Lord of All People: My Undead Skeletons Billions

Chapter 22 Hematite Cave! Rich in minerals!

Chapter 22 Hematite Cave! Rich in minerals!

"Let's go to the Red Wolf Cave Lair!"

On the left and right sides of Qin Luo stood a Black Iron Realm Undead Skeleton General, and behind them was a vast army of Undead Skeletons.

Under the leadership of Wang Yi, Qin Luo came to the vicinity of the Red Wolf Cave Lair that was destroyed yesterday.

The Red Wolf Cave Lair is located in a vast wilderness, with sparse vegetation and flying sand and rocks around it.

Several red wolves were wandering in the wilderness, as if looking for something. When they saw the undead army approaching, they fled in all directions.

When Qin Luo saw that the hill where the Red Wolf Cave's nest was located was surrounded by large areas of red soil and red stones, he felt that he had most likely found the right place this time.

The area surrounding the Red Wolf Cave Nest is covered with rocks of various strange shapes. If you knock on them, you will find fiery red minerals.

It is similar to the hematite obtained before, with a bright red appearance like fire, a hard interior like iron, and exuding a special smell.

When the sun shines on this stone, it shines with a sparkling light, which is very shocking.

"Hiss, there is so much hematite even on the surface!"

"Under the ground, there must be an extremely huge hematite mine!"

Qin Luo patted the fiery red rock. This was an extremely rare rich mine. The mined red ore hardly needed to be refined and it was already qualified hematite ore, which could be used as a material for upgrading buildings or forging cast iron.

"Inside that abandoned cave, we also found a lot of red rocks that are the same as those on the ground!"

Wang Yi crawled out of the Red Wolf Cave and reported to Qin Luo.

"Clear all the monsters in this area and fence it off. Don't let any wild monsters or creatures get close!"

"The remaining Undead Skeleton Soldiers will be engaged in mining. There is a large amount of hematite in these red rocks. This is the hematite we need. Collect it and transport it back to the territory!"

Qin Luo held a piece of red iron in his hand and said to Wang Yi.

"Yes, Lord Lord!"

As a branch of the Undead Clan, the Wangyi will absolutely obey the orders of the lord without any questioning.

He immediately led the undead skeleton soldiers and began to sweep the surrounding areas.

And Wang Er led a team of skeleton soldiers into the cave nest and started mining.

Clang clang!
Soon, all kinds of metal collision sounds were heard inside and outside the Red Wolf Cave.

A group of skeletons with white bones are waving their sharp claws and mining ore.

A special transport team was also set up to collect the mined stones and transport them back to the territory!

Qin Luo entered the mine and found that the space inside the cave was much larger than he had imagined. It could accommodate hundreds of undead skeletons mining ore at the same time.

"The straight-line distance between the hematite cave and the territory is less than one kilometer!"

"As long as we upgrade the territory to bronze level, we should be able to include it within our territory!"

"Then we won't have to worry about being harassed by wild monsters!"

Qin Luo said thoughtfully.


A loud noise interrupted Qin Luo's thoughts, and he looked towards the place where the sound came from.

Two undead skeleton soldiers were found pinned to the ground by a huge rock that was more than two meters high. Their broken bones were scattered all over the ground. They were completely dead.

The surrounding undead skeleton soldiers gathered together, absorbed the undead power of the dead skeletons, and then dispersed to continue mining and transporting.

Qin Luo looked around and frowned.

He saw an undead skeleton soldier trying to lift a piece of ore that was twice as big as himself, without considering whether he could lift it.

If no one stopped them, they would probably end up like the two skeletons just now, crushed to pieces by the huge rock.

"It seems that using undead skeletons to mine ore has many disadvantages!"

"First, they are not professionally qualified, and second, they don't have mining tools, which results in low mining efficiency!" "Also, the Undead Skeletons have low IQs and are insensitive to pain. They have no idea of ​​their own strength limits, so they will carry boulders that are beyond their ability to bear, which will result in casualties!"

Qin Luo analyzed.

The undead body's fearlessness of pain is naturally very useful in battle.

But it does not mean that pain is completely useless. For normal organisms, the feeling of pain can remind the brain that it is injured and needs timely treatment to avoid serious illness.

And in many cases, one can measure one's own strength based on pain and fatigue, act within one's ability, and avoid danger and good fortune.

But the undead skeletons not only have low IQs and are unable to think normally, they are also stubborn and can only follow orders. This makes it very difficult to deal with.

"This can't go on like this!"

"If there are a lot of casualties in mining, even more skeleton soldiers won't be able to hold out!"

Qin Luo called Wang Yi over and asked for his opinion and whether there was any solution.

There was no way. Qin Luo was the only normal human in the entire territory, and there was no one to discuss with.

The first-class Undead Skeleton Generals also evolved from Undead Skeleton Soldiers.

It’s just that his mental attributes are a little higher now, and at least his IQ is normal.

"My Lord, we Undeads are really not good at mining!"

Wang Yi was silent for a long time, and then said, "However, we can use other species to help us mine, and we will only be responsible for the security of the mine!"

"Oh, keep talking!"

Qin Luo didn't hold much hope at first.

In Qin Luo's opinion, as long as the amount of hematite collected by the undead is higher than the number of casualties, this mining work can be carried out to the end.

As for casualties, just consider it as a benefit to other undead!

But unexpectedly, Wang Yi actually has a solution, and it is very feasible.

"There is an orc tribe about two kilometers northeast of our territory!"

"We have inquired and found that there are more than a thousand orcs in that tribe!"

The death was reported to Qin Luo.

"Orc Tribe!"

Qin Luo's eyes sparkled.

In this chaotic continent, there are more than just their lords and wild monsters.

There are also a large number of ethnic tribes, villages, towns, cities, and even national-level forces.

Of course, in the early stages of territory development, you will only encounter some tribal villages and towns at most, and most of the time they will remain neutral and will not actively attack the lord's territory.

The orcs are a race of creatures with well-developed muscles, tall physique, slightly lower IQ but better than undead skeletons, and possess powerful hunting abilities.

Of course, mining is also something orcs are good at, and it can be considered a racial specialty!

"What is the overall strength of the orc tribe?"

Qin Luo asked.

"Most of the orcs inside are of ordinary strength, and there are some powerful orcs in the Black Iron Realm among them, but their number will not be too many, no more than ten at most!"

"As long as we gather all the undead fighting power, we will definitely be able to capture the orc tribe!"

When it comes to fighting, Wang Yi feels an urge to try.

In just one day, Wang Yi was promoted to the Black Iron Realm through fighting and devouring the undead power of other undead units. He enjoyed the pleasure of rapid improvement in strength and naturally wanted to participate in more wars instead of staying in the mine all day mining.

(End of this chapter)

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