianlong man, an unnoticed middle-aged man clenched his hands.

The first trap failed.

The opponent's observation Haki is top-level, but it should not have reached the level of predictive ability, otherwise the person who handcuffed himself just now would not even have a chance to get out.

But even so, he only had one chance to strike.

Using the Celestial Dragon as bait, if something goes wrong, the consequences for me are obvious.

Lower your presence and blend in with your surroundings.

Slow down your breathing, and even hold your breath when the opponent gets close to you. Only in this way can you have a greater chance of winning.

The opponent's combat power is not top-notch. As long as the ability of the teleportation fruit can be restricted, then one's mission can be considered accomplished.


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(End of this chapter)

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