The Three Kingdoms in the Ya Nei

Chapter 774 : Chapter 285 : In Your Name

Chapter 285: In Your Name

"Hey, the horse and the donkey won't...>

puff!Damn it, do I look like a beast tamer?Teacher Liu's hair was full of black lines, and he looked at this girl very sadly.

"What, I heard that it has to wait for one of them to come into heat." Swallowing with difficulty, Teacher Liu explained in embarrassment.

"Rest? Oh, oh, how do you make them estrus? Do you want to seduce it? But I am a mare." Little stars appeared in Princess Jialan's eyes, and Mr. Liu, who came from a big man, was really knowledgeable, and he said it in one sentence The idea is on.It's just that she's pretty good at putting a man in heat, but putting a mare in heat isn't her thing. [

puff!Liu Zhang was struck again!What do you mean?Do you think I'm fit to put a mare in heat?Teacher Liu is in a lawsuit right now, and a crow flies past...>

"Ahem, well, don't you have a horse trainer in Goguryeo? I think it's more right for the Princess to ask them for advice on this question." Teacher Liu trembling, gnashing his teeth for advice.

"Oh, yes, hee hee, I forgot about them." Princess Jialan turned from anger to joy, smiling like a flower, her eyes curved and curved, very much like a fox.

"These days, I managed to find a male donkey, it's beautiful. Do you think the mules they give birth to will also be colorful? Hehe, I'm going to make a lot of beautiful mules, so that this strange beast will become It is unique to me in Goguryeo." Princess Jialan declared with her face flushed and her eyes shining brightly.

very powerful!Too powerful ideal!

Teacher Liu was speechless for a while, and could only swallow desperately, and raised his thumbs with both hands to show his admiration.

"Well, since you came, I haven't entertained you well. In order to express my gratitude, I invite you to have a meal at the best restaurant in our city." Princess Jialan still said very humanely, and finally said A word to comfort the very hurt Mr. Liu.

Teacher Liu breathed a sigh of relief, seeing the other party's earnest eyes, nothing to do, so he nodded in response.

The two of them left the room one after the other and walked downstairs.Yan Liangwenchou hurriedly followed behind, but they all had weird faces.I can't hold back, this princess is so strong and strong, but I can't see it in the big man, she can be called the best.

"If I succeed this time, I decide to name the mule after you, so as to highlight your achievements... >


There was a loud noise behind her, and Princess Jialan was startled. She turned her head and saw that Teacher Liu was lying on the stairs with her limbs stretched up and down.

Poor baby, she was so excited, alas, the name is so harmful.Princess Jialan shook her head slightly, a little disdainful and a little sighing.

Under the support of Uncle Yan and Second Master Wen, Liu Ya Nei got up tremblingly, his face full of disgrace.

Name a mule after me?Can such a great thing be given to other people in need?Liu Yanei really wanted to say, brother is very low-key and doesn't seek fame, okay?

"What, princess, look, you have done such a successful thing, you should be most grateful to your parents who gave birth to you and raised you, so that they gave you such a bright mind, so that you can I just completed such an achievement with trivial reminders. What should be thanked is the pure blood of your Goguryeo royal family. It is this superior bloodline that can prompt you to have such a rich imagination. So, what, as a Goguryeo A member of the royal family, when you get the honor, should you attribute this honor to them first, right? I am just an outsider, and I have not actually made any contribution. In my name, this, ahem, a It is really inappropriate to come here, and secondly, will it also cause dissatisfaction among other members of your royal family, saying that you have forgotten your roots? I am just a passer-by, I really don’t need this name, give it to them. The supreme glory belongs to your royal ancestors."

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