Lord of All People: My Undead Skeletons Billions

Chapter 195: Mining Area 1! Take it!

Chapter 195: The First Mining Area! Take it! ( words long chapter)

During the day, Qin Luo dispatched nearly 200,000 troops to the north to support the First Undead Legion of Wang Yi, and entered the underground world through multiple passages provided by McKay.

There is even a giant, super-long passage that goes directly underground, which can accommodate huge undead bone dragons!

The First Undead Legion suffered heavy losses after the war last night. Together with the reinforcements that came to support them, the number is about 50,000 to 60,000.

This time, Qin Luo dispatched 200,000 undead from various legions to provide support. Together with the undead from the First Undead Legion, they accounted for almost half of Qin Luo's troops.

Among these undead, only about 50,000 of them have been baptized in the burial ground of gods and demons and successfully transformed into mutated elite undead skeleton spearmen.

As for the others, they are just ordinary-level undead skeleton soldiers, but with the bonuses of territory equipment and other factors, they still have combat power comparable to that of the Black Iron Realm.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the undead skeleton soldiers is still very strong, and they are not inferior even when facing fully armed goblin soldiers.

The total number of goblins is no more than 300,000. Even if all of them are soldiers, it is only an army of 300,000.

However, these armies are scattered throughout the underground world instead of being gathered together.

This gives the Undead army a chance to defeat them one by one.

Even facing an army of 300,000 undead, Qin Luo did not think that the goblins could defeat the undead army. Of course, if the goblin king took action personally, that might not be the case.

As for the 'Dead Soul' potion that restrains the Undead, Tober also said that it was an experimental potion with very small production and had not been popularized to the entire goblin tribe.

Judging from Tober's previous attitude and performance, he was most likely not lying.

As for whether it was a false surrender, this possibility is even lower.

Because the other party's joining Qin Luo's side cannot bring any useful value to the goblin tribe.

After all, Qin Luo did not reveal too much information about the territory to Tober and the others, and it was even more impossible for them to lead the undead army.

On the contrary, during the entire day, Tober not only repaired the laser magic cannon, but also successfully contacted the large research team under Tober with the help of the team of undead liches that infiltrated the underground city.

A team of one hundred goblin alchemists secretly left the city and came to Mine No. 13 to help the undead repair weapons such as the magic cannon.

Last night, the Undead Lich Twenty-One, in cooperation with several goblin traitors and goblin lords, took advantage of the fact that McKay had withdrawn the city guards and the city was empty, and successfully sneaked into the underground world. He also used the witchcraft of the Undead Lich to control some important generals defending the city.

As soon as the battle starts, we can cooperate with the army outside the city to achieve internal and external support.

Another undead team that sneaked into the underground world was led by the ghost general Wang San. Their original target was the goblin army in some mining areas, but because of McKay's surrender, they shifted their target and headed for the underground city, where they successfully met up with Wu Twenty-One and waited for the right time to act.

Because the goblin army led by McKay was "annihilated" in the war with the undead, the goblins have not received any news yet. Although it has attracted the attention of some high-ranking goblins, the movement in the goblin city is not particularly big.

Only some goblins were sent to the surface to investigate the situation, but these goblins were all stopped by the undead without exception.

Also, because of the loss of General Mackay, the goblin king Willerson had been secluded in the palace all year round. They did not dare to report the news directly to the king for fear of being punished.

This resulted in the goblins being leaderless, and for a time there was no goblin capable of taking charge, and they missed an extremely important opportunity to fight.

This is definitely good news for the undead.

In addition, the Undead Army entered the underground world in large numbers through the information provided by McKay and took control of all important transportation routes in the underground world.

This not only turned the goblin city into an isolated city, but also turned the mining areas into "isolated islands", unable to contact the outside world.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the military operation tonight!

The Undead Army has many targets to attack tonight, the goblin city is just one of them, and the most important thing is to take over the goblin mining areas!

"The feast of the underground world is about to begin!"

Qin Luo sighed.

At this time, the blood-red moon slowly rose into the sky, and transport convoys were approaching the territory from all directions.

Today, the metal ores dug from various mines have finally been transported back!
After Qin Luo counted them, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

130,000 units of hematite!
Seventeen thousand units of bronze!
One thousand units of Mithril!
Three hundred units of refined gold!

This was the total amount of resources mined by his miners on the sixth day.

This is more than double the output of yesterday.

Of course, part of it comes from Mine No. 13, where there are more than 20,000 goblins mining!

All the captured goblins, whether they were soldiers or miners, were assigned to various mines to mine.

Although the mining efficiency is not high, it can withstand the large number of people!

"Very good, the red iron required to upgrade the barracks is now available!"

"Only bronze left!"

After Qin Luo counted the supplies, he used perception sharing to switch to Wang Yi's perspective.

At this time, Wangyi was leading an army of 10,000 undead and appeared outside the mine named the First Mining Area by the goblins.

