The Three Kingdoms in the Ya Nei

Chapter 569: Chapter 213: Ding Jinchuan

Chapter 213: Ding Jinchuan ([-])

Little Jinchuan was full of gongs and drums for two days, and Liu Zhang was treated like an emperor here.Two days later, under the personal leadership of Yuan Yue, they took the Yi tribes and left in batches in an orderly manner, and went out of the mountain to accept the resettlement of the Han family.

At the same time, on the way from Xiaojinchuan to Zhongjinchuan, Liu Zhang and his party walked slowly, but there was one more team in the team than when they came that day, led by a young man at 27 or [-].

The young man with a thick face and a majestic face was dressed in the Yi national costume, with a long and inwardly curved knife pinned to his waist. He was sitting on the horse, looking left and right, but he looked a little awkward.

His name is Yuan Sheng, he is the young patriarch of the Yi tribe and the eldest son of Yuan Yue.With martial arts skills, he can rank among the top five in the entire Sanchuan area.It's just that they are generally good at walking in the mountains and forests, so riding a big horse like this makes them feel a little uncomfortable. [

His appearance here was the last condition Yuan Yue put forward to Liu Zhang that day: Let us join your army!

For Yuan Yue, Liu Zhang originally admired the old guy's eyesight.And when this condition was put forward, Liu Zhang really gave old man Yuan a high look.

This old fox is the real master.Joining my army naturally bound the Yi people to me.In this way, not only did the Ba people not dare to make trouble for today's events in the future, but also, after going out, when the Han people knew the news, who would dare to trouble them?

Moreover, with his own people joining in and working hard for Liu Zhang, Liu Zhang would prefer to take care of his own people out of emotion and reason.His eldest son's joining in person is like a proton, which reassures Liu Zhang.

Thinking through all aspects of things so thoroughly, and being able to use the situation accurately so well, how can the wisdom in it look like a vulgar savage?This is also what Liu Zhang greatly appreciates.

With Yuan Sheng's joining, this land of three rivers is like walking on a plain, and there is no need for extra guides at all.

Liu Zhang ordered to march slowly, winding all the way, not for the sake of really enjoying the scenery, but for Du Wei to have a buffer and give him time to think.Liu Zhang believes that Du Sui is not stupid, and the information is in this surrounding area, and he will never be ignorant of the affairs of the Yi people.

After knowing that he was left alone, he should have a clear attitude on where to go.The time that is free now is not afraid of what they are preparing, but to give him the time to unify the opinions of the clansmen in the clan.

It is Liu Zhang's favorite thing to be able to resolve the matter in Central Sichuan without fighting and without bloodshed.Those who are good at fighting have no great achievements.Liu Yanei really wanted to be a bad fart, so he used Lu Bu's words when he shot a halberd at the Yuanmen to spread the word: I don't want to fight, I only like to fight.

He felt that the scenery of Lu Bu's life was not as dazzling as the scenery when he said those words at that time.Confident, stylish, with the same momentum as a big brother.

Du Sui didn't understand Liu Zhang's thoughts.But what he understood was that there was really no way out this time.The three alliances have gone to the second, and I am left alone. Even if I want to fight, after the other party has the help of the Yi people who are as familiar with the geographical convenience as him, they will not have any advantage.

Therefore, at the meeting that convened the elders of the whole clan to discuss, Du Sui decisively passed the resolution of negotiating with the general of the Han family in order to obtain greater benefits.Immediately, an envoy was sent to meet Liu Zhang on his own initiative.

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