Lord of All People: My Undead Skeletons Billions

Chapter 193 Ouyang Guan's new post! The importance of population!

Chapter 193 Ouyang Guan's new post! The importance of population!
In fact, Qin Luo had anticipated all this and even prepared for the worst!

But judging from the current situation, it is still under control.

It seems that this wave of high-priced metals will last for a while longer!
Even if the price of metal resources collapsed in the end, Qin Luo would have already earned a large amount of energy points.

What's more, Qin Luo has found the next wave of money-making opportunities!

That's the equipment!
The equipment market is huge!

Because as the lords developed, they recruited more and more types of soldiers, forming a large-scale army.

The fastest way to improve the army is to equip its soldiers with sophisticated equipment.

Just like the goblin army, they were originally just a group of ordinary goblin soldiers, but after being equipped with equipment, they had the strength to contend with tens of thousands of 'Black Iron Realm' undead, and they almost won.

In addition to the equipment, there are also land tanks, battle vehicles, magic cannons, and even metal puppet warriors. These powerful weapons may not necessarily have a huge market.

As long as Qin Luo occupied the underground world and subdued the goblin tribe, he would control a complete arms and equipment production chain.

In terms of raw materials, there are dozens of mines, providing four important types of metal resources: hematite, bronze, mithril, and refined gold.

As for the personnel, there are nearly 300,000 goblins. In addition to the miners, there are also many goblin alchemists, equipment forgers, and cutting-edge research talents like Tober and his scientific research team!
What's more, the goblin city has been built for so long, and it has many complete buildings, production machines, etc., forming a complete ecosystem.

You can start producing all kinds of equipment right away, instead of starting everything from scratch.

We have everything, human and material resources!
Qin Luo felt that God was blessing him. Once he occupied the goblin city, it would be like controlling a money printing factory!

Of course, the prerequisite for all this is to defeat the goblins, otherwise everything is empty talk.

"On the importance of territory population and important channels for increasing population!"

Qin Luo saw a featured post and looked at the signature. Sure enough, it was another paid post published by 'Ouyang Guan', and the price was still a little energy.

At this time, the number of lords who paid to watch the show exceeded 500,000.

In other words, just by relying on this post, Ouyang Guan earned 500,000 energy points, and the income is still continuing.

For the current lord, a little energy really means nothing.

Even if there are pirated posts with the same content on the forum, many lords are too lazy to spend time looking for them, and just pay to watch them, just like Qin Luo.

In the post, Ouyang Guan first explained how important population is to the development of territory.

The development of a territory is absolutely inseparable from a large amount of labor. Whether it is building a territory, constructing various buildings, or for logging, quarrying, growing crops, mining, etc., a large number of population labor is needed.

At present, the important source of population for the territory is basically recruited from the barracks.

Although the strength of the recruited barracks is relatively low for a lord who owns an ordinary barracks, his advantage is that the recruitment conditions are low and a large number of recruits can be recruited.

Now, there is a large population available to build the territory.

But for those high-level lords, especially the extraordinary lords, the soldiers they can recruit initially are indeed very strong, with the strength of the Black Iron Realm, but there are only three of them. Even if the barracks are upgraded later, the number is still a huge defect.

At this time, the only way for these lords to obtain resources is through continuous fighting.

Even for territory construction, there are simply not enough people.

Even if there are some important resources in the surrounding area, there is not enough labor to mine them.
Ouyang Guan discussed the importance of population in many aspects in the previous article, and the following article provides some important channels for obtaining population.

One is to conquer the villages and tribes of the indigenous ethnic groups around the territory, subdue the indigenous people, increase the population of the territory, and drive these indigenous people to build the territory, exploit resources, and so on.

The indigenous people are different from wild monsters. They are quite intelligent and have a high chance of surrendering once they are defeated. They will not fight to the death like monsters.

This is one of the important ways to increase the population. The second is to conquer the surrounding lords and enslave other lords!
This not only requires strong strength, but also the existence of a novice protection period. It is extremely difficult to capture and subdue other lords alive.

Moreover, this method involves great risks.

Because the soldiers are absolutely loyal to the lord, even if you conquer one of the lord's subordinates, the soldiers recruited by your subordinates will be directly loyal to your subordinates, not to you.

Once the power of the lord's subordinates grows, it is easy for them to rebel!
This is equivalent to consuming your own resources, the soldiers you recruit are not directly loyal to you, and the younger brothers you train may stab you in the back at any time!
The third method of increasing population is actually a bit like the first one, just in reverse.

As we all know, in addition to monster nests, there are usually indigenous forces around the territory.

However, most of the indigenous forces are just villages or tribes, and their strength is not strong.

But some indigenous forces are at the scale of towns or even countries.

At this time, even if the lords have developed for a long period of time, they may not be their opponents.

The best way is to become a subsidiary of those indigenous forces, use their resources to develop territory, and use property or resources to hire or bribe people from the indigenous forces.

"Although the content of the post is quite good, it can indeed provide some ideas for many lords!"

"But I already knew about these methods and implemented them!"

Qin Luo couldn't help but smile bitterly after reading the entire post.

I even feel that this little bit of energy is wasted!

Because Qin Luo had actually thought about several methods mentioned in the article.

The first type, needless to say, the workers currently mining in the mines are all indigenous people who originally lived around the territory.

As for the second option, the risk is too high and Qin Luo has never considered it.

Otherwise, as long as he dropped a hint and expressed his willingness to accept the lord's surrender, the lords who had been surrounded by the undead for several days would definitely surrender.

But Qin Luo couldn't provide them with materials to develop their territory and recruit soldiers, otherwise, as Ouyang Guan mentioned, he would be making wedding clothes for others, and there would be a high risk of being betrayed!

Qin Luo was even on guard against the indigenous people he had conquered, let alone the lords.

Moreover, everyone came to this chaotic continent together, and every lord was arrogant and thought he was the "protagonist". How could he always be inferior to others?

Even if Qin Luo treats those lords sincerely, what he will get in the end is only a bunch of ungrateful people!

As for the third one, it is even more impossible!
At present, there is no force that can make Qin Luo feel a strong threat and surrender to the other party.

However, there are lords who do this, and they have indeed made their own territories develop rapidly.

That’s right, that is Hu Zhongjun, the goblin lord who is dependent on the goblin tribe.

If it weren't for Qin Luo's capture of the 13th miner, this guy's territory would probably have been promoted to the bronze level like Qin Luo's!

Qin Luo knew about the lord Hu Zhongjun, but he still had value to be used, so he didn't kill him directly like other lords. But after the matter was over, he would never leave him alive, even if his troops were all of the living profession type!

But the loyalty of the lords is much lower than that of the natives.

Moreover, even if you keep an eye on this person and imprison the lord, you cannot keep an eye on his "heart".

The lord still has an attribute panel, can communicate with other lords, chat on the world channel, post on the forum, buy and sell things on the trading market, the lord's functions are still there!

So far, I haven't seen any treasure that can restrict the lord from using system functions!

Therefore, Qin Luo doesn't want to have a bomb next to him that may explode at any time!
(End of this chapter)

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