Chapter 181 The Three of Us


Apart from Zhou Mo's fans, their fighting power is second to none when it comes to An Nei.

So, when they saw the photo Zhou Mo posted with the IG team, and the attached post "Two people fighting one and getting killed in return, do you know how to play this?", a group of people immediately ran to Du Qifeng and Huang Silang's Weibo and started having a meal together.

"That's it. Is Hong Kong film still glorious?"

"Alang? What's wrong with you, Alang?"

"I heard that my brother Sha Ma owes your Huang Si Lang a favor. Can you tell me more about it? I don't mean anything else. We brothers just want to open our eyes."

“Question: Is box office more important to Director Zhou, or is face more important to Director Zhou?”

"Answer: None of it matters. The absence of Huang Silang is very important to Director Zhou."

In less than twenty-four hours, the public opinion behind Huang Silang and Du Qifeng's Weibo posts completely changed.

The fans who were partying yesterday have now become dumb, defeated by Zhou Mo's fans.

They were also very puzzled.

Weren’t these Zhou Mo’s fans like quails yesterday, not saying anything back even when they were scolded?
Why are you so fierce today?
There are even fans who create comments under these two people’s Weibo and send them a greeting every day.

Seeing that Zhou Mo's fans are becoming more and more powerful, Da Tiantian is a little worried that this incident will have some bad impact on Zhou Mo.

"After all, Huang Silang is different from Du Qifeng and his gang. He is a front-stage figure, an actor, and his fans are too powerful."

Zhou Mo patted the big sweet moon, signaling her to be at ease.

In Da Tiantian's knife-like eyes, he explained: "First, although Huang Silang is a front-stage figure, he is old, his fans are also old, and now we have entered a new era in the entertainment industry. The sea of ​​the new era cannot accommodate an old ship like him.

Second, my fans are better at reading the wind direction than I am. Tiantian, don’t bring the fan style of ordinary stars into this group of people.

Haven't you noticed that my fans, since they were formed, have never taken the initiative to attack others when the battle situation is unclear, or to build teams everywhere, and will not decide whether to leave the battlefield until the result is known? So don't worry that these people will have a bad influence on me.

In the end, I gave Huang Silang enough chances. I waited for him for a full twenty-four hours, but he didn't contact me once. That's not how you play the game.

Look, Brother Long, because "Chinese Zodiac" is going to be released in a few days, a few days ago there was a wave of conflicts between Brother Long and I when we were filming "The Myth". Some of the content in it was even true, but Brother Long immediately called me to explain.

Huang Silang can turn a blind eye to the slanderous news about me online for the sake of box office and publicity, so I won't have any burden to take action against him next time."

Da Tiantian looked at Zhou Mo, who was wearing a black turban on his head, a fake white beard above his lips, a suit, and holding a cat in his arms.

She always felt that this outfit was very familiar, yet somewhat out of place.

He threw the clothes on the sofa to Zhou Mo and took the cat.

"Hurry up and change your clothes. Besides, our box office revenue went against growth again yesterday."

Zhou Mo unashamedly put on his suit in front of Da Tiantian and changed into casual clothes: "Normal, this is why I have been looking for someone to compete with. The benefits of a bad movie are too great, especially a bad movie by a big director and a novice actor...

It’s a pity that “Big Shanghai” is the last bad movie in December, and there won’t be another such opportunity in the future.”

According to the current situation, the box office of "Chu and Han" will not only exceed 10 billion, but even 11 billion will not be a problem.

It has reached the level of its previous film "Lost in Thailand".

The difference is that Lost in Thailand is a comedy.

Naturally, it has a box office advantage over other types of movies.

As for "Chu and Han", it was the level of Quanping itself and a group of "friendly forces" that pushed it to the top of the 1 billion box office.

Left the hotel.

Zhou Mo met with the main creators.

A group of people looked at Zhou Mo with a smile on his face, looking a little embarrassed.

Before, whether they really felt that "Chu and Han" could not compete with "Great Shanghai City" and wanted to contribute to the movie box office, or just to show themselves, they all firmly expressed their willingness to join the "spending money on publicity" plan.

At that time, everyone was united as one.

Now, when a group of people recalled what they had said before, they had only one feeling in their hearts.


It was so embarrassing that my toes were about to burst my shoes and socks.

Especially Liu Yifei.

Although she is a little silly, she still has the ability to read people's expressions.

After she said that yesterday, she noticed the changes in Zhou Mo and Huang Xiaoming's expressions.

It was a smile that was almost like "doting".

Usually, this kind of smile only appears on the faces of our elders.

When Zhou Mo was filming "Chu and Han", he touched her head and said with this smile: "Xixi, how can you be a silly child, silly child..."

So, she went to Huang Xiaoming that afternoon to confirm the situation.

Only then did I realize that what I said, although it sounded great on the surface, was actually equivalent to blocking the way for others.

So, now Liu Yifei feels embarrassed and grateful.

She was grateful to Zhou Mo for saving her face and not making herself the target of public criticism.

She looked at Zhou Mo with a strange look in her eyes.

Zhou Mo had no idea what these people were thinking. He just announced the tasks for today's roadshow as usual and then prepared to leave.

As soon as he turned around, Huang Xiaoming called him.

Huang Xiaoming came up and gave him a bear hug: "Director Zhou, from today on, you are my God!"

Zhou Mo punched him immediately.

"Fuck, Huang, are you crazy? I don't allow homosexuality here!"

Liu Yifei covered her mouth and laughed secretly.

Explained: "Director Zhou, Brother Xiaoming is so happy. He has been living in the shadow of Huang Silang for almost ten years. Now he has the chance to defeat him, so of course he is excited."

