The Three Kingdoms in the Ya Nei

Chapter 733 : Chapter 270 : The Golden Ping Khan

Among them, the tribes of Wuhuan were in turmoil, not to mention the former alliance.Extending from the territory of Youzhou to the north, all the ministries have different ideas, and they all set their sights on the passage from the Han territory to the grassland.

This is true of the various tribes of Wuhuan, Goguryeo, and Dongbuyu, which has just won the throne of king, and it is even more so.With the news, a storm suddenly brewed in the sky above the Northland.

On the originally peaceful prairie, there were suddenly countless scouts on scouts. When they came and went, people from different tribes all glared at each other. Small-scale fights happened from time to time in every corner of the prairie. endure.

No one knows when the Han envoy will arrive, or which way to go.Regarding the certainty of the source of the news, the Han Dynasty was surprisingly silent, and kept silent all the time, neither admitting nor denying it. Such a situation, in the eyes of various ministries, became a kind of tacit consent.

Everyone is guessing that this time the big man suddenly played this trick, probably because he wants to solve the border issue once and for all, support his family and unify northern Xinjiang.If this is the case, the Han envoy is mysterious, and he is probably secretly investigating and comparing the strengths of the various tribes. After all, supporting a powerful tribe is much more worry-free than supporting a weak one. [

The tribes that were finally recognized by the Han envoys will receive the Jade Book and Gold Vase issued by the Han Dynasty.The jade book is a record, and the golden vase is a symbol, both of which are indispensable.

In the Northern Territory, various ministries are scattered and scattered. Since the time when Tan Shihuai was alive, although a huge Xianbei power has been established, no one has ever been completely disappeared.Afterwards, Tan Shihuai died, and the various ministries re-divided their forces.Tracing back to the source, strength is certainly one of the reasons, and lack of fame is also the key.

Now, as soon as the big man's jade book and gold vase came out, it gave a rare opportunity to the tribe with strong self-confidence.No matter which side, it doesn't matter whether you are close to the big man or not, as long as you get these two things, you will have a dignified name.

This is like during the Warring States period, when the princes of the world fought for hegemony, but they still respected the emperor of Zhou on the surface.It is also like the land of the Central Plains today, the so-called holding the emperor to make the princes look like them.The Great Han, in name, is still the suzerain of the foreign races, and if it can be recognized by the suzerain, it will naturally stand on the political commanding heights.

The jade book and gold bottle, like the legendary dragon-slaying sword, came to the Northland suddenly with a dark murderous aura and mystery.The clouds move in all directions!

In this increasingly tense situation, the weather gradually turned cooler. When the strong north wind from Siberia first blew across the Northland Plain, there was a bustling scene in a depression outside Changbai Mountain.

The severe cold is approaching, and Changbai, which is located in the extreme north, is seeing the first heavy snowfall.In this era, there is no modern pointing device, and cotton underwear has not appeared. Therefore, at this time, no matter whether it is outside the Great Wall or the Central Plains, they will all die and recuperate.Otherwise, if you take one wrong step on the vast snowfield, you will never find the way back.Coupled with the terrifying white-haired wind, it is difficult for even a god to be able to advance and retreat freely in such an abject environment.

The bait has been released successfully, but to achieve the effect, it must go through a period of brewing and waiting patiently.

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