The Three Kingdoms in the Ya Nei

Chapter 87: Chapter 35: There is a girl Wu Amaranth

Chapter 35: There is a girl Wu Amaranth


At that time, seeing the joyful expression on his elder brother's face, apart from being shy, Wu Cheng was also greatly relieved.

Since the elder brother suddenly went back last night and told himself that Mr. Shi Jun wanted him to marry the fourth son of his family, Wu Cheng was only shy and nervous.Of course, there is also a trace of anticipation and curiosity.

Their Wu family has been the servants of Liu Shijun's family for two generations. Ever since his father passed away, Wu Cheng has seen his eldest brother often showing worry.After asking, I found out that the eldest brother was only worried about whether his family would still be reused by the envoy without his father's support. [

Love, especially this kind of love between superiors and subordinates, if there is no strong thing to maintain, it will last no more than two generations.As the saying goes, people take tea to cool down. When my father was alive, relying on the relationship between the old man and Liu Shijun, naturally there is no need to worry.

But now that my father is gone, my eldest brother can arrange a good post in the army, and Liu Shijun's place can be regarded as the past to my late father.What will happen in the future is really hard to say.If Shijun left his eldest brother there like this, it would be difficult for the Wu family to develop further.

Although Wu Cheng is a woman, she also knows that in the officialdom, if she does not advance, she will retreat.If there is no strong support, sooner or later it will be completely broken.But this time, Shi Jun actually wanted to get married. It was a rare opportunity for the eldest brother and the Wu family.As long as it can be done, both the eldest brother and the Wu family will have no worries.

A woman will marry sooner or later, and her elder brother will be like a father when her father is gone.My own marriage is naturally decided by my elder brother.The elder brother has always loved her dearly, and he will choose a suitable person for her.Wu Cheng never doubted this point.

Therefore, Wu Cheng was only worried about the failure of this marriage, but had no other thoughts.Fortunately, after seeing Mrs. Liu early this morning, Mrs. Liu was very satisfied. Wu Cheng's nervousness was gone, and she was only shy and curious.

The shy thing is that she is about to marry a woman.Curious, but I don't know what my husband looks like.From the moment Madam Liu nodded and confirmed the marriage, to the time she left Madam's room, Wu Cheng's mind was full of these thoughts.

Coincidentally, on the way out, I heard the servants of Liu's mansion talking about their fourth son, that is, my future husband, who was practicing some fairy art in the back garden.

The eldest brother thought for a while, and then pulled her over, making Wu Cheng nervous and looking forward to it.

When turning around the corridor and seeing the nimble figure in the garden, Wu Cheng was firmly attracted by that figure.

The figure could not be seen clearly, but perhaps because he was concentrating on practicing martial arts, his eyes were as bright as stars, bright enough to make one's heart beat.Those eyes are so deep, just looking at them makes Wu Cheng want to sink into them.

The courtyard was full of vigor, and the figure was like a mirror-like sea when it was still, and it was like a raging sea when it was moving.Every posture of the fit body is exquisite, and every movement shows the limit of human physical ability. It is both quiet and intense, and the strong contradictory feeling is condensed into an indescribable charm.

Waiting until the last sharp blow, there was an aura of shaking the world and crying ghosts and gods.At that moment, that figure seemed as tall as a mountain.

What else in the world can knock down such a mountain?At that moment, Wu Cheng couldn't help thinking about it.Before long, he will hide behind this mountain all his life, and he will shield himself from all wind and rain.Because, he is his future husband.

A feeling called security quietly stood up in her heart.

"Uh, your name...>

Wu Cheng raised his eyes and gave him a quick white look, feeling a little entangled.What is this evaluation?How can you say it well?Quirky.But she didn't know, she felt weird, and what her husband was thinking was even weirder.

wireless?Can it be used as TV?When will the cable be opened?Grandma, this girl looks so good-looking, why does she have such a strange name?His father is really ignorant!

But fortunately, it's not offline, otherwise it would be called bad, and being my wife can't have such a shameful name.While rolling his eyeballs, Liu Zhang cursed secretly in his stomach.

He likes beautiful women, and when he sees beautiful women, he will think about the great harem plan.Regarding this, Liu Zhang never concealed it.Since he felt that Wu Yi's fellow had such a hint that a certain wolf who was definitely not a vegetarian animal, he already regarded this beauty as a taboo in his heart. [

Catching the coquettish roll eyes of the beautiful woman Wu Cheng, Liu Zhang froze, and his eyes widened in an instant.

It's ambiguous!Brother encountered ambiguity!I'll fuck it!What are you talking about?Ecstasy!Yes, it's soul ecstasy!It's so ecstasy!Mommy, it's obvious now that Lang has affection and concubine's intentions. As a responsible man, can we remain indifferent?Can't!

To act!I'm sorry for my parents if I don't move, I'm sorry for the world if I don't move, and I'm sorry for that hygienic eye if I don't move!Liu Lang gritted his teeth and thought.

The sky is a little cloudy, I can't bear the shamelessness of the animal below, and a pile of dark clouds cover me... >

"Ahem, that, sister Cheng'er..." Liu Lang spoke, and Wu Cheng's heart trembled.

Is this calling Sister Cheng'er?It's been a while since we met, okay?Although it is decided that you are the husband, it has not yet become a fact, okay?Is it a little too fast?Wu Cheng blushed.

"...Well, what, look, the sun is shining, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. The so-called beautiful scenery cannot be let down. How about we go shopping?" Rubbing his hands, Liu Lang walked towards the beautiful woman as if nothing had happened.

Wu Cheng was dizzy when he heard that.

Look up, the sky is full of dark clouds.Look around, the dead branches sway.bird language?Not even a bird feather... >

There was hot air coming from behind the ears, she panicked, she turned her eyes slightly, and the husband actually leaned to her side, his eyes were really bright, and he stared at her with a wry smile.

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