Lord of All People: My Undead Skeletons Billions

Chapter 160 Attacking Mine No. 3! The terrifyingly powerful magic cannon!

Chapter 160: Attacking Mine No. ! The terrifyingly powerful magic cannon!

"Obey, absolutely obey!"

"Did you hear that? Get ready for battle!"

Hu Zhongjun quickly put on a smiling face and said, "But officer, we are just ordinary miners. What should we do if we don't have weapons?"

As the saying goes, a man of insight makes a wise man. Hu Zhongjun will continue to stay with the goblins in the future, so how dare he offend them!
"There is a room for storing munitions in the passage connecting to the mine!"

"Now everything is open, you can go and get your equipment!"

"Each person has one set of equipment. You must pick it up in person. You cannot pick it up on someone else's behalf!"

The goblin officer said.

"Good good!"

After Hu Zhongjun gave orders to his goblin miners, he walked up to the goblin officer and quietly stuffed a few gold paper bills into his hand.

This is the currency circulated within the goblin tribe. It is divided into three types of paper currency: gold, silver and copper. The one Hu Zhongjun gave was the gold note with the highest face value.

This money is enough to support a family of five goblins for half a year.

"Ouch, what are you doing!"

The goblin officer glanced at the face value of the note, put it into his pocket at lightning speed, and looked puzzled.

"Sir, I have never experienced such a scene before, and I have never fought with anyone. I hope you can take care of me. After the battle is over, I will definitely reward you handsomely!"

Hu Zhongjun came up to the goblin officer and whispered.

"I want a box of small yellow croakers, preferably alive!"

The goblin officer lowered his voice. He was considered a middle-level member of the goblin tribe and naturally knew about Hu Zhongjun, a special person.

This human possesses a special ability, and all kinds of delicious things always appear in his territory.

However, the goblins sent people into his territory to search thoroughly, but they found nothing.

"Arrange it. I'll get you another box of large yellow croaker!"

"It may not be possible to get it alive, but I guarantee that it is absolutely fresh. The fish must have been dead for no more than an hour, no, half an hour!"

A hint of realization flashed across Hu Zhongjun's eyes. This guy was indeed coming for me and was waiting for me here!

Although the trading market allows free buying and selling and sells everything, some territories are located on islands or near the sea, and thus can harvest rich marine resources.

But everything in the trading market is dead, and it is impossible to transport living things. Even if they are alive when they are put in, they will all become dead after the transaction.

Previously, a lord tried to use the trade market to transport troops, but the end result was that all the troops died!
"Okay, then you just follow me all the time. You don't need to fight on the front lines yourself. I'll keep you safe!"

Mine No. 13 is located in the north of Qinluo’s territory, about sixteen kilometers away in a straight line.

Its height reaches two hundred meters. Looking from the outside, it is a barren land with rocks everywhere and not a single tree.

However, the mine is rich in mineral resources, which have been developed into mines, and a large number of goblins work here every day.

At this time, outside Mine No. 13, a vast army of white undead appeared and surrounded the entire mine.

Of course, if we just surround the mountain, it will not have any effect on the goblins in the mine.

After discovering signs of goblins in the mine, Wang Yi secretly sent undead to explore the mine and almost figured out the multiple passages leading to the interior of the mine.

After Wang Yi left the territory, he led the First Undead Corps to Mine No. 13. Today, the First Undead Corps still has 50,000 soldiers, but they have all undergone a major blood transfusion, and all the undead under his command are mutated elite undead skeleton spearmen.

Coupled with the lord's equipment, the Armor of Destruction, the Curse of the Undead, and the blessing of various lord skills, these undead skeleton spearmen who seem to be only at the ordinary level actually have the combat power of the Black Iron Level.

All four-dimensional attributes have reached the standards of the Black Iron Realm, and are much stronger than ordinary Black Iron one-star creatures!
"Fight in!"

"Occupy all passages and mines!"

"Find the main passage from the mine to the underground world as quickly as possible!"

Wang Yi rode on the Undead Flame Beast and gave the order to attack.

Next to him was Wizard Twenty-One, who had been promoted to a Necrolich. At this time, he was also riding an undead beast and was a bronze-level being.

This is an undead beast that has been transformed based on a Bronze 2-star Orc Chief. Its strength is similar to that when it was alive, and it is also Bronze 2-star.

This is also the highest realm among all the undead under Qin Luo's command!

But in terms of actual combat power, it is not as good as the mutated undead bone dragon and ghost warrior.

Boom boom boom!
After hearing Wangyi's order, the vast undead army let out a deafening howl and continued to approach the mine. A war was about to break out.

When the undead army approached Mine No. 13, they were discovered by the goblin sentinels and patrol soldiers, who summoned thousands of goblins in the mine.

Soon, these goblins were equipped with sophisticated equipment and became goblin warriors. They were sent to the entrances and exits of the mines to guard the passage checkpoints!


The passages of the mine are equipped with many defensive weapons of mass destruction, including a giant magic cannon developed by the goblins, which is seven or eight meters long and has a muzzle of 25 centimeters wide.

One after another, huge magic cannons were carried out, with the black muzzles pointing directly at the foot of the mine!

The goblins are able to survive in the barren lands and no one dares to provoke them, thanks to their inherited goblin technological civilization, which has enabled them to develop a variety of powerful weapons.

This is somewhat similar to the dwarves, but the goblins are many times stronger than the dwarves!
Boom boom boom!
Giant magic cannons spewed out astonishing flames, and shells flew out, flying towards the undead army outside like rockets.

Suddenly, explosions sounded outside the mine, energy was released, strong winds blew, and flames surged.

In the center of the explosion, the undead were blown to pieces.

The cold metal fragments that splashed out after the explosion killed and injured a large number of undead in the surrounding area.

In just the first round of shelling, hundreds of Undead Skeleton Lancers were killed or injured!

You know, today's Undead Skeleton Spearmen are completely different from the past. They all have the combat capability of Black Iron Realm, and their defense level is also Black Iron level.

Despite this, hundreds of Skeleton Lancers were killed on the spot. Fortunately, with their collapsed bodies, those "resurrected" Undead Skeleton Lancers continued to charge towards the mine, standing in front of other Undead and acting as meat shields.

"This shell is so powerful!"

"It's much more powerful than the dwarven artillery!"

Wang Yi's pupils glowed with a dark blue light, emitting a terrifying aura. "Spread out, don't gather together!"

After taking over the dwarf village, they seized a batch of magic cannons, but the power of these magic cannons was limited and they could only kill some ordinary enemies.

As for the creatures in the Black Iron Realm, they can only be injured at best, and it is difficult to kill them.

However, the power of this batch of magic cannons was simply astonishing. The terrifying energy and shock waves caused by the explosion easily killed the Undead Skeleton Lancers with the strength of the 'Black Iron Realm'!

(End of this chapter)

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