The Three Kingdoms in the Ya Nei

Chapter 515: Chapter 193: One Feather

Chapter 193: A Chicken Feather

The rebel committee in the second year of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, after heated discussions and full friendly consultations, elected and produced the chairman of the rebel committee, that is, the leader, that is, student Yuan Shao.Fiction Rankings
At the same time, based on the principles of fairness, justice, and openness, several members of the Standing Committee were elected and several titles were appointed.

These titles include: Yuan Shao, the chairman of the committee, with the rank of General Fenwu, Cao Cao, the founder, General Fenwu, Bao Xin, the staunch supporter and earliest pioneer of this rebellion meeting, General Polu, Bao Xin’s younger brother Tao is the general.

As the younger brother of the chairman of this committee, Yuan Shu and Yuan Gonglu, the direct son of the Yuan family in Runan, elected Sun Jian, who was in his sphere of influence, as General Polu, Marquis of Wu Cheng, General of False Zhonglang, and Governor of Yuzhou. [

What is a "fake general"?The so-called fake is the meaning of the so-called agency in later generations.For example, acting mayor, acting secretary and so on.Only after the specific process is completed can this code be removed and turned into a formal one.

Speaking of which, Sun Jian got a big deal for nothing this time.He couldn't see Dong Fat Pig long ago, even if there were no calls from Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, he was ready to raise troops to ravage the pile of fat meat at about the same time.

This time I got Cao Cao's call to action, and immediately sent troops without even thinking about it.But after he raised his army, he did two major things in a row.These two major events are also the main reason why he picked up this bargain.But this also planted a crisis for him.

Sun Jian did two major things. The first one was to kill Wang Rui, who was then the governor of Jingzhou.Speaking of this Wang Rui, he can be regarded as a guy without lice.

Sun Jian has been serving as the prefect of Changsha. Therefore, together with Sun Jian, he suppressed the rebellion of the Yellow Turban bandits in the Jingzhou area.

It stands to reason that this man has four irons in making friends.We went up the mountains together, went to the countryside together, carried guns together, and did things together.As a comrade-in-arms who once carried a gun with Sun Jian, even if he couldn't become an iron buddy, it was an excellent friendship.

However, this prefect Wang Rui, as a civil servant, looked down on Sun Jian who was a general.During those days when we were carrying guns together, we often looked down upon or even despised Sun Jian.In this way, Sun Jian was extremely upset at that time.

And this Wang Taishou not only despised Sun Jian, but also did not deal with Cao Yin, the then Wuling Taishou.Otherwise, this person is walking in the rivers and lakes, with many friends and many paths, and many enemies and many walls.A person should be low-key and humble, and make more friends and less hatred.

This Wang Taishou didn't know whether his head was kicked by a donkey or was caught by the door. In short, he offended one on the left and one on the right.Don't talk about offending, you still have to worry about messing with others.After receiving the appeal from Dong Zhuo, he did not go to rape Dong Zhuo, but threatened to kill Cao Yin, the prefect of Wuling whom he disliked.

Of course Cao Yin, who was living in his sphere of influence, was afraid. After thinking about it, since there was no way out, he decided to strike first. Instead of waiting for you to mess with me, let's mess with you first.

Under this kind of mentality, Cao Yin was not easy to wait, so he immediately faked it. Wen Yi, the envoy who was in charge of writing the essay at that time, enumerated Wang Rui's crimes in the essay, and then distributed it to Sun Jian.

After Sun Jian received the call to action, he immediately went straight to the Jingzhou government office.He doesn't care whether the proclamation is true or not, as long as he has a reputation, he doesn't mind pushing it to kill that cockroach.

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