Zhou Mo was stunned for a moment, then reacted: "Shanghai Beach?"

Huang Xiaoming couldn't stop nodding, with a look of deep gratitude on his face.

He lit a cigarette and talked about the past.

"When Sun Li and I were filming The Bund, my role as Xu Wenqiang was generally well received in mainland China, but Hong Kong gave me very good reviews.

However, after "New Shanghai Bund" became completely popular and was even broadcast several times in Southeast Asia, the wind in Hong Kong changed. People said that I was not as good as Xu Wenqiang played by Huang Silang, and that my face was greasy.

I admit that my Xu Wenqiang is indeed not as good as the previous versions, but there are many better versions. It’s not like Huang Silang’s Xu Wenqiang is the only one who is strong. My brother’s Xu Wenqiang is also very strong. However, the media only compared Huang Silang from beginning to end, so I know what’s going on…”

These words explained the whole story of what happened that year.

Zhou Mo patted Huang Xiaoming's shoulder with an exclamatory look.

"Brother Xiaoming, you have worked hard over the years. It's a pity that I can't understand your feelings. After all, I have never fought against the wind since my debut." Huang Xiaoming: ...

Seeing that Huang Xiaoming was about to cry, Liu Yifei hurried to comfort him.

"Brother Xiaoming, I was actually miserable back then. I was criticized for filming Little Dragon Girl, Wang Yuyan, and Zhao Linger. But my mom told me that these are the only way to become famous in the entertainment industry, so we managed to make it through."

Zhou Mo didn't let Liu Yifei go either.

Wait for her to finish, then finish her off.

"Xixi, Xiaoming has really made it. After all, he is now qualified to compete for three gold medals. All that's left is to wait for an opportunity.

As for you, you are still far from it now, just bear with it."

Liu Yifei:......

I am really blind.

Just now I was thinking that this person was really nice and could give you a big blow in the blink of an eye.

Huang Xiaoming saw that Liu Yifei was about to blush, so he tried to change the subject.

"Speaking of which, Director Zhou, I have been thinking about a question recently."


"Since this period, Chu and Han have successively defeated many blockbuster films, all of which have hired well-known actors, but all of them have failed after their release.

Huayi did some statistics and analyzed the differences between several movies. In addition to the director's ability and publicity, it was found that the biggest difference between the movies was actually the script.

The script of "Chu and Han" is not at the same level as the scripts of other movies.

The importance of big-name actors, on the other hand, ranks last.

Does this mean that the future film market will pay more attention to the quality of the script, and the importance of stars will become less and less important? "

In the past few days, Huayi's report has begun to circulate on a small scale in the industry.

Many people are thinking about this question.

After all, whether it is "1942" or "The Banquet", they can really be described as star-studded.

Especially "1942", even an Oscar winner was invited.

It still lost money at the box office.

Afterwards, many company operators noticed this oddball Zhou Mo.

Compared with other big directors who like to use big-name actors, Zhou Mo has basically used unknown small roles in the three films before his debut, except for "Chu and Han".

"Love Is Not Blind" used Da Tiantian and Lei Jiayin, both of whom failed.

"New World", although Sun Honglei is famous, he is only limited to the television circle and is a complete newcomer in the film circle.

In "John Wick", Zhang Jin even needs his wife to help promote the film.

But without exception, these films have achieved very good results.

Even including "Chu and Han", among the main characters, only Chen Daoming has enough experience and can carry the box office.

As for the remaining two, He Rundong and Duan Yihong, they have not achieved much in the film industry.

So, Huayi came to a conclusion.

In the future, the script of a movie will become more and more important.

In comparison, the importance of actors will gradually decrease.

Of course, there is another reason why Huayi released this conclusion——

Lower the price.

With the development of the domestic film and television industry, it is inevitable that actors' salaries will become higher and higher.

At present, the top salary for actresses alone is 20 million.

This price is quite a burden for a movie.

As for male stars, it’s even higher.

Huang Silang's salary for the role in "Big Shanghai" was over 50 million. After the movie flopped, Yu Dong directly announced in the internal group that Huang Silang would never be used again.

So, when the two Wangs "discovered" that actors might not be that important in a movie, they naturally started to think:
The importance of actors has decreased. In other words, when you hire actors in the future, you won’t need to pay them such high salaries.

Although Huayi is a wealthy family, if it can save on film remuneration, why not do it?

Of course, Zhou Mo currently doesn’t know what the big and small Wangs are thinking.

He simply thought it was a good thing.

"The appeal of actors will always exist and will never disappear, but it is also true that it is getting weaker and weaker. In the next ten years, the quality of movies will become the most important factor in determining box office. The combination of director and actor's fame can only make the audience believe it once, and it is basically impossible to believe it more than once."

Zhou Mo used the term of ten years cautiously.

According to his memory.

Ten years later, it is almost time for "Detective Chinatown 3" to be released.

Director Chen earned tens of billions of yuan in box office revenue through the popularity he gained from his previous films.

But it also indirectly ruined the reputation of the "Detective Chinatown" series.

He even gave Director Jia a helping hand and directly deified him.

Since then.

Talented people emerge in every generation, and the old are replaced by the new.

But he had no way of describing the market after that.

Because some things are too magical and beyond his understanding.

Huang Xiaoming and Liu Yifei had different reactions when they heard this.

The leader thought for a moment and then regained his composure.

If the future is really as Director Zhou said, then all he has to do is take on fewer bad movies and make a living by relying on his own skills.

But Liu Yifei was very panicked.

She's not worried about her ability to hold down the box office.

Anyway, there was basically none.

But she cared about the script.

After all, neither she nor her mother has been very good at choosing scripts.

(End of this chapter)

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