Chapter 98 Instant Kill
"The master humiliates the subject and the subject dies! The master humiliates the subject and the subject dies!"

In another room, eight retainers of Kozuki's family and a female ninja were gathered together.

Kin'emon clenched his hands and knelt on the ground as if he had suffered a great insult.

Denjiro, who was wearing glasses, remained silent while Shutenmaru gulped down the wine in the gourd.

The cat and the dog were grinding their teeth, Raizo had a gloomy face, and Kikunojo and Kawamatsu tightened the hilt of the knife at their waist.

"There is no way."

Denjiro's voice sounded: "Just like what Lord Kangjia reminded us during the meeting, we must focus on the overall situation at present. Wano Country cannot fight against Kaido and Orochi on its own."


A cold light flashed past, and Kawamatsu's sword was already an inch out of its sheath: "I would rather sacrifice my life to fight him than to let Lord Oden be humiliated."

Cat Viper and Inuarashi spoke at the same time, willing to risk their lives.

However, Jiu Tianwan, who was drinking, pounded the wine gourd on the floor.


"So do you think we have a chance of winning if the other party cooperates with Kaido?"

Shutenmaru's eyes were red, and it was unclear whether it was because of the wine or his emotions.

"They are very strong! And four thousand soldiers are not necessarily the entire combat strength of the opponent. The ability to fly can make the natural defenses of Wano Country nothing."

"We are all very upset that Lord Oden was humiliated. If Lord Kang hadn't stopped us, we would have rushed forward to fight them to the death. What's more, Kanjuro's death has not been clarified yet. But..."

At this point, Shutenmaru's eyes swept over the eight people in front of him: "But do we... want to destroy Wano Country? Lord Kangjia said it very clearly, Kaido is a pirate from the outer sea, he is not here to rule Wano Country, he is only here to occupy Wano Country and plunder its resources!"

"The Revolutionary Army may not, but if they stand on the opposite side, then the lord's family will certainly be purged. Everyone, what is the meaning of us being retainers?"

For a moment, everyone was silent.

Before this, no one would have thought that the most sober person would be Shutenmaru, the Ashura boy who was once a bandit.

After a long while, Denjiro, who had been silent the whole time, adjusted his glasses and said, "Maybe we have always understood something wrongly."

Everyone's eyes were focused on it.

Denjiro continued, "Even though hereditary succession is not allowed, Wano Country still needs someone to govern it. So based on this, will the Revolutionary Army send someone to govern it? And what form is the election they are talking about? Will the people of Wano Country elect someone else?"

At this point, Denjiro looked at the eight people in front of him and said, "Who will you choose for the general election?"

"Of course it's Lord Oden!"

The almost unanimous answer made Denjiro smile.

Yes, the other party does not understand Wano Country.

Although the situation in the outer sea is unclear, the country of Wano and the countries in the outer sea are different.

With the Kozuki clan as generals and the various daimyos as their assistants, the people of Wano Country can basically live and work in peace and contentment.

How could a samurai or a retainer betray his lord?
Under the leadership of the Kozuki clan, this country is not oppressed or uninhabitable.

"So, even after defeating Orochi and Kaido, the ruler elected by Wano Country will still be Lord Oden!"

Jiutianwan reacted, picked up the wine gourd and took a few gulps.

Kin'emon on the side also said: "It will be eight years after the first election, and twelve years after the second. In twelve years, the routine formed will make it a routine for the Kozuki clan to serve as generals!"

Denjiro nodded, his glasses reflecting light slightly, "Yes. This country is not so easy to be changed by them."


At the same time, the candle was still lit in Oden's study.

Oden is writing in his diary.

[That person seems to have really appeared. Another possibility, the possibility of bringing the entire world into the dawn of a new era.]

[As for the position of general, in fact, I never wanted to take that position. I just wanted to go out to sea and take risks to find true freedom.]

[Then the daimyo of Kuri can recommend Denjiro, this guy has a good brain. Or maybe Kin'emon? This guy is a bit lustful, and something bad might happen.]

[Momoko's personality is indeed as that person said, she is not suitable to be a general. The Kozuki clan has ruled Wano Country for hundreds of years. Perhaps returning Wano Country to the people is also an option. ]

[I will investigate Kanjuro's death, no matter what the result is, it will be after defeating Kaido and Orochi. If... I will avenge my retainers as the pirate Oden! ]

At this time, a cloak was draped over Oden.

"Kinemon and the others will understand."

Oden was silent for a moment: "It is precisely because of their understanding that I must take action, otherwise I would not be Kozuki Oden."

"As Kozuki Oden, I must be patient for the sake of Wano Country. I must be patient until I can find out the truth and until Wano Country can be stabilized."

"But as a pirate, Oden, it is only natural for his subordinates to be killed for revenge. Even if they are killed for revenge, it is also only natural."

Mitsuki frowned, but still nodded.

Oden thought for a moment and asked, "Is it really possible to foresee part of the future?"

Kozuki hesitated: "It's just a vague prediction, I can't really see what will happen in the future. My ability can only travel to the future, not the past, because the past cannot be changed."

Oden sighed, then went to rest while hugging Kozuki.

The two children were already fast asleep. Oden looked at Hiyori and Momonosuke and for a moment he couldn't help but think of his old man.

He actually hid himself just to escape, really...


Deep in the ghost island, a huge figure was drinking.

"Gulu gulu..."

Kaido tilted his head back and drank the wine without stopping. He wiped his mouth casually and burped.

Jin, who was standing by, was wearing a mask and said, "The five-year period is almost up. Getting drunk at this time is not a good thing."


Kaido laughed. "Five years ago, Oden still had some chance, but now he has been abandoned by his own people. Although that idiot Orochi is despicable, he is also very smart, isn't he?"

Quinn ate red bean soup dessert and said, "In order to make him feel that we are keeping our promise, we have mined too few resources in Wano Country in the past five years, and I still have many experiments that I cannot carry out. The people in Wano Country are very good materials. Give me a thousand people first."

Kaido waved his hand: "They are just useless garbage. There are as many as you want in this ocean."

After saying that, he raised his head and drank again.

Jin frowned, thinking about the report on today's situation in Jiuli.

The loud noise prompted the people who stayed in Jiuli to go and investigate, but the first group of people who went there all died in the woods, all killed by one blow.

In addition, the two warriors fighting on the scene should be using swords. The gap formed on the ground by the slashing blows is enough to prove the strength of the opponents.

We still need to find out clearly.

...Under the cover of night, Kevin, Dorag and others also did not sleep.

There are still some things that need to be arranged in the war with Kaido, and Kevin also has some information that he needs to tell Dragon and others.

"If the battle is scheduled for the day after tomorrow, I need to deal with two people tomorrow, otherwise I am worried that something unexpected will happen to the warriors."

At this time, several people have improved the battle plan into more details.

Hearing this, Dragon looked up at Kevin and said, "With the warriors of Wano Country and Kozuki Oden's retainers, there shouldn't be much of a problem."

Kevin smiled and said, "The warriors are determined, so their domineering aura is strong. But also because of this, some tricks are particularly effective on them."

"Orochi has two special abilities under his command. One of them is a user of the superhuman barrier fruit. The barrier he created cannot be broken even by Oden's slash."

"There is another person who has the ability of the Mimicry Fruit. Kozuki Sukiyaki was transformed into his appearance by this person and officially passed the position of Shogun to Orochi."

Imitation fruit...

Kevin continued: "If the other party suddenly appears in the form of Oden's son, that guy doesn't have BiGMOM's steel balloon, and his Haki will be broken and he will be killed."

The big bear at the side asked: "Can you break the barrier fruit's ability?"

Dorag wiped his sweat with his hand and said, "It's not about breaking it. With the ability of teleportation, as long as the coordinates fall, the so-called barrier will be meaningless. The barrier can't isolate the space."

Rayleigh on the side looked at Roger.

So is it true that he can predict the future? We know the other party's abilities well. This is the first time the Revolutionary Army has come to Wano Country.


The next morning, Oden, who also understood the power around Orochi, went out early in the morning.

But as soon as he went out, he saw Kevin waiting outside.

"You didn't say anything yesterday, so you decided to kill the barrier user by surprise?"

Oden saw that Kevin also knew the situation and did not deny it: "Kancjuro, go over there. I must find Orochi to find out."

Kevin chuckled. It turned out that part of the reason was the death of the traitor.

"The big snake is left to you. You will be the one to interrogate them no matter how hard you try. You lead the way with the other two, and I will help you deal with them. Otherwise, there will be problems later."

Oden shook his head firmly: "No need..."

Before he could finish his words, Kevin interrupted him directly: "I'm not asking you to lead the way, I'm asking you to lead the way. As a decision maker, every negligence and loophole will determine the life and death of many people. The manpower of the Revolutionary Army and Wano Country should not be wasted on ridiculous reasons."

I was educated again!

But why does what the other party said make so much sense and I can't refute it at all?

Oden, who had been holding his breath since early morning, said nothing and began to lead the way.

The two went to the Shogun's Mansion in Wano Country.

At this time, Kevin changed his clothes and his face became Kin'emon, following behind Oden as a retainer.

Soon, after the two arrived at the Shogun's Mansion, Oden humbly requested to meet with the Shogun.

After a night of debauchery last night, Orochi, who was still unaware that Kanjuro had been killed, was still in the arms of his wife.

It was obvious that the people in the Shogun's Mansion also regarded Oden as a joke, so they made the two wait outside until almost noon.

Kevin is very patient.

In addition, at this point, the main force of the Revolutionary Army has arrived at the sea off Wano Country. Dragon and Uncle Bear went to meet them, while Roger and Rayleigh were on standby in Kuri.

The two stood outside the Shogun's mansion for a long time. The people of Wano who passed by pointed at Oden and talked about him. Some sighed and left, while others showed ridicule and resentment on their faces.

"It seems that the other party's plan was successful. You have now lost the support of your subjects."

Kevin looked at Oden in front of him: "As a lord, sometimes what you need is not passion and powerful force. Do you know what I would have chosen five years ago if I were you?"

Oden lowered his head: "I... can't help it."

Kevin said firmly: "It is better to die with honor than to live in disgrace. Either we unite the power of the entire Wano Country to fight against the enemy, or we use our own strong physique to go out to sea to find external help, but we will never believe the promises made by the enemy."

Oden sighed: "Your Excellency has scolded me many times yesterday, and I already know how stupid I am."

At this time, the side door of the general's mansion was opened, and a monk with a very long forehead walked out.

"The general said that the time has not come yet, so he asked Lord Oden to go back."

Oden said, "I just wanted to confirm, General, can I meet you? I would be grateful."

Fu Lu Shou replied directly: "The general doesn't want to see you, come back when the time comes."

At this time, a black substance was flowing in a hidden place.

The next moment, Kevin appeared directly behind him.


A splatter of blood appeared, the throat was cut, and air entered the trachea, making it impossible for him to shout.

Kevin supported Fu Lu Shou's body which was about to fall, and then walked directly in through the side door, waving to the stunned Oden.


As soon as he entered the door, several people from the Oniwabanshu and more than a dozen samurai looked over.

"Oden, how did you get in?"

"Where is Lord Fu Lu Shou?"

Kevin, with Kin'emon's face, took out a handful of kunai and threw them out randomly. None of them hit, and all were dodged.

"Kinemon, isn't that how ninja kunai are thrown? Are you trying to make us laugh?"

A woman among the Oniwabanshu had a sarcastic look on her face.

However, the next moment, a cold light flashed by, and she found that she saw her own body, and the flowing cherry blossoms on the long sword were shedding blood.

"You're just a small fry, so you have to be cautious. You're not Charlotte Linling, whose skin is so thick that it can't be pierced."

As the words fell, a black light flashed in the courtyard, and the woman fell down with her colleagues.

Below the Flying Thunder God, if one has not reached the top level of Observation Haki, he can kill instantly!

Oden, who was stunned by Kevin's action just now, frowned: "If we force our way in, Orochi and the user of the barrier fruit will be prepared."

Kevin waved his hand and walked straight inside.

Just like what Dorag said, the barrier does not isolate the space, so there is no point in looking for an opportunity to drop the spatial coordinates.

The action will be taken tomorrow, and we need to cut off the connection between Orochi and the Beasts Pirates before Orochi can react.


(End of this chapter)

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