This first mining area is located two hundred meters deep in the underground world. This rich mine with a very high yield contains four types of metal resources such as hematite and refined gold, as well as some special metal ores, such as black iron, copper, etc.

In making land tanks or metal puppet warriors, in addition to metal resources such as hematite and bronze, incorporating some special materials such as black iron and copper can improve the quality.

Therefore, the importance of the First Mining Area is self-evident. It is not only the largest mining area owned by the goblins, with the highest output and the most metal types.

It is also the mining area with the largest number of miners and the largest number of stationed troops.

Within the First Mining Area, nearly 20,000 goblins are protected all year round.

Among them, nearly 17,000 are miners, 3,000 are regular goblin soldiers, and there are some logistical goblins who ensure daily life.

At this time, the atmosphere in the First Mining Area was tense, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

The Death Knight Dead One was standing less than 300 meters away from the first mining area. In front of him were several pits caused by artillery bombardment. Behind him were more than 10,000 undead skeleton spearmen, and there were about ten undead bone dragons hovering in the air!
The underground world was not what Qin Luo thought it was, with only some underground passages or caves and mines.

Instead, it is a large world with a vast space covering dozens of miles in radius. If it were not for the rock wall above and the inability of sunlight to penetrate into the ground, it would not be much different from the surface at first glance.

The highest point in the space can even reach a hundred meters, and even the shortest one is twenty to thirty meters high.

If there wasn't such a large space, the goblins wouldn't have been able to build a city here!
Of course, the most common thing in the underground world are the giant stone pillars that support the "sky and the earth". Some are naturally formed, and some are built by the goblins. They play a supporting role and prevent collapse.

Although the underground world has existed for many years, geological disasters such as collapse and subsidence sometimes occur in some geologically unstable areas.

Once it appears, it may bury all living things in the area.

Back to the topic, at this time, Wang Yi led an undead army of ten thousand people and appeared in the first mining area. Such a big commotion naturally attracted the attention of the goblin army in the mining area.

The few shots just now were a warning to the undead army.

The scale of the First Mining Area is larger than that of the No. 13 Mine, with more people and stronger firepower. From a distance, one can see dark holes appearing on the walls of the mining area. There are at least fifty or sixty giant magic cannons facing the undead army outside the mining area.

"General McKay, it's your turn!"

"I'll give you a quarter of an hour to convince them to lay down their weapons and surrender!"

"Otherwise, we will launch a full-scale attack!"

"My army and the undead bone dragons in the sky will attack without mercy. Once the battle begins, we will show no mercy!"

Death Knight Dead One said to McKay beside him.

As the supreme commander authorized by Qin Luo to attack the underground world, the Death Knight Wang Yi did not stay in the undead army outside the underground city, but came to the first mining area.

This is enough to show how much he values ​​this mining area.

Of course, this is also the first mining area they want to "peacefully liberate", and it is also a time to test McKay's loyalty and ability, so naturally they take it very seriously.

"Understood, General Wangyi, please wait for a moment, and leave the rest to me!"

McKay nodded respectfully, changed into a set of attributeless clothes, stepped out of the camp of the undead army, and walked towards the first mining area.

When McKay appeared, the goblin army that was on high alert in the first mining area were all surprised.

Obviously they never expected that McKay would actually walk out from the army of the undead.

"Am I seeing right? That seems to be General Mackay!?"

"That's absolutely right. I have seen General McKay with my own eyes!" "But why would General McKay appear here? And be with a group of undead?"

"Is he being coerced?!"

"Can anyone tell me what is going on?"

"I want to ask, should we fire?"

On the wall of the mining area, the goblin soldiers looked puzzled, hesitant and talking a lot.

Not only the soldiers under his command, but also the middle and high-level generals of the goblin army were all stunned.

General MacKay, he is their immediate superior, who doesn’t know him?
Apart from the Goblin King, the only one who can mobilize them is Mackay.

But most of the time, the Goblin King lives in the city all year round, and rarely meets these goblin generals except for some important events.

Therefore, the only person they obeyed was General Mackay. It was not only because of Mackay's status as a general, but also because Mackay was deeply trusted by the king. At the same time, Mackay was the number one warrior under the king, and his realm had reached Bronze Three Stars.

In the entire goblin race, there are no more than five goblins with the strength of three bronze stars.

In addition, some of these generals were Mackay's close confidants.

"No one is going to open fire!?"

The chief officer in charge of the first mining area was a general named Mailenqi.

When he saw McKay's figure, a look of awe and confusion appeared in his eyes.

He was absolutely sure that this man was definitely General McKay!
"General MacKay?"

"Really General McKay!?"

McKay, dressed in cloth, walked slowly to the wall of the mining area. Because of his identity and the order of the military chief, he did not suffer any attack.

"it's me!"

