From a Pirate to a Revolutionary Mentor

Chapter 96: Liberation of Wano Country

Chapter 96: Liberation of Wano Country

The five-year agreed time is about to arrive. During these five years, he has been dancing this disgusting dance everywhere, with the purpose of observing whether Orochi and Kaido have kept their promise.

There was a glimmer of hope in my heart, a glimmer of hope that the other party would keep his promise and leave Wano Country.

It was this hope that made him choose to believe in that illusory verbal promise.

Kanjuro was killed by beheading. His own retainer, a family member with whom he had lived for twenty-one years, was killed in such a cruel way.


How can it be?

For the past twenty-one years, Kanjuro, who stole hair and made it into brushes to sell and was known as a monster, and Kanjuro, who laughed and played while cooking oden and had fun with everyone...

How could he be Kurozumi Orochi's undercover agent?
But now, the retainer was brutally beheaded and killed, and as a monarch, I am unable to avenge him!

When he opened his eyes, he saw the head rolling to the ground, with its eyes still open in death, staring at Oden.

In an instant, his hands clenched the handles of Yan Mo and Tian Yu Han Zhan.


"Boom bang..."

Kin'emon, Denjiro and others fell to their knees.

"Your Highness Oden... please... please put Wano Country first!"

"Wano Country... is the most important!"

"We... our death is not a pity, but my lord, my lord, you must put the country of Wano first!"


Looking at the retainers kneeling in front of him, scenes flashed through his mind.

The scene of Wano Country being reduced to Kaido's weapons factory, and the misery he had seen while traveling on the sea. Kozuki Oden's hand that tightly grasped the hilt of the sword finally loosened.

It's not just about Wano Country, the future of this country concerns the whole world.


At this time, Kevin, who was standing with Kuma and Dragon, was also looking at Kozuki Oden.

"That's why I always thought you weren't cut out to be a king. You hesitate and can't make decisions. You need retainers and outsiders to remind you of what's important and what's not. You've traveled the sea but you trust a pirate... stupid..."

Before he could finish his words, Dorag pulled him from behind.

Kevin looked back at him: "Why are you pulling me?"

Dorag's forehead was still covered with sweat. "Although you often preached before, you never said every word with a knife like today. Look at those guys, maybe they will really fight."

Kevin glanced at Denjiro and the others: "Our choices are not limited to them. Although we cannot choose Kaido because of the central idea of ​​​​focusing on the grassroots, it is not impossible to clean up both sides and then transform Wano Country."

Big Bear at the side reached out and patted Kevin on the shoulder: "These guys' eyes are about to bleed, you'd better say less. Otherwise, it will be difficult for Rayleigh and the others, right?"

Kevin thought about it and didn't say anything else.

But the next moment, Kevin disappeared from the spot.

A special kunai was thrown out from the woods, black flashes passed by, and five minions of the Beasts Pirates were killed directly.

After reappearing, Kevin frowned: "If you don't want to attract attention, you have to leave quickly, otherwise Kaido will still know and see the wanted poster."

Rayleigh and Roger looked at each other, then they and Kin'emon and others took Oden away.


Jiuli, the reception room of Daming Mansion.

The atmosphere at this time was completely different from before. There was also a person named Shimotsuki Yasuie who had just arrived and heard about the previous situation.

In the reception room, Oden and Shimotsuki Yasuie were sitting, while Kin'emon and other retainers as well as Shimotsuki Hikoichirō and others were standing.

On the opposite side were Kevin and five other people.

"…He was born into a stage play troupe, and his parents' death was related to the Kozuki clan. It's only right for such a person to be sent undercover for twenty-one years."

Kevin had already said what he wanted to say, and after taking a sip of tea, he could still see the resentful look from the other side.

So the brains of these warriors are all on their butts?

However, there is one exception, and that is Shimotsuki Yasuie, the daimyo of Hakumai, who arrived after Oden.

"From your words, I can tell that you seem to know Wano Country very well, and you also know the past of Kurozumi and the Kozuki clan, and you even know about the rebellion in Wano Country in the past."

Shimotsuki Yasuie said and turned to look at Oden: "The Kurozumi family once rebelled. I wonder if Lord Oden ever mentioned this when he was in the pirate group?"

This made Oden stunned for a moment, and then he looked directly at Kevin: "How did you know?"

Kevin, who was wearing a mask, chuckled and said, "Your wife is also a fruit ability user. Although she can only go to the future and cannot go back to the past, she can also see some scenes of the future. The same is true for me."

"I know more than just that. After you returned to Wano Country from Roger's pirate ship, you made a deal with Orochi. Because of the lives of those hundreds of people, you were threatened and agreed to dance for five years. Then they left, right?"

"I've said this several times, but you still don't realize the meaning of this sentence. Have you ever told anyone in Wano Country?"

At this time, among the retainers of Kozuki, a pink woman standing behind Raizo had a look of doubt and surprise.

Kevin's sarcasm was still full: "That's why I said you are not suitable for the position of king. Not only you, but also your father Shimotsuki Sukiyaki, the same is true."

As soon as these words were spoken, even though Oden was still in doubt, he slammed the table and stood up.

Fortunately, Shimotsuki Yasuie beside him stopped him, but he also looked at Kevin unkindly: "Your Excellency, it is a bit too much to insult a dead person."

Kevin sneered, "That old guy is not dead at all. He just hid himself because he trusted the wrong person and was afraid of losing face and not being able to take responsibility at this critical moment."


In an instant, everyone on the opposite side was stunned, including the retainers who were standing there.

Oden stood up suddenly. His father was not dead?

Glancing at him, Kevin said directly, "Did you find his body? The one who made Orochi officially a general was just a user of the Mimicry Fruit, who could change into the appearance of anyone he touched. So where is your father's body?"

Shimotsuki Yasuie was also very emotional at this time. He pulled Oden back and asked, "Where is he?"

Facing everyone's attentive gazes, Kevin simply spread his hands: "How should I know?"

Now even the Shimotsuki Kang family couldn't hold it anymore.

But Kevin soon brought hope again: "He was wearing a Tengu mask with a long nose. He should call himself Tengusan Feiche. What I saw was his situation 20 years later. At present, I really don’t know where he is hiding in the gutter and dare not look up."


This was a metaphor for mice, but Oden and the others were unable to refute it at this time.

A lord who is alive but dares not stand up because of the wrong choices he made, putting the entire Wano Country into crisis.

They couldn't refute it.

"Dong dong dong."

Kevin knocked on the table, attracting everyone's attention. "Shimotsuki Sukiyaki's combat power will not play any role in this war. A lord who has been dead for several years will have little influence on the opponent who has the ability of the Mimic Fruit."

"There's no need to discuss him now!"

Kevin stood up, his eyes gradually becoming colder under the mask.

"I have already told you about Kurozumi Kanjuro's problem. It is up to you to believe it or not. Kurozumi Orochi is a coward. You will understand after you chop off a few of his fingers."

"Now, what I need to tell you is that I, as the revolutionary army, will tell you the purpose of our support: to liberate Wano Country."


This was the first time such words appeared, and Oden even regarded it as the founding of a country.

But Kevin directly denied it: "The founding of Wano Country is inevitable, but not now, nor in twenty years. And the liberation I am talking about is to completely sever the so-called hereditary succession of the daimyo and shogun positions."

After the words fell, the people opposite were stunned again.

Kin'emon was even more furious, and was almost rushed out by Denjiro: "I want to duel with you!"

However, the next moment, when their eyes met, fear grew from the bottom of their hearts.

Oden was able to rescue him only after he noticed it.

At this time, Kevin also looked at Oden: "For someone like you to become the king is the greatest irresponsibility to a country. Kozuki Sukiyaki let Kurozumi Orochi temporarily take over the position of general, and you are also responsible for your own will."

"I heard that you gave birth to a timid son who is afraid of things and cherishes his body when doing great things, but likes to talk about his status. Where do you think your son will lead Wano Country in the future?"

"The Daimyo of Wano Country can be the administrator, but not the successor. This is the bottom line of the Revolutionary Army! It is also the bottom line of the future world!"

Kozuki Oden lowered his head.

He will investigate Kanjuro's past and even interrogate Orochi afterwards.

But what he was thinking about at this moment was the monarch issue introduced by Kevin.

Will Momonosuke be a qualified lord?
He would be bullied by Hiyori, hide behind Toki when he saw strangers, and shout about who his father was and how he was from the Kozuki family.


Shimotsuki Yasuie's voice rang out: "They will not keep their promise, and the bottom line proposed by those who are coming to support them now represents more than just the hereditary succession of the lord."

"Also, it means that they have no intention of controlling the country in the name of the shogun or daimyo."

These words made Oden clear.


Oden glanced at Roger and Rayleigh who were wearing masks. It was obvious from Rayleigh's expression that he didn't know the bottom line of the Revolutionary Army, but from Roger's eyes under the mask, he could tell that he knew it very well.

What Raftel saw flashed through Oden's mind, and he seemed to have figured out something.

"So what kind of manager does the Revolutionary Army think is more suitable and qualified?"

Kevin replied: "The term is four years, and the positions are rotated. The capable ones are promoted and the mediocre ones are demoted. If your son has the ability to manage this country, he will still be a daimyo and a general."

"And if he doesn't have such talent, he can only be a member of this country, not a useless lord who can enjoy the supplies of the lower class people by being high above them with the two words of Kozuki on his head."

At this time, Roger spoke up: "Of course, the specific election will be decided in the future. For now, it is still up to you, Oden, to manage the country. The process from hereditary monarchy to election cannot be achieved in one fell swoop. The people of this country have not awakened yet."

"But after this war, Wano Country needs to promote the ideological education of the revolutionary army and enlighten the people. I think you will have no problem with this, Oden, based on my understanding of you."

The two men looked at each other, and even Rayleigh, who was standing beside them, felt a little strange at this moment, as if he remembered something.

The three of them understood each other tacitly and lowered their heads at the same time.

Everything seen on Ravrud, the secret of this world, and the meaning of the sound of the drum of liberation.


This was the first time I heard this word from somewhere else since Raftel.

And that last sentence there.


Oden raised his head slightly and looked at Kevin: "If what you said is true, then I agree on behalf of the Kozuki clan."

After he finished speaking, Oden stood up and walked to the middle, then turned around and faced his retainers.


"Everyone. I have no doubts about Kanjuro's loyalty to the Kozuki clan. From now on, whether it's with the Orochi or digging deep underground, I will definitely investigate thoroughly."

"By then, Wano Country will be out of the control of Kaido and Orochi. If Kanjuro died innocently, I will seek justice for him even at the cost of my life."

"I swear in the name of the Kozuki family!"

These words almost made Kin'emon and others burst into tears.

They knelt on the ground one by one, expressing their understanding of their lord's difficulties and asking Oden to take back his oath.

Kevin felt very embarrassed when he saw this scene.

Perhaps it was due to the influence of his memories, he had been feeling unhappy since he came to this country.

In his memory, he thought that both Hiyori, Shimotsuki Yasuie, and the cheek-pinching girl who was not born yet were very good.

But when it comes to this country, it always makes him feel sarcastic and unhappy.

However, if we change the name to "Liberation of Wano Country", it would sound much more comfortable.

Feel comfortable!


Soon, the negotiations entered the second half.

Regarding the placement of the 4,000 reinforcements that will arrive tomorrow, and when Kaido's Beasts Pirates will gather on Onigashima.

The reason for choosing this close time point was that it was the time when Oden realized he had been deceived and led his nine retainers to Onigashima where they were ambushed.

The gathering of the Beasts Pirates on Onigashima should be about to begin.

In addition, before Oden died, the cautious guy Orochi must have held many people hostage, and he needed to find an opportunity to kill him.

Onigashima is a good place. After killing Kaido, it can be used as the new base of the Revolutionary Army, and Vegapunk's research institute can also be relocated.

The World Government's eyes are on the Revolutionary Army, so it would be best if the research institute is not located together with the Revolutionary Army's headquarters.

Liberate Wano Country...hahaha!

His thoughts raced, and Kevin couldn't help but feel happy.

By that time, after the people's minds have been liberated, titles such as daimyo and shogun can be changed.

Whether it is Kozuki or Shimotsuki, they will eventually be swept into the dust of history. Under liberation, there will be no so-called monarchs and nobles!

I beg you guys to subscribe.

(End of this chapter)

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