McKay leaped up and appeared on the wall, looking around fiercely, his aura of a three-star bronze level clearly revealed.

All of a sudden, the goblins around felt a familiar sense of oppression, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, and they felt awe in their hearts. Many of them even lowered their heads, not daring to look directly into McKay's eyes.

Although McKay's strength is just so-so in front of the undead.

However, the strength of the Bronze Three Stars is much higher than that of this group of goblin generals.

Among these goblin generals, the strongest is only a one-star bronze goblin.

Moreover, this general, Mellen, was also a nephew of Mackay.

"General Bo, why are you here?"

Myron lowered his head and asked, "What's going on with those undead outside?"

"Alas, I am here to tell you some sad news!"

"Our Goblin Kingdom no longer exists. It was conquered by the Undead Army not long ago!"

"The entire main city was destroyed. King Willerson was no match for them and was killed by a powerful undead!"

McKay showed a sad look on his face. This was the fastest and most effective way he could think of to make the goblins surrender.

After all, McKay is not the supreme leader of the Goblin Kingdom. Even if he wants to persuade the goblin army to join Qin Luo, it is not that easy.

After all, there is a goblin king Willson above!
But if he lied that Wilson was dead, then he would be one of the most powerful and influential people in the goblin tribe, and would have the highest decision-making power.

Secondly, the news of the kingdom's fall and the king's death in battle made the goblins angry and hateful for a while, but once they calmed down, the thing they would consider most was how to survive.

As for whether the lie will be exposed, it doesn’t matter. Let’s take over the first mining area first!

Moreover, many important passages are controlled by the Undead army, so news cannot be transmitted so quickly.

Anyway, the plan to attack the underground city will be carried out tonight!

Success or failure depends on this one move!
The most important task now is to gain the trust of these goblin troops, make them surrender, and occupy the first mining area without bloodshed.


"Our main city has fallen?"

"King Willerson is dead?"

"Damn undead, I'm going to fight them!"

"General McKay, please lead us to attack the undead, repel the enemy, and revive the goblin race!"

The goblins first showed disbelief, then became indignant, and a rage for revenge surged in their hearts!
"Stop, what do you all want to do!?"

McKay's momentum burst out, and his face showed anger.

The terrifying pressure calmed down all the goblins.

"I know you are unwilling and angry inside, but impulse can't solve the problem!"

"For the sake of the overall situation, and for the sake of our goblin race's survival, I, the elders and high-ranking members of our race, and even Grandmaster Tober, have unanimously decided that the entire goblin race has surrendered to our Lord!"

"Now that the situation is over, put away your immature ideas and face reality!!!"

"As for the purpose of my trip, it is to persuade you to surrender. Children, lay down your weapons and join the Lord's army!"

"No matter how it was before, it will be the same in the future. The Lord will not treat us unfairly!"

McKay said earnestly.

"Impossible! How could we surrender and betray His Majesty the King?"

"Yes, His Majesty the King is so powerful that he once set a record of killing tens of thousands of people by himself. A mere undead cannot be His Majesty the King's opponent!"

"I don't believe it, unless we go back to the main city and take a look."


A bloody head rolled to the ground, and blood splattered on every goblin general around it.

"You didn't even obey the orders of this great general!"

"If we lose, we lose. Everyone must recognize the situation clearly!"

"My last words are: those who are willing to surrender with me, please lay down your weapons!"

"If you don't want to, I won't force you. Next, you will face this general and the powerful undead army under the command of the lord!"

McKay slowly put his hand down and spoke to everyone with an indifferent expression.

Many of these goblin generals are his confidants or relatives and are on his side.

But there are also some people who are loyal to the Goblin King!

The person he just killed was a distant relative of the goblin king Willerson, who was considered a "royal relative", so he doubted McKay's words.

As soon as McKay finished speaking, his biological son Myron Qi walked behind McKay, and his meaning was very clear!

Seeing this, other generals followed suit and chose to obey McKay's orders and surrender to the Undead.

Only a very small number of goblin generals resisted and refused to surrender, but were eventually killed by McKay himself!

When a group of middle and high-level goblin generals surrendered, the goblin soldiers under them naturally would not resist and followed the generals in laying down their weapons and surrendering!
Anyway, in their eyes, it doesn't matter who rules them!
As for the miners in the mining area, they have no choice at all!

"I lost a general, but fortunately I have fulfilled my mission!"

McKay asked his nephew Mellen to open the city gate and let the undead army enter the mining area.

"Well done, I'll note your achievement and report it to the Lord!"

Afterwards, Wang Yi led the undead army into the first mining area and took over all the weapons of the goblin army!
At this point, the goblin tribe's largest mining area was successfully captured without losing a single soldier!
“Sure enough, with Mackay’s help, it’s easy to take over these mining areas!”

Qin Luo withdrew his perception perspective, and the system message of taking over the first mining area rang in his ears!
(End of this chapter